Burning the leaves?


Active Member
I've been trying to keep the light 0.5 inches - 1 inch away.. Can't seem to stop burning them... now the lights at least an inch away... Think the plant will recover? Just leave the brown leaves alone?



Well-Known Member
Keep moving them back until you can hold you hand where the plant would be - without busting into flames.


Active Member
I have been doing that.. didn't seem to be very hot, but I think the plant grows or ends up stretching to the light and burning... So anyway I'll just keep it back more... I burned some of the new leaf growth on one of the plants... Will this screw up its growing?


Not unless you'be burned the top right off. Even then, its no worse than topping the plant. It'll recover, no worries there.


Active Member
Thanks guy's, damn I'm having way to much fun with this. Not happy about burning them so much... Didn't think it was that hot.. seems these 7000 lumen cfl's get pretty hot.. Lately I keep burning my arm on the stove... So yeah go figure...

How long u figure I should wait before flowering if there burnt... I'm not lookin for a big yield.. 24 g's would be great with me. although the more the mary-er =D

I hope this stress doesn't lead to a herm or males (just because I'd have to start all over again). There's some pregrowth already no indication of a sex though.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry about it too much. Are you sure it's the lights burning them? doesn't really look like it in the pic. Have you given her any nutes yet?

You could flip it to 12/12 any time but it will get 2-3x bigger before it's done so just try and let it get 1/2 - 1/3 the size of you space for max yield. Course there are a lot more factors than that, like will you lights be enough for a monster plant.



Active Member
I just flushed it yesterday because a new leaf looked fert burned it was almost black...... so maybe it was just fertilizer burn.. I thought they would handle it... But I think it is the light to some extent since I had it almost touching since it was young.


Well-Known Member
leaf burn i think is the price of growing with cfl's
you want the bulbs as tight as you get them, a little burn won't sink the grow
but you will get more compact plants with close cfl's, the trade is worth it


Active Member
Yeah one things for sure is that these babies are compact... node's are so close together.


Well-Known Member
Indeed. My plants hit the lights about a week ago despite being tied down...i've just left them. I'm using T8's so the heat is pretty low, doesn't actually burn them.


Active Member
i try to keep the lights between 2-4 inches from the plant for the following reasons

1. for some reason, it stops my room from smelling like strong weed
2. it gives the plant room to grown, which obviously if ur problem.. your plants are growing right into the spiral and therefore getting burned.. they will recover, but u can just scale them back some