Burger King admits to selling horse meat


8% more beef the the average horse burger, I would assume.
Put the cultural prohibitions/taboos towards horse meat aside, and the problem disappears.

Still though, thats what people get for eating at those places.
Put the cultural prohibitions/taboos towards horse meat aside, and the problem disappears.

Still though, thats what people get for eating at those places.

i'd pretty much eat anything, so long as i know what i'm eating before i decide to eat it or not.

my problem isn't really eating horse, i'm not really too prejudice against which dead animals i'll eat, but i do have a problem thinking i'm eating beef only to find out it's horse..
it's like i'd smoke crack on my own, but if someone sneaked it into my bowl of supposed weed, i'd be pretty pissed off..
are these horse burgers limited to the uk? after reading the article, it kind of sounded like only the burgers in the uk which came from a the meat supplier based in ireland which got horse meat from poland were affected. doesn't really say if the irish place supplies the us bk's with meat or not..
like it was yesterday, i remember well this also happened 6-7 years ago here in so cal with burger king serving horse meat
and I also remember well when jack in the box here about 9 years ago got caught serving kangaroo meat as burgers.
Whats next? skunk meat etc....
I also remember well when jack in the box here about 9 years ago got caught serving kangaroo meat as burgers.

Ahh man, that's nothing. Jack in the box got kicked out of new mexico for a long time because they found human feces in the beans.
Ahh man, that's nothing. Jack in the box got kicked out of new mexico for a long time because they found human feces in the beans.

KFC in the Boston area was banned for 5 years after it was discovered one of the employees was ejaculating into the chicken batter prior to cooking.
If I went to Burger King I'd specifically ask for one of their signature horse burgers. I've never tried horse meat. That I'm aware of. I don't eat fast food though. Well I guess I have to travel to a country where horse meat is eaten and try some. Where do you think they serve horse meat? I know!! I'll consult the interwebz.

UPDATE:: China and Mexico both feast on the flesh of horsies. I'm going back to China January of 2014. I will try some then and update with a smoke report. I mean foodie report.
If I went to Burger King I'd specifically ask for one of their signature horse burgers. I've never tried horse meat. That I'm aware of. I don't eat fast food though. Well I guess I have to travel to a country where horse meat is eaten and try some. Where do you think they serve horse meat? I know!! I'll consult the interwebz.

UPDATE:: China and Mexico both feast on the flesh of horsies. I'm going back to China January of 2014. I will try some then and update with a smoke report. I mean foodie report.

Places in Texas serve horse meat.
Places in Texas serve horse meat.

Thanks for the info, but I need my virgin experience of consuming horse meat to be a special one and I don't think Texas will provide me with ample comforts like I know China would.