Bush gets shoes thrown at him

there were thousands of Iraqis protesting today to let the shoe thrower out of jail...burning old george in effigy...
Just George?Not maps of the United States?Gosh, I guess that means they realize George Bush doesn't represent the views of ALL Americans....Is anyone protesting Bush getting shoes thrown at him?
there were thousands of Iraqis protesting today to let the shoe thrower out of jail...burning old george in effigy...
Reading the majority of the posts in this thread has me shaking my head in utter disbelief. Most of you are very sorry excuses for Americans ... those who actually live in the U.S., that is. I mean, the president of the U.S. is on foreign soil, is accosted by some muther-fucking asshole, and you think its a fucking joke? Fuck you! :finger:

Is it any wonder the country is going down the shit-hole? With citizens like you guyz, I'll give it another 10-15 years before you are all nothing but indentured servants. What a bunch of stupid, moronic, imbecilic fucks ... :cuss:


I usually agree with you VI, and to some extent here, I do. Its pretty fucked up, but Im sorry its funny in a fucked up way. I saw it on TMZ and they played that Austin Powers "come on, who throws a shoe". lol. I mean come on, he threw shoes. If it was a serious threat Id be really pissed but this is just funny as hell.
Yeah, I mean, he wasn't trying to kill him...He just knew that some people are so dumb they have to get hit in the face with the truth before they get it.:lol
I usually agree with you VI, and to some extent here, I do. Its pretty fucked up, but Im sorry its funny in a fucked up way. I saw it on TMZ and they played that Austin Powers "come on, who throws a shoe". lol. I mean come on, he threw shoes. If it was a serious threat Id be really pissed but this is just funny as hell.
Hey bud your missing the point… Yeah he is without a doubt the worst president ever…. Just my opinion, but he is our leader.


Packs of dogs have leaders...

As the figurehead of a democracy he should be no more than a representative of the american people of today.

What your wishes are today, come to think of it even following the constitution seems to be living to the will of people who lived and died hundreds of years ago.
I disagree with this part only.Our country was founded by people, but it was built on an idea, man.A great truth, that all people are created equal.And that power is corruption.If anything, I wish we would get back to the original idea of the founders.Because we have strayed from truth straight into the death of this country.If only we'd stop screaming and take a breath and listen.:peace:

come to think of it even following the constitution seems to be living to the will of people who lived and died hundreds of years ago.
I didn't say you couldn't want some of the same things they wanted today still, but surely you should have some choice in this?

Amen to what you said though.

And DO know that the world takes great interest in what goes on over there as we do tend to copy all the things that seem to be advantageous, never mind how bad they are.
I do have a choice,I choose not to support Bush.I choose to smoke pot, even though my country tells me I can't.I choose not to conform,to speak my mind.Life is full of choices, the only one that can really stop you is you.Death comes for everybody sooner or later.There's no reason to fear it.You've got to decide how you feel.Sometimes the majority agrees with you, and sometimes it doesn't.At worst you're going to die.Living in fear isn't living.I'm rambling now, lol.:leaf:
I didn't say you couldn't want some of the same things they wanted today still, but surely you should have some choice in this?

Amen to what you said though.

And DO know that the world takes great interest in what goes on over there as we do tend to copy all the things that seem to be advantageous, never mind how bad they are.
I disagree with this part only.Our country was founded by people, but it was built on an idea, man.A great truth, that all people are created equal.And that power is corruption.If anything, I wish we would get back to the original idea of the founders.Because we have strayed from truth straight into the death of this country.If only we'd stop screaming and take a breath and listen.:peace:

Its why I want an island somewhere far away, where pot can grow free for stoners like me. :leaf:
but I still cant let myself be swayed by herd thinking, so i remain here vigilantly waiting for the vindication of history,
Yeah ... I hear Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini are still waiting for that vindication as well ... :roll:

throwin that shoe was like throwing a shoe at george washington after he won the revolution

When did Washington torture people? When did Washington invade a sovereign nation? When did Washington steal elections? When did Washington kill his fellow Americans in a false flag operation? When did Washington start a war to help line the pockets of his elite friends in the MIC ... When did Washington illegally spy on his fellow Americans? ... When did Washington subvert the constitution? ... When did Washington break the laws of the land? To compare a war criminal to Washington show just how whacked you bushies are ... :spew:

i bet money the Iraqi deaths since the begining of this war is nothing even close the the huge number of deaths that would have occured and had been occuring while suddam was in power

not even including the sick children dieing form the embargos

As usual ... you lose bushie ...
Between 60,000 and 150,000 Iraqi dissidents and Shia Muslims are estimated to have been killed during Hussein's reign. Over 100,000 Kurds were killed or "disappeared".

While under the illegal US occupation ...

#1. Over One Million Iraqi Deaths Caused by US Occupation


which if no action was taken would have kept them suffering all these years

so no, I cant, I disagree with most all the poeple and thier toughts on this subject.

It's pretty obvious that if the illegal occupation had not happen more Iraqis would be alive:o
Yeah ... I hear Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini are still waiting for that vindication as well ... :roll:

When did Washington torture people? When did Washington invade a sovereign nation? When did Washington steal elections? When did Washington kill his fellow Americans in a false flag operation? When did Washington start a war to help line the pockets of his elite friends in the MIC ... When did Washington illegally spy on his fellow Americans? ... When did Washington subvert the constitution? ... When did Washington break the laws of the land? To compare a war criminal to Washington show just how whacked you bushies are ... :spew:

As usual ... you lose bushie ...
Between 60,000 and 150,000 Iraqi dissidents and Shia Muslims are estimated to have been killed during Hussein's reign. Over 100,000 Kurds were killed or "disappeared".

While under the illegal US occupation ...

#1. Over One Million Iraqi Deaths Caused by US Occupation


It's pretty obvious that if the illegal occupation had not happen more Iraqis would be alive:o

mate washington owned alot of fucking slaves. that's alot of fucking torture. washington ran a war(didnt start it, but decided to be the spearhead) so him and his 'elite friends' could become the rich white landowners in a country that wasnt their own. what are you on about?

bush, sure he's bad. washington our savior? no. wrong.

anyways, that shoe video was funny. G Dub has some skills. Ninja skills.

"hehehe....So what if a guy threw a shoe at me?"

rock on. :clap:
I Was sio high last night watching that video like 1,000 times, i havnt laughed that hard in a while, it was so funny, jus seein his face after the first shoe was thrown hahahaha, he got some good dodging skill tho ;)
Cannabox, the flawed thinking is yours, if you are paying attention; he is getting support from news media around the world. He lost family members to bushs' crimal bombings. I think that what he did reflexs what most Iraqi's feel, they would like to do more than throw shoes at the monster.

After thinking things over, I've come to the perfect punishment for the shoe-thrower: Take him into a sound proof room so his screams can't be heard. Remove his socks ... no need to remove his shoes because he's been very accommodating in that respect, tie his legs so that his feet are facing up in the air, then give the bottoms of his feet 100 hard lashes from a cane. In between each lash, he is to shout out: "This is the punishment I would have received from Saddam's henchmen if I had thrown my shoes at Saddam before President Bush freed me and my countrymen from Saddam's brutal regime! I am sorry, Mr. Bush!" If he doesn't shout out those exact words, the last lash doesn't count toward the 100 and he must take that lash over again. Then bring his young daughters, his young sons and his wife into the room and rape the hell out of them while he watches. As Saddam's sons would have done, start with the wife and work down to the youngest child. Then, instead of cutting his head off, let him go free as a reminder for his friends and relatives of exactly what Bush has done for the Iraqi people.


This is the president of the United States. I'd be pissed if someone threw a shoe at Obama, I don't like Obama in the slightest but I wouldn't allow such disrespect.

Seriously, what the hell is the matter with you people? This generation sucks.
After thinking things over, I've come to the perfect punishment for the shoe-thrower: Take him into a sound proof room so his screams can't be heard. Remove his socks ... no need to remove his shoes because he's been very accommodating in that respect, tie his legs so that his feet are facing up in the air, then give the bottoms of his feet 100 hard lashes from a cane. In between each lash, he is to shout out: "This is the punishment I would have received from Saddam's henchmen if I had thrown my shoes at Saddam before President Bush freed me and my countrymen from Saddam's brutal regime! I am sorry, Mr. Bush!" If he doesn't shout out those exact words, the last lash doesn't count toward the 100 and he must take that lash over again. Then bring his young daughters, his young sons and his wife into the room and rape the hell out of them while he watches. As Saddam's sons would have done, start with the wife and work down to the youngest child. Then, instead of cutting his head off, let him go free as a reminder for his friends and relatives of exactly what Bush has done for the Iraqi people.

in a round about less violent way, i agree.


This is the president of the United States. I'd be pissed if someone threw a shoe at Obama, I don't like Obama in the slightest but I wouldn't allow such disrespect.

Seriously, what the hell is the matter with you people? This generation sucks.

i agree here aswell, on all things said. but ninja bush did pretty well, snickering it off like he does.