bulk shroom grow


if I remember correctly theres something you have to pick out, but its been awhile just look it up.
you're supposed to scoop the "floaters", or the seeds that float to the top of the water when soaking the WBS
its normally consists of a shit load of sunflower seeds and a few pieces of wood, and other busted seeds


good luck, hope you get some nice fruits out of this.
if you need any tips for your future grows using grains shoot me a PM. ill be more than happy to help


Well-Known Member
I want to watch your GT grow. That's why I'm waiting on to my syringe and did up the Pink Buffalo instead.


New Member
i saw that on my strains you might be interested in. look like gt to me lol

im going to make a grow log.

i will be watching for yours 420God :) we will be starting at the same time lol or close. just sent my money out for my GT Today


Well-Known Member
I inoculated my jars 3 days ago. Waiting to see some growth and make sure there's no contaminations before I post up a journal.

Should see something within the next few weeks.


Well-Known Member
im to lazy just sticking with brf cakes :D

I figured it out!! Ima buy a styrofoam cooler keep lid while its colonizing

then when im ready to fruit i will replace styrofoam lid with a piece of glass!IM A GENIOUS. not really :D

lol but laziness will not get you far in the cultivation of anything. Not bein a dick or sayin you havent got good results.


New Member
nope :) i went balls out last time not worth it. styrofoam coolers work just as good as anyother fruiting chamber. plus so much cheaper.

also its a personal grow so im not in it for the biggest flushes ever.

so im not being cheap im just weighing out ghe pros and cons


Well-Known Member
id just say whatever works do it. not everyones gonna have the same teks and methods. theres nothing more teaching to yourself than trial and error. grow on brother.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
is it just me or is timeismoney1 getting shit DONE?

First I see 2cb, then white fluff, then cacti, then DMT, now shrooms?

all in like 2 weeks.
