Busted 4 days after 420

well shit. thats got to be the dumbest thing ever man. im sorry to hear that and i give my best, they just over react about pot because they really think they can stop it. unlike heroin and cocaine. its stupid like you said they should be out looking for people doing real harm to the socioty i could understand if you had a meth lab or something because if that was the case and the guy living next door was cooking up meth i would probly call him in. but over some home grown bud. thats stupid but at least you get some respect being called a "Sophisticated Grower" thats a pretty cool thing coming from the cops. but yeah man i hope everything turns out okay for you.

all this kinda makes me nervous because i grow a little bit. i only have 7 plants but still. idk.

Makes me nervous. I just started 24 plants.. And its my 3rd grow...I think Im far from sophisticated as a grower. They made you sound like you were supplying the whole city, All the local teenagers and Kids....27 plants don't sound like that much really....$25,000???? Whatever......

Stay up man.
yeah, real bullshit. this shit gets me goin like i can't even tell ya!#@%$^&*!@#$%$#@!@#$%^!!!!!!!!!!!!! 30 years in jail for 25 plants? man i think thats worse than here in PA. a guy in my county raped, killed, and cut ino little pieces a 3 year old girl and got out in 10 years for good behaviour. these laws are so out of wack, how can you get more time for growing personnel grass than you would get for murder?!?!?!?!?!?!?!. it's time for revolution.(this was a response to an earlier post)
"I wasnt endangering my kid. not like i was cookin up dope where the fumes coudl affect her. if anytihing the smell, if any_ made my daughters appetite increase which is a good thing." LMAO, dat shits funny.. but im sorry bout what happened man dat larry is jus a waste, cant do nothing but lagh at him.
Damn i didnt know america was dat strict on da weed subject...U shud move to spain or mexico man.

once again sorry bout dat shit where im from if da pigs even come try hard enough to bust weed growers (wich they dont even bother) they would just take it and smoke it i meen everyone smokes weed man.. and to think they said u we gonna take it to the schoolls and shit is jus sad...whats da point in selling if you have a job and smoke weed..

good ta see your back on your feet tho!
you know what. I'm smarter than you. I know what I'm talking about. and again obviously you people see marijuana as a drug. well, it isn't. and you know what else? nothing you or anybody says will ever change what I believe. and I believe 13 is old enough to smoke weed
Ok sorry to revive this but this kid is retarded.

The end.

PS: Sorry to hear about that brah, real shame about everything. I'm reading most of this now, at about page 30 :blsmoke:

If I added much more, it would have been said a bunch before, but you have my respect and condolence.
well shit. thats got to be the dumbest thing ever man. im sorry to hear that and i give my best, they just over react about pot because they really think they can stop it. unlike heroin and cocaine. its stupid like you said they should be out looking for people doing real harm to the socioty i could understand if you had a meth lab or something because if that was the case and the guy living next door was cooking up meth i would probly call him in. but over some home grown bud. thats stupid but at least you get some respect being called a "Sophisticated Grower" thats a pretty cool thing coming from the cops. but yeah man i hope everything turns out okay for you.

all this kinda makes me nervous because i grow a little bit. i only have 7 plants but still. idk.

that's just cause they're trying to rile up the story for the media and sound like it was a huge bust. Or he just has no idea what he's fucking talking about. Probably both.

I mean come on, $25,000k? This is what the war on drugs is. They make little busts and make them look huge, and when they get huge busts they make them look enormous.

The war on drugs is the media telling us it's working.

Congratulations by the way man, you'll be getting some +rep
That ham sammich is in his beard. Maybe that would be a great place for small stealth grow. Give Larry enough alky to put him into a stupor, place two clones, then catch up with at harvest time, spin him around a few times until he's really dizzy and then harvest!
hey again yall. so my medical lady signed over her grow rights . easy as that im able to have 15 plants any stages at once. not at my current residence of course and of course i aint makin the same mistakes again. just thought id keep you all informed, i can possess 24 ounces dried and cured and her prescriptions as a provider. all it was was a couple sheets of paper signed by the doctors and her. fun times.

who exactly is your grow lady? Just someone you know that needs it for medication? Or like your moms? Also, because she signed you over you got the charges dropped? Sorry there were a lot of holes i could not find. 100 pages =/
The Medical MJ laws in WA are pretty darn lenient. Anyone wishing to grow can do so without fear of local LE as long as they follow some very simple, very easy guidelines.

Grow legally (state and local), it's easy, and your only security concern will be from rippers.

It's good everything turned out ok for the OP, but it was also completely unecessary.

All the best.
True I don't think I'd grow with a kid in the house unless it was legal. But holy shit it's not a meth lab! the plants put off lots of oxygen might actually be good for the kid. I like how in the video neighbors said they were a nice younger couple with no traffic and he even mowed their yard without asking.
Shit I wish my neighbor grew pot and mowed my yard who gives a shit!.

Just my .02 I've done the ol 12+1 in the state pen just wasting time living the dream and damn shame over a plant.
i never got the charges dropped. i had to do the 41 days in work release. as for being a legal provider im done with that. the lady i was doing it for got too greedy . so just like foreskin, she was cut off!! hehe. im very surprised this thread made it up to 100 pages.