Bus beheading in Canada...


Well-Known Member
ive been at gunpoint and held up with a knife its not fun, but i have the ability to stay calm in a situation[:weed:] and i believe i would have waited for him to turn around and gave him a full force kick in the testicles


Well-Known Member
I'm from victoria BC, and yeah that story was pretty devastating, especially since it happened so close to home. I heard that the murderer was an elderly fellow in a tour bus full of elderly's. the wierdest part was that he was a well known guy, and his temperment was really calm, then all of a sudden he pulls a knife and starts stabbing the DRIVER of the bus (not a passenger). As you could imagine a bunch of old folks and how horrified they would be, especially as he told them to sit and watch as he cut the dudes head off. THEN after he cut the head off he picked it up and literally started waving it in their faces. How fucked would that be?

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Let's all keep our fingers crossed that his lawyer doesn't try to pull some bullshit like

"your honor, my client smoked a marijuana cigarette at the stop before the incident
and this is what made him do this terrible thing"

I can almost picture the "dudley do rights" believing bullshit like that and using it to demonstrate their view on the "evils" of our beloved mj :(


Well-Known Member
Let's all keep our fingers crossed that his lawyer doesn't try to pull some bullshit like

"your honor, my client smoked a marijuana cigarette at the stop before the incident
and this is what made him do this terrible thing"

I can almost picture the "dudley do rights" believing bullshit like that and using it to demonstrate their view on the "evils" of our beloved mj :(
He may even have had a hot knife beforehand.:joint:


Well-Known Member
Well... in defense of our neighbors to the North..... the lunatic is an immigrant from China. Even if he were a Canadian from birth.... CRAZY is not limited to any one geographic location.... we certainly have our fair share here in the US. :mrgreen:
you are right floridagirl..
does not matter where you where born you still can be crazy..
canada needs better imagration law, not saying it would help in this case
but you read articals or tv news on some guy was deported but he got back into country and then murdered these people.
i think if everybody would smoked bud.
it would be alot better world...:hump:
that is why canadians are so friendly because alot of us are on the bud:joint::peace:


Reasons why Canada kicks ass in my opinion...

1) They may have one beheading this year... But we've probably had 1,000.
2) Pot
3) Pot
4) Pot
5) ????


New Member
Canada ROCKSSS!!!
but yes we DO need more strict immigration laws.
We are sometimes too friggin nice to strangers :|


New Member
If we were all allowed to carry around guns we would have a lot more deaths :confused:

are people allowed to carry a gun around in canada? cuz if theyre not then if they were allowed to it probably would have saved that mans life. this is an absolutely disgusting story. especially since

all i hear about people from canada is that theyre the nicest people in the world. now im gonna have to roll up a blunt :blsmoke:
we are the nicest people in the world. :mrgreen:

Well... in defense of our neighbors to the North..... the lunatic is an immigrant from China.yes and thank you. :?

Even if he were a Canadian from birth.... CRAZY is not limited to any one geographic location.... we certainly have our fair share here in the US. :mrgreen:
Amen to THAT!!!!!!! No kidding you guys do

how could someone save this guy gettin stabbed when after one or 2 stabs its likly he would die anyways?? im from canada and it is the best country in the world!!! OH CANADA :p
Oh Canada
our home and native land



Well-Known Member
The man was probably in front with a view of every one. If you put your self in that situation every1 was probably quiet just staring. Cant really plan anything without him hearing. Then if you approach him he chases you insanely with a knife swinging.