building 4x4 ten...Need help with Fan set up

Airwalker16 meant that warm air kills the filter quicker.
However If your hood isn't 100% airtight then it does no good to put the filter before the hood. My cool tube is awesome but when I added anot her light with a standard glass lense, it picked up smell..

Pulling is more efficient but if you pull air through your hood and out the tent to your fan and from the fan as directly and short as possible, pushing into your filter won't be a problem
so like i said wat if i will hand it inside in corner duck outside to fan and fan to hood and hood duck to exit clean cold air will be pushed outside tent .....just an idea
so like i said wat if i will hand it inside in corner duck outside to fan and fan to hood and hood duck to exit clean cold air will be pushed outside tent .....just an idea
If you're going to have the filter inside then go filter to hood to fan
How does that work then? Running a filter on the outside? I'm a simple man, this is beyond me. I too was under the impression that the filter 'must' be on the inside.

Surely if the filter was on the outside we would have to push air through it, not pull air through it?
How does that work then? Running a filter on the outside? I'm a simple man, this is beyond me. I too was under the impression that the filter 'must' be on the inside.

Surely if the filter was on the outside we would have to push air through it, not pull air through it?
That's these guys point. To PUSH AIR Through the filter. Not optimal IMO.
well i defo dont want to push air to the filter .... but if there is any smell leak outside tent and tent is in small room all ready , i guess filter will filter smell outside point is to cool down my light, suck clean air from outside ..push it through hood and duck it out tent to roof heat go up anyway ...
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Quit stalking me, you FUCK! Go back to your hole in politics and toke n' talk. Stupid ass, bastard troll.

Ok, one more thing and I won't bother you anymore, I promise....

You come off a lot like this guy:

200 (97).gif


Sorry, sorry, please carry on....not intending to 'troll' you, I'm sure you are a perfectly fine person.
Point of an air cooled hood is not to cool your light, its to remove heat from your grow room. So if I were pulling in cool air from outside I would not be wasting it by cooling my bulb but be using it as intake to tent and having filter > fan>hood>out into roof/window/chimney
Sucking through filter and pushing through hood saves super hot air going through fan and prolongs the life of the fan.
Warm air running over your bulb is still taking out the heat from the room and the cooler air coming in is cooling your grow tent.
It works all ways to be fair. I wouldn't push through a filter because the air coming through is then warming the room your tents in. This may not matter with a small grow tent or one 600w light but any more and your rooms warming up damn quick. This is not taking into account inline filters which run duct>filter>duct. Because I have not used them.
I don't see an issue with height in a 4x4 been enough of a problem to warrant having filter outside the tent.
Lets try this, FILTER -> LIGHT -> DUCT->FAN(outside tent) -> DUCT (out /Silencer). Air is like rope, pulling is least energy. Pulling air across your light will keep the light cool, and the filter will keep it smelling fresh. If you have no room inside the tent place the exhaust fan outside the tent and connect with a shortest duct possible, and run the fan duct output through a silencer and another duct out the space alltogother will make a nice cool tent for your ladies. peace
Because then he's pulling hot ass air into his fan and it drys the grease up and makes them go to shit.