Buds outdoor 2013

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
Lookin good bud!, how late do you try and go?
Thanks burner, usually I try to make it until first frost but can never seem to make it lol. I always end up chopping early due to rain and fear of mold. Every year I seem to get a little bit better and more patient. Ive got one in the yard that's about 30% cloudy and I want to chop that asap. i would say within 3 weeks just to get a guaranteed harvest, then like i said play the waiting game and see if i can make to frost. I would take down at the sign of amber trichs. I like more of an active high than a put down......And puck you know i got frost forming. some of them are starting to smell amazing too. I think that's why ive always had problems chopping early, I start to smell that heavenly odor and it clouds my judgment. And i am sort of exited about trimming, I always try and make some nice dry sieve hash with my frozen trimmings. hoping to get a giant ball this year.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
went out for a feed and a chat with the girls. 9-10-13 001.jpg9-10-13 002.jpg9-10-13 003.jpg9-10-13 004.jpg9-10-13 005.jpg9-10-13 006.jpg9-10-13 007.jpg9-10-13 008.jpg1,3,5+6 are of the kushy one that is further along than any other. 6-7-8 are the other 3 at the spot. 6 needed a stick to stop it from leaning towards the kushy. I cut off a nug of the kush to get a good look and it is frosty as hell and has some nice swollen calyxes, still a few weeks to go but its looking very nice.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
Well more of a main project than the grilla grow in the thread. Taken care of daily rather than weekly. some pics of the nugs. 9-17-13 004.jpg9-17-13 006.jpg9-17-13 007.jpg9-17-13 008.jpg9-17-13 009.jpg Last one is the most sativa looking one I got. Smells almost like bubble gum. pretty wild stuff. trichs on everything are starting to frost up. Ive been taking samples of the most mature one for drying but I want to let them all go as far as possible.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
^^1st 2 are the "furthest along" smells like grape. Next 2 are the biggest one in a pot and its going to have big long colas. Smells like a danker version (less fruity) of the grape one. And the 5th pic is the sativa one that smells like gum.


Well-Known Member
They are coming along nicely bud!! We had our first frost here last nite, only one plant in open area actually had frost on it. Once the sun came out and melted it off you would never of known there was a frost. The girls in the woods had no signs of frost, which is good know. The cucumbers and tomatoes took a bit of hit though lol.

I have a couple of projects around the yard too, they slept in the garage just to be safe lol.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
Thanks burner, We got cold last night but not in the frost range. I love not sweating my ass off when I get back from the trip !!! Went out this AM and fed 2 areas, coming right along. 9-18-13 001.jpg9-18-13 002.jpg9-18-13 003.jpg9-18-13 004.jpg9-18-13 005.jpg9-18-13 006.jpg first 4 are the 4th spot all of them starting to swell up and put some frost on. Pics 5+6 are of the 3rd area with the smaller plants. they do smell really good even for not growing so large. A lot of great aromas floating around the jungle out there.


Well-Known Member
Weather looking great around these parts for the next while, hope you get the sunsshine too!! Have you sampled the fine erb yet?

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
Havnt sampled any yet, but its drying and starting the cure. I just bought an oz from a pal and hopefully that's the last money I spend on bud in a long while. But the sample buds should be ready for a smoke in a week or 3. Im trying to be patient with everything this year.


Well-Known Member
they are looking good,bud fatting up.i am waiting for mine to put some weight to,they are frosty.fighting some mold ,never ending battle.also see you have dying and yellow leaves,mine to ,to early i think for maturity.gave them some veg food and they are coming back

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
they are looking good,bud fatting up.i am waiting for mine to put some weight to,they are frosty.fighting some mold ,never ending battle.also see you have dying and yellow leaves,mine to ,to early i think for maturity.gave them some veg food and they are coming back
Yea Ive found a few spots with a little mold. just clip that nug and hope no more comes back. And I think a lot of my yellowing leaves have to do with lack of sun. especially the jungle grow. you can see how the buds are all up top. they really only get sun from straight up. I gave my potted ones at home a shot of growbig for the high N and they still are dropping the bottom leaves.


New Member
Yea my bad. N the camera i took it with has absolutly horrible resolution and it was takin at night with a flash. Ill be sure to take a picture with my high res camera.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
went out for a feed, the second area with the kushy looking one. 9-20-13 003.jpg9-20-13 007.jpg9-20-13 008.jpg9-20-13 009.jpg9-20-13 011.jpg9-20-13 012.jpg First up is one of the colas from the one at home, I cant help but take some samples from that baby. 2nd pic is how ive been drying them. nice adjustable shelving. And the rest are the ones at the spot. Not getting the most solid buds but thet are frosting up very nicely.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
I took a few pics of a single top just to see how much it shrinks during the drying process. used the outline to have a constant comparison. 9-20-13 006.jpg9-21-13 002.jpg9-21-13 003.jpg9-21-13 007.jpg first one is right after the chop and trimmed fan leaves and non sugary ones. 2nd pic is 24 hours later, a little shrinkage. 3rd is right after that I trimmed the "sugar leaves". and the 4th is 24 hours after that, you can really see how much it shrunk down in that one. don't expect it to shrink much more but I will most likely chop the nugs off the stem in the next 24 and start the cure. For any newbs out there, the drying and curing process is just as important than anything else if you want a nice enjoyable smoke. too fast and you've got some harsh tasting stuff. :peace:


Well-Known Member
:bigjoint:friggin' A Bud, I go away for a week and your girls starting to pack it on and frost up! That little side project looks like you are going to have some dank. Can't wait to see the finish.