build a pc or buy new one?


Well-Known Member
I personally would build a PC if I had the funds to do so. I already have the stats of what is all going in to my new PC when I can afford it. I'm also going to build my own server when the funds allow me to do so.


Well-Known Member
Definitely build.
Anyone down to start a retail store that has laptop supplies so people can build laptops just a easy as desktops ??? I can see this being a fad because you can bring your build with you & try to out do the others. Crazy kids and their status symbols


Well-Known Member
Build. Companies rip them shit off of you.
1) Its a great learning experience, can get frustrating, but you'll get over it. Just have someone help you. Maybe a geek in the family.
2) They just run way better for way cheaper. Givin you do it right.

I built my own pc 2 years ago, it has a great video card, 8gb DDR3 RAM, a intel quad core processor.. And its really really good. I hardly spent any money. If I were to buy a pc like this back then... Jesus man my wallet would turn into a black hole.