Buds for Less setup (First Grow)

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
Comparing your "day 10" plants with the "Buds for Less" day 10 plants ... they look pretty much the same size.

If I was you, I would (as you planned to do) follow the book and switch to 12/12 on day 16 or 17.

They should be a lot larger by then and they will grow a lot more while you are waiting for the flowers to show.

Just subbed to your thread as I have built a similar light set-up and have been torturing a couple of plants while I tweak my set-up.



Well-Known Member
Hey man, if you top using Uncle Ben's topping for 4 tops, then veg for another week/week and a half and I bet you'd get a mad increase on your yield!.. Or just go ahead and start LSTing now..... Lookin good either way


Well-Known Member
Comparing your "day 10" plants with the "Buds for Less" day 10 plants ... they look pretty much the same size.

If I was you, I would (as you planned to do) follow the book and switch to 12/12 on day 16 or 17.

They should be a lot larger by then and they will grow a lot more while you are waiting for the flowers to show.

Just subbed to your thread as I have built a similar light set-up and have been torturing a couple of plants while I tweak my set-up.

Thanks man, I appreciate it. I'm glad someone else has read that book :)


Well-Known Member
Hey man, if you top using Uncle Ben's topping for 4 tops, then veg for another week/week and a half and I bet you'd get a mad increase on your yield!.. Or just go ahead and start LSTing now..... Lookin good either way
I'm glad to see you stopped by. Your LST work has inspired me to try it out on my girls. I can start the LST already? Could you give me some pointers on where to start?


Well-Known Member
I'm glad to see you stopped by. Your LST work has inspired me to try it out on my girls. I can start the LST already? Could you give me some pointers on where to start?
Well when you start is dependant on when your going to trigger flower. I would suggest tieing down at least 1 week before making the flop. BUT I have tied down during flower, and it's not a HUGE issue. Just better not to. Here's a tutorial on how I started LST on my pineapple express. You can really strart at any age. I just was lazy and started on this slightly later that's all....

Alright..... so here's the how-to on starting your LST. Or should I say, here's how I go about doing it. I'm not going to go way in depth with this, because it really is very simple, but this should definitely explain how to get it started. (Click on the links to see the pix)

1. So first off grab yout pot, square, round, whatever your using doesn't matter. But you want it to be the final pot that the plant will be in preferably.
So get the pot/contain, 8 screws, and a screwdriver.
View attachment 1092101

2. Your going to screw the 8 screws into the top of the container evenly spaced apart. (I just eyeball it, no biggie, doesn't needta be perfect)
View attachment 1092112View attachment 1092113

3. Next put your plant in the pot.
View attachment 1092102

4. Now what your going to do is put a counter-tie on the base of the plant. This just ensures that you don't accidentally uproot the plant at anypoint while bending it. (The bright orange 'pipe-cleaner' is the counter-tie. You can use string, wire, anything really, as long as you don't tie it 'tight' around the stem, and it won't break the flesh of the plant) Make the counter tie but don't 'pull' on the plant when doing so.
View attachment 1092104

5. Now's the scary part for most people. lol. What I do, is where I want the plant to be bending, I very very gently and slowly squeese the stem between my fingertips, NOT breaking anything, but slightly softening the inner flesh of the plant. Making sure you don't accidentally break anything. Then make your bend SLOWLY and anchor whatever your using (pipe-cleaner for me) to one of the screws.
View attachment 1092108View attachment 1092106View attachment 1092105

And there you have it. Now just let the plant heal for a few days. It'll be growing back towards the light in a matter of hours. What your doing is making the MAIN growing tip lower than the rest of the growing nodes. This kinda 'tricks' the plant into thinking it has multiple tops and starts to grow all of it's side branches towards the light, making for an even canopy/even light distribution among the buds/more large buds/less pop-corn nugs/easier trimming/shal I keep going? lol

Hope this explained everything enough. If you have any questions go ahead and ask.


And here's that same girl after getting a night to recover. Happens quick man! She's a little wilty, but I roughened up her rootball quite a bit during transplant (on purpose) so that is why.
View attachment 1092822View attachment 1092824View attachment 1092825


Well-Known Member
There will be no pics for Day 11 of this grow. You may ask why not? The simple answer is that I got baked and forgot to go back in yesterday and take pics. They are still growing live crazy and I will have day 12 pics up tonight



Well-Known Member
Here we go 48 hours since our last pics. Tons of new growth every day at this point.

I will be transplanting this weekend into the pots that these 2 girls will live in for the next few months. I'm a little worried about that but I'm sure it won't be as bad as I'm thinking.

I'm still working on the cabinet. I'm undecided if I will put these 2 in the cabinet to flower or let them continue in their current room for the rest of the grow. Either way I will keep you folks posted.




Well-Known Member
I broke one of my 42w bulbs while moving some things so I decided to go to Lowes and get a replacement. While I was at Lowes I noticed a pack of 4 26w 6500k bulbs for 12 bucks. My 42w 2700k was 11 dollars. I thought that introducing the 6500k spectrum of light cant hurt. I decided to replace the broken bulb and its twin in the center light fixture for two more splitters and the 4 26 watters.

My new light setup consists of 4 x 42w 2700k and 4 x 26w 6500k for a new total of 272w

Mo Light = Mo Betta (direct quote from SeeMoreBuds / GardenKnowm on this very forum lol )

Here are todays pics of the girls and the new light setup.

I smelled the plants today to see if they had any scent and nothing, but when I rub my finger across a leaf and then smell it.... wow that is pungent! These babies are going to be strong.



Well-Known Member
The 6500k's are gonna make a big differene during the veg stage. MJ loves blue light when it's growing leaves and branches. I also like the way you have them positioned, lots of side lighting.

This must be a pure (or damn close) indica strain because those leaves are FAT

Serious Weeds

Well-Known Member
Thanks man, I appreciate it. I'm glad someone else has read that book :)
That book is how I found this website. I did a grow like the book but it was during winter and cool temps and just being one of my first grows with out to much knowledge they grew really slow and did not make to much bud. But I used bag seed and did not have alot of time on my hands or no how. Yours are looking great though bro. Keep it up.


Well-Known Member
The 6500k's are gonna make a big differene during the veg stage. MJ loves blue light when it's growing leaves and branches. I also like the way you have them positioned, lots of side lighting.

This must be a pure (or damn close) indica strain because those leaves are FAT
This is actually a very sativa dominant strain. Don't Indica usually have skinnier leaves? I'm a noob though so meh.


Well-Known Member
nice set up dude. i have that book somewhere lol. im looking forward to seeing this grow til the end.

let me know if i can help



Well-Known Member
I transplanted to larger pots today, wow. I had no idea how much roots these things had grown. The pots had roots coming out of the bottom of the pots. I was so proud lol.

I took pictures before and after the transplant. Enjoy :joint:

Day 15 - Plant 1.jpgDay 15 - Plant 2.jpgDay 15 - Both.jpgDay 15 - New Pots.jpg

I plan to postpone my flowering for another 4 days for a total veg time of 20 days. I am going to start the LST tomorrow. I figure it will help to give them 24 hours or so to deal with the shock of the transplanting.


Well-Known Member
plants are coming along necely man. good call on holding off to lst after stransplanting. might want to give it at least a day. have you been using grow nutes?
