Building a cabinet for Hydroponics. Need Help and Suggestions


Active Member
Hello to all

I'm still relatively new on this forum and will be more active over the next few days as I'm constructing this stealth cabinet.

I don't have direct dimensions on the cabinet yet, but it should be about 3-5 ft all around.

I was testing a theory of chrome paint and clear gloss for light reflection as opposed to lining it up with the silver insulation type of paper. I'm still a complete noob so is there any significance to the insulation lining other than light reflection? does it help the fans in the venting process?

I purchased these fans from target but they are kinda huge, if I were to use PC fan's how would I get them to operate without the PC power supply?

I bought a Febreeze carbon filter that will plug to the back of the box.
and there will be 2 holes for the fan to intake and exhaust.

I'm going to be using HPS/MH Light system.

I plan to have the frame setup tonight without the door so I can release some pictures.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated


Active Member
I decided to get rid of the Chrome/Gloss idea, it takes a lot of freaking work, so I figure I go with the mylar, is there a particular brand I should look for?

Thanks peeps

Hairy Bob

Well-Known Member
Mylar is mylar, brands don't come into it. Even shiny wrapping paper is mylar and can be used as a cheap way to line your walls. It is slightly harder to get smooth than normal stuff since it's slightly thinner, but it's doable.
I'd stick with big fans if you're gonna have HPS and MH in there, computer fans don't really flow that much air and can't deal with static pressure from carbon filters etc. Even a sharp bend in the ducting will cause problems with a small inline fan. What is the cfm of the big fans you have? What design are they? Duct booster, squirrel cage, centrifugal?
I'm dubious about the febreeze carbon filter, how big is it? Is it just a stand alone thing or does it connect to a fan?


Active Member
Mylar is mylar, brands don't come into it. Even shiny wrapping paper is mylar and can be used as a cheap way to line your walls. It is slightly harder to get smooth than normal stuff since it's slightly thinner, but it's doable.
I'd stick with big fans if you're gonna have HPS and MH in there, computer fans don't really flow that much air and can't deal with static pressure from carbon filters etc. Even a sharp bend in the ducting will cause problems with a small inline fan. What is the cfm of the big fans you have? What design are they? Duct booster, squirrel cage, centrifugal?
I'm dubious about the febreeze carbon filter, how big is it? Is it just a stand alone thing or does it connect to a fan?
I'm getting rid of the HPS/MH idea for now at least been doing a bit of research on CFL's. Roseman seems to get some good yields so I'll work with that. The fan was a standard desk fan I'm not sure which category that falls under, but it would work great for the CFL's :-)