Burn This Bitch Down!

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
if you had an eight year old daughter and you found out that she "voluntarily" accepted $5 from a pedophile in exchange for rough anal sex, what would you do?

Ring ring : hello security? yeah this is Rob Roy, I just took my daughter to Wendys and she went into the bathroom and well, she came out screaming saying there was a red eyed toy ax wielding guy there with something tiny, but bulbous in his hand, standing over a steaming pile of poo. No, that won't be necessary, he looks quite harmless, skinny in fact, probably just a drunk. O.k. thank you.


Well-Known Member
Ring ring : hello security? yeah this is Rob Roy, I just took my daughter to Wendys and she went into the bathroom and well, she came out screaming saying there was a red eyed toy ax wielding guy there with something tiny, but bulbous in his hand, standing over a steaming pile of poo. No, that won't be necessary, he looks quite harmless, skinny in fact, probably just a drunk. O.k. thank you.
why are you so scared to answer?

based on your philosophy that pedophilia is a voluntary agreement and your daughter owns her body, it seems like you owuld congratulate your 8 year old daughter for having rough anal sex in return for $5.


Well-Known Member
How many times have I told you to clean the cat litter box and when the fuck are you going to get a job?

Sound familiar Meathead?
if you want to be left alone, don't you think it would behoove you not to open a public business that people will enter all the time?

that seems to defeat the purpose of you wanting to be left alone.

also, why do you use so many racial slurs against black people?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
if you want to be left alone, don't you think it would behoove you not to open a public business that people will enter all the time?

that seems to defeat the purpose of you wanting to be left alone.

also, why do you use so many racial slurs against black people?

If a person wanted to be left alone it would seem that legislation turning their private property into a pseudo kind of "property" that is no longer the owners to determine the use of would not have been helpful. Now that would be true whether the owner was black, white or mulatto wouldn't it Poopy Pants?

Why do you think some people should be able to determine what others will do with their property ? Are you a thief? Do you think it is okay to take control over something that isn't yours?

Do you accept that ALL people own themselves, but not others? I don't think you do. You will run away from this question faster than the bad man of your child hood dreams can bribe lil bucky with a stick of gum.


Well-Known Member
I'm framing the question in the most basic way it can be framed.

If a person prefers not to interact and is doing so peacefully... isn't the party forcing them to interact the party that is initiating aggression? That's a rhetorical question by the way.

All people have the right to be left alone. No people have the right to force themselves on somebody that is leaving them alone. When we honor that idea, we create the opportunity for peace, when we don't we allow some people to peacefully determine the use of their own body or property, we've essentially become a prohibitionist.
What do you mean by "interact"? Are we talking the sale of goods/services? If so, how is it peaceful to deny one person that sale over another under the same circumstances? How can you expect to operate a business but still be "left alone"? If you're talking about talking to someone or dating someone then you're free to interact with whoever you want (or don't).

The only instances that require the state are issues where equality is necessary since people don't behave equally in society unless they have to


Well-Known Member
This is such a skewed perception of reality I can't even take it seriously..
How does your head feel in that sand?

Ending apartheid proved one thing, when handed an advanced society, blacks cannot maintain it.

Why? That's an important question.

The infrastructure of SA is in shambles. They've had the support of the world.

People from Latin America have shown significantly better ability at this. But their culture leads to extremely corrupt systems.

I don't want to live in either society.


Well-Known Member
if you had an eight year old daughter and you found out that she "voluntarily" accepted $5 from a pedophile in exchange for rough anal sex, what would you do?
The fact that you think an 8 year old can bargain for sex says a lot about you.


Well-Known Member
How does your head feel in that sand?

Ending apartheid proved one thing, when handed an advanced society, blacks cannot maintain it.

Why? That's an important question.

The infrastructure of SA is in shambles. They've had the support of the world.

People from Latin America have shown significantly better ability at this. But their culture leads to extremely corrupt systems.

I don't want to live in either society.
Do you really believe somebody is superior/inferior solely based on the color of their skin?


Well-Known Member
Do you really believe somebody is superior/inferior solely based on the color of their skin?
Nothing to do with skin color. It's about culture and uses of power.

I've been arguing with another guy in this thread that it's wrong to say you don't want to sell your goods or services to blacks.

These people want entirely different things . I'm not mad at them, they're going what they do.

I'm mad at the white people like you who think blacks and Hispanic people would look at this country as anything other than a treasure chest to be looted if they gained control. So you help them at the expense of your own people.


Well-Known Member
Nothing to do with skin color. It's about culture and uses of power.

I've been arguing with another guy in this thread that it's wrong to say you don't want to sell your goods or services to blacks.

These people want entirely different things . I'm not mad at them, they're going what they do.

I'm mad at the white people like you who think blacks and Hispanic people would look at this country as anything other than a treasure chest to be looted if they gained control. So you help them at the expense of your own people.
"my own people", what, does that mean white people because I'm white?

You have an obsolete view of the world


Well-Known Member
that's the go-to line of every single racist on this forum.

kynes and red1966 use that one too.
There are some blacks who have adapted and i see no problem with them. Condi Rice, Colon Powel, Clarance Thomas, and hell even folks like Herman Cain.

Basically blacks who don't blame others for their promlems. Or encourage others to do so, which is most of the prominent ones on the left .

Why is it only racists for whites to want to protect their heritage?


Well-Known Member
I have a view of the world that propelled the west to global domination.
you have a view of the world that got you hooked on heroin, flunked out of college, stealing from your parents, bailed out by your parents, working at subway, and hiding your gay sex from your daddy so he will keep paying your rent.

please don't ever include yourself in anything more substantial than sandwich assembly, thievery from your parents, or closeted homosexuality.


Well-Known Member
I have a view of the world that propelled the west to global domination.

You have white guilt.
You're completely nuts

You have no understanding of history or basic genetics or the way life works

You believe in a magic invisible all powerful entity for fucks sake, you're incapable of logic and reason


Well-Known Member
You're completely nuts

You have no understanding of history or basic genetics or the way life works

You believe in a magic invisible all powerful entity for fucks sake, you're incapable of logic and reason
What entity is that? Are you talking about God? When have I siad I believe in a god? Or did you just assume that?

Genetics. Ah yes the only reply to difference in races. "We're all almost identical in DNA. "

Well so are humans and chimps.

We've known about DNA for a couple of decades, it was first hypothesized in the 1950s.

We're still improving the internal combustion engine for crying out loud. We're just scratching the surface of dna.


Well-Known Member
you have a view of the world that got you hooked on heroin, flunked out of college, stealing from your parents, bailed out by your parents, working at subway, and hiding your gay sex from your daddy so he will keep paying your rent.

please don't ever include yourself in anything more substantial than sandwich assembly, thievery from your parents, or closeted homosexuality.

How are you able to reach any conclusions from something you don't know?
I've not reached a conclusion from something I don't know. You have. Although I think you feel like it is known, I assure you that you do not.

Let me ask you this, do you feel that we know everything there is go know about genetics and dna?