buying clones?


Active Member
Hello all, is it possible to buy clones anywhere where weed is not legal? i live on the east coast(USA) to be vague, medical isnt here yet, im the only person i know who grows (and i wouldnt really call myself a grower lol) but i want to buy some clones!! is there is possible way to get them shipped kinda like you get seeds shipped, but in a timely, somehow safe-for-the-clone way? or if anyone on here can trust that im not police and wants to go ahead and PM me ;) feel free. i wont tell i promise lol


Active Member
lol not sure what the bacon pic is supposed to mean.. but yeah i just learned that 24 hours of dark will kill a fragile clone, basically making it impossible to buy one and have it shipped :(


Ursus marijanus
SensiHerb, a friendly tip ... if you post anything in the open fora that could be construed as a "I'm looking for some; will anybody help?" message, most veterans' automatic internal response is "cop". cn


Active Member
ahhhh gotcha... i mean i wasnt putting myself out there asking if someone would sell me weed, but its basically the same as buying seeds from over seas. its illegal but i was pointed in the right direction and got the job done. didnt know it was impossible for a clone to be in the dark for 24 hours and survive, therefor thought it might be possible to get clones shipped from somewhere where cannabis is legal.