bugs in soil


Well-Known Member
i have white maggot things in my soil i have a spray bug off but what i wanted to know is if i cover them in sand how do i water them when they want feeding sorry if its a dumb question but i need to know thanks everyone


Well-Known Member
you know i had that problem on my first grow. I tried to kill them with soapy water did not seem to work to well. I ended up transplanting into fresh soil FTW! (for the win)


Well-Known Member
im not transplanting as im 4 weeks in to flower i have been advised to cover the top inch of soil with sand i was just wondering what happens when i want to water them thank you everyone


Well-Known Member
yea it works and you just water through the sand like normal and use the weight of the pot to tell if it needs water rather than sticking your finger in it any more. And no replacing the soil is the wrong thing to do at any time.


Active Member
that sounds like pathogens. there be hard to get rid of. tri an additive that fights pathogen. but even then ya dont want them. tri keeping your soil or what ever substrate your using dryer. work out whats coarsed them


Active Member

White maggot things are most likely fungus gnat larvae.

gnat grows into those flys tho doesnt it? didnt read anything about him having flys flying about

but anyway, keeping your soil dryer will help get rid of gnat

sorry for the bad info lol


Well-Known Member
i havent got any gnats flying around tey are really small maggots should i still use the sand to kill them thank you everyone


Active Member
gnats larvae grow into gnats.

People often overlook them thinking they are a harmless nuisance.

they attack ya roots tho init, end up shocking and stunting, and coaresing problems in genral.

rlet your soil dry out well, scrap off some of the top soil off and replace with fresh


Well-Known Member
Use the sand, it can't hurt even if it's not gnats... Yes the larvae are really tiny and maybe none have made it out of larval stage yet is why you don't see them, but you will.


Well-Known Member
i have horrible fungus gnats but have not seen this stage of growth yet, my house plants all respond diffrently ......they suck never seen the larvae do they have a black head i read that somplace


Well-Known Member
Pour enough water in your pot that you catch some runoff in a saucer and then look in the runoff water very very closely or preferrably with a magnifying glass, then you will sure as shit see them. They're pretty active little things and bounce around and move fast. They'd be really easy to spot except they're so tiny. Like tip of a needle tiny or thereabouts.

They can be all white or variations, I don't know them all just what's around here.