Bus beheading in Canada...

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
And you disarm somebody with a hunting knife how?

With the help of my friends Smith & Wesson ;)

I have a CCW permit and rarely leave home without a firearm strapped onto me. It's a personal choice that isn't for everyone and I would never suggest someone who is not comfortable or skilled in the use of them carry.

My personal thought on crime is this: if it's a robbery (or other crime where no one is being physically harmed) then I will simply stand aside... try to be observant so I can be a good witness when the police arrive but under no circumstances will I pull out my gun and charge into the frey. If no one is being harmed then there is no need or justification for escalating the situation by confronting the criminal.

On the other hand... if someone is being harmed to the point I fear for their life.... and I don't hear sirens like they are right around the corner coming to help the victim then it's time to step up and do something.... this is why I carry and why I actively participate in defensive shooting training and competition. To be prepared for the day I hope never comes.

In the case of the bus.... I doubt anyone carrying a firearm could have got back to the back of the bus in time (you can't shoot through a herd of people trying to exit the bus) to save the victim's life.... but I'm pretty sure they could have got back there before the wacko cut off his head and gutted him. One shot... fired safely from say 5 ft right between the eyes.... criminal stopped!

I hope the coroner's report shows that the guy died on the first stab because I think it's HORRIFIC to think of him being conscious, unable to do anything and then his last thought being that he is going to die right there with NO ONE attempting to help him. I imagine that thought being hard on his family too. :(

There is no need to debate me on the evils of guns.... I'm pro gun and always will be. I won't try to force anyone to carry one so no need to try to force me not to. I put the time and money into good firearms, proper training, legal carry permit, on-going participation in defensive shooting training. I'm proficient in my firearm skills and well aware of my responsibilities as a gun owner..... so please spare me the "reckless gun owner" lecture... that is not me.


Well-Known Member
The guy was using a HUNTING KNIFE!!!

The victim was most likely dead (at least beyond saving) before anyone on that bus realized what was going on.

Tom Cruise may have been able to save him...

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
The victim was most likely dead (at least beyond saving) before anyone on that bus realized what was going on.

If there is any chance he is still alive... even if beyond saving.... I think it's important to put the wacko down with a bullet and then go hold the victims hand and talk to him as he takes his last few breaths.... comfort the victim and don't let him die alone..... this will mean a lot to the family as well...... knowing their loved had someone there with them in their final moments.

Unfortunately since Canada doesn't permit carrying firearms then my scenario doesn't work and the only way the wacko could have been taken out was with something on the bus (fire extinguisher maybe?). What about stun guns.... does Canada allow those? That would have disabled the guy!

Either way.... I'd be very surprised if we don't see changes and tighter security monitoring of what is allowed on buses and trains.... both in Canada and the US as a result of this.


Well-Known Member
If there is any chance he is still alive... even if beyond saving.... I think it's important to put the wacko down with a bullet and then go hold the victims hand and talk to him as he takes his last few breaths.... comfort the victim and don't let him die alone..... this will mean a lot to the family as well...... knowing their loved had someone there with them in their final moments.

Unfortunately since Canada doesn't permit carrying firearms then my scenario doesn't work and the only way the wacko could have been taken out was with something on the bus (fire extinguisher maybe?). What about stun guns.... does Canada allow those? That would have disabled the guy!

Either way.... I'd be very surprised if we don't see changes and tighter security monitoring of what is allowed on buses and trains.... both in Canada and the US as a result of this.

Canada permits carrying firearms.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Canada permits carrying firearms.

Really??? Are you sure? I was under the impression they don't allow citizens to carry concealed firearms. I understand there is licensing for ownership.... but I thought concealed carry is a no-no there.

Hmm... maybe I just have outdated information. :confused:


Well-Known Member
And you disarm somebody with a hunting knife how?
Depends on the situation, everyone should learn disarming techniques.

The guy was using a HUNTING KNIFE!!!

The victim was most likely dead (at least beyond saving) before anyone on that bus realized what was going on.

Tom Cruise may have been able to save him...
So, I've disarmed someone with a rapier, yes... someone pulled a rapier on me. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Really??? Are you sure? I was under the impression they don't allow citizens to carry concealed firearms. I understand there is licensing for ownership.... but I thought concealed carry is a no-no there.

Hmm... maybe I just have outdated information. :confused:
They are trying to make it illegal, but as far as I know it has not been passed yet.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
They are trying to make it illegal, but as far as I know it has not been passed yet.

Look into the Firearms Act of 1995. The Canadian govt. page showing the full text of it is down at the moment..... but I found this on Wiki (I know.... Wiki can be wacky ;) )

Section 19 of the Act then goes on to allow persons to carry such firearms on their persons to protect their lives or the lives of other persons, or if it is necessary for the performance of their occupation, but again an authorization to do so, referred to as an Authorization to Carry or ATC, must first be obtained. The Authorization to Carry Restricted Firearms and Certain Handguns Regulations
provides that an Authorization to Carry will only be issued to persons for occupational reasons if they are protecting cash or other items of high value or need the firearm to protect themselves against wildlife because they are working in a remote wilderness area or are a trapper. Consequently, it is rare for Canadian security guards to be equipped with firearms with the exception being those who are employed by armoured car companies.

That sounds to me like regular citizens are not usually allowed to conceal carry legally there.


Well-Known Member
I kinda live in the general area where this took place... yea i do agree that maybe someone should have tried to stop him but supposedly he was sitting beside a woman closer to the front and then they stopped for gas/smoke break whatever and he changed seats to the back with the kid who was only 22. While the kid was sleeping the man began stabbing him repeatedly until some people started screaming in the back which caused the immediate evacuation of the bus. He then cut off the kids head and was showing it to everyone outside the bus taunting them with it. There are also police reports supposedly on the net of police talking about him gutting and eating parts of the body as well. As I was told about this the next day I wanted to be physically sick to the stomach. Stuff like this doesn't happen pretty much ever around here or even in general. The sad thing that I think about now is that he is going to go to a mental hospital for awhile to see why he did it. He might even get out in a few years. No Jail time. The police should have shot him straight in the head when they got to him on the bus... We don't need to study these people, just shoot em and get it over with. Cost - 1 bullet.


Well-Known Member
Look into the Firearms Act of 1995. The Canadian govt. page showing the full text of it is down at the moment..... but I found this on Wiki (I know.... Wiki can be wacky ;) )

Section 19 of the Act then goes on to allow persons to carry such firearms on their persons to protect their lives or the lives of other persons, or if it is necessary for the performance of their occupation, but again an authorization to do so, referred to as an Authorization to Carry or ATC, must first be obtained. The Authorization to Carry Restricted Firearms and Certain Handguns Regulations
provides that an Authorization to Carry will only be issued to persons for occupational reasons if they are protecting cash or other items of high value or need the firearm to protect themselves against wildlife because they are working in a remote wilderness area or are a trapper. Consequently, it is rare for Canadian security guards to be equipped with firearms with the exception being those who are employed by armoured car companies.

That sounds to me like regular citizens are not usually allowed to conceal carry legally there.
you are not allowed to carry a conceal weapon in canada...
i dont evan think you are allowed to own a hand gun ...
we do not need them here...
there are enought crazy running around...
if guns where allowed here ,do you nthink this guy would have a knife..
we just need better immgration laws


Well-Known Member
Look into the Firearms Act of 1995. The Canadian govt. page showing the full text of it is down at the moment..... but I found this on Wiki (I know.... Wiki can be wacky ;) )

Section 19 of the Act then goes on to allow persons to carry such firearms on their persons to protect their lives or the lives of other persons, or if it is necessary for the performance of their occupation, but again an authorization to do so, referred to as an Authorization to Carry or ATC, must first be obtained. The Authorization to Carry Restricted Firearms and Certain Handguns Regulations
provides that an Authorization to Carry will only be issued to persons for occupational reasons if they are protecting cash or other items of high value or need the firearm to protect themselves against wildlife because they are working in a remote wilderness area or are a trapper. Consequently, it is rare for Canadian security guards to be equipped with firearms with the exception being those who are employed by armoured car companies.

That sounds to me like regular citizens are not usually allowed to conceal carry legally there.
I'll look into it more but I know my uncle and his son both have licenses for handguns. And they are both truck drivers.
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Florida Girl

Well-Known Member

I'm just curious.... would you consider a woman using a concealed firearm to kill a male attacker (say twice her size and weight) attempting to rape her ... a coward????

Perhaps you think it's less "cowardly" she just do her best at hand-to-hand combat and get the shit beat out of her on top of being raped????


Well-Known Member
I'm just curious.... would you consider a woman using a concealed firearm to kill a male attacker (say twice her size and weight) attempting to rape her ... a coward????

Perhaps you think it's less "cowardly" she just do her best at hand-to-hand combat and get the shit beat out of her on top of being raped????
A swift kick in the balls works