c99 x Haze/Sativa

There is way to take in all of the verbage for now (its Saturday night glunk glunk glunk) ..... I just germinated some BX-1 C99 Mosca (bought from Seed Depot), there are no lot numbers like Ive seen on other Mosca packaging. Space is limited at the time so I only germed 2 of the 10 seeds received this past week. What I am thinking about doing is comparing this Mosca batch to the more expensive Greenthumb feminized C99. I have heard that fem is far inferior to reg. buy then again I found that mechanical clone systems are bull shit. Thats right...clear plastic wraped with celephane has a better success rate than that spray crap....just takes longer.

Anyhow its time to match fem. Greenthumb feminine to Mosca regular....and furthermore to see if feminized produces more nut/vagin. plants than regular. Of coarse such an endevour takes a certain amount of realestate and since I dont live in Colorado that will take some time.
There is way to take in all of the verbage for now (its Saturday night glunk glunk glunk) ..... I just germinated some BX-1 C99 Mosca (bought from Seed Depot), there are no lot numbers like Ive seen on other Mosca packaging. Space is limited at the time so I only germed 2 of the 10 seeds received this past week. What I am thinking about doing is comparing this Mosca batch to the more expensive Greenthumb feminized C99. I have heard that fem is far inferior to reg. buy then again I found that mechanical clone systems are bull shit. Thats right...clear plastic wraped with celephane has a better success rate than that spray crap....just takes longer.

Anyhow its time to match fem. Greenthumb feminine to Mosca regular....and furthermore to see if feminized produces more nut/vagin. plants than regular. Of coarse such an endevour takes a certain amount of realestate and since I dont live in Colorado that will take some time.

Nice, I'de like to see those.

I've never tried the cloner machines either. I like the nursery tray and humidity dome. spray bottle and oasis cubes. Many people love their clone machines though. There must be something to that.

I use to be all regs no fem too. I tried my first fem 1 year ago. No problems here. Just tried 2 more a few months ago but the verdict on those is still out.
If what I want is only in a fem version, I won't pass it up just to stick with regs.
And thanks for bringing up the Mosca... it looks like many people rave about it.

I;m set on the Greenthumb pack, but perhaps running 5 Mosca and 5 Greenthumb in search of a great C99 would be a good idea.

Both Iron Cindy and Sweet Haze sound very appealing though. A longer flowering haze x c99 just seems like something more would be doing. You could shorten the flower time and hold on to that sativa high.
Nice, I'de like to see those.

I've never tried the cloner machines either. I like the nursery tray and humidity dome. spray bottle and oasis cubes. Many people love their clone machines though. There must be something to that.

I use to be all regs no fem too. I tried my first fem 1 year ago. No problems here. Just tried 2 more a few months ago but the verdict on those is still out.
If what I want is only in a fem version, I won't pass it up just to stick with regs.

Cloning-wise for me it depends on the medium. Right now I move clones into either a rockwool cube flood and drain system or into dwc buckets with growstones, depending on how big the plants get. If they are going into 6x6 cubes, I start them in root riot plugs, and if they will go into the DWC buckets I use my clone machines. I get good success rates either way. I don't generally buy fem seeds, more because I am always on the lookout for a good breeding male.
Looking for some c99/apollo x haze/sativa... something like c99 x J Lambsbread... or apollo x Columbian Gold. You get the idea.
Anyone know who is making these sorts of crosses?
El Dorado
Mekong Haze
Original Haze... that sort of thing.

I've got a journal going in my signature of a cross from Classic that may be of interest to you. It's a Thai & Columbian Gold x (C99 x Romulan) cross. I'm at day 43 right now, check it out if you'd like: https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/566752-classic-seeds-grow-journal.html
I have 2 C99 that are almost big enough to clone and another 4 that are seedlings...6/6 germination rate. Decided to hold off on the Greenthumb and invest in something to get rid of the fungal attacks on my Jack Herer SS Haze crosses. I saw some C99 SS Haze cross for sale on Seedbay along with some other crosses Iv never heard of before.