Bulletproof Glass Collection


Glassblowing Moderator
should be done trimming tonight. had a quick 24 to trim the past couple of days. fingers are sore.. ill be back on the torch tonight/tomarrow. i got a few china pieces my friend didnt want anymore.. (his store got robbed) so if anyone wants a REAL cheap bubbler. this will be there chance. ill post them in a bit. he gave me some of mine back too from a while ago. ill just post the case

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
you sound busy as hell man, i dont know how you do it... good job on the trim, and sorry to hear about your friends misfortune :(


Glassblowing Moderator
had to make an oil extractor last night.. i smashed my other one on accident.. this one matches my oil dome anyways... as soon as my smoke is dry and shipped I'll be ordering my kiln. I kinda need the bigger kiln to fill your request sutra. Ive tried a couple times but always cracks when it gets too big.. it wont fit in my kiln door. its a problem i have quite often. this problem will be resolved in a week or so.
heres my oil extractor.

works great..


Glassblowing Moderator
My oil dome(made a while ago, better welds now)

And a clear oil set for a friend.
$35 sets - dabber - spoon - dish


Well-Known Member
That Extractor is Nice ! I need to get one of them Soon.

That Globe set up is nice too ! That would work on my PHIRE bong.


Glassblowing Moderator
The clips I have are a size too big. As long as I twist them in I don't have a problem. Already used it. Gonna order some clips though.


Glassblowing Moderator
They are dope. Wholesale they are 9.95 for the big ones and stoopid cheap for the smaller ones. Ima order a fleet of the big ones now. This was just a test..


Well-Known Member
Nice !

Ive been wanting the Medical/Leaf Logo and a few of the Hello Jars. I already ordered 1 with the Slightly Stoopid Logo.

Get some of the Amber Jars on your next order. Talk to ya soon !