Busted 4 days after 420


Well-Known Member
hmmm read the first page looked like it wasn't gonna be a good deal with the child involved...I would just like to say I have my own op going and I have a daughter also and i actully think our children are the exact same age. My question is "What did it make you feel like growing in a house your child stayed in" Because personally i feel like a P.O.S sometimes, Then other times i feel like im being selfish. As i watch here walk around. Tell me what you guys think.
Buddy as long as you know your a good parent & your child is being loved than thats all that counts,there is no way on earth you should feel like a peice of shit because you grow,if anybody should feel bad its the people who take children away from loving parents over some weed,its the police who have their priorities all fuked up not you,as long as your a good parent dont let them leave that guilt trip on you,what counts is how you interact with your family & how you feel about each other as a family,not what the public & police feel about you or your family.

The way i see it growing personal stash is the act of a responsible parent,in todays economy it's bad business sense to spend hard earned cash on something you can grow at home for next to nothing,growing your own supply leaves more money for the family,this is something that booze drinkers can not say,they cost their family money.
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Well-Known Member
exactly havent harvested yet. just put em on 12/12 . theres only 15 which is the legal amount here. found 4 males early , deciding whether or not to just have a seed harvest and start again later in the future. or to chop the males and take the females .


Well-Known Member
Great stuff man, thats a story evryone likes to hear ;)

Great comeback, and your growing .. :)

cool .. wish u all the best


Active Member
Haha keep at it man. I just read this thread for the first time. If you live in America, don't stress it. The country is ass backwards and pure evil in my eyes. They made nature illegal but shove alcohol in my face everywhere I go. Weed makes me feel like hugging ppl and being creative. Alcohol makes me get egotistical, desensitized, and violent. After years and years of propoganda films the American government has far too much pride to admit they were wrong about marijuana and adjust how they govern it.


Well-Known Member
got a problem! spider flippin mites. on all 14 . with their damn little webs they make eatin from top to bottom . lady bugs and spray should be here on wednesday.


New Member
Man,why dnt you put a hit out on the LARRY?? Hes a real nuisance,fuck that son of a bitch!! and whoever wants his number,im a licened private investigator,and have comeup with all his info..


Well-Known Member
dude it seems really not smart to be talkin about ur new grow on here without changin ur user name at least. unless ur goin legal and have ur med card or somethin.


Well-Known Member
god damn dude.. it's always sad when this happens .. sounds like you were doing it right except keeping it on the DL ... and fuck that neighbor what a damn ass hole . fuck that ignorant cop also .. at least they didnt mention RIU ha .. thats 25 grand worth in pot? shit! .... FDD had millions then wtf this makes me pissed man ... larry is a fat fuck