I just wanted to let you know that tomarrow is my home depot day and I am going to get everything. One thing I noticed in the book is he is doing everything in a closet so since im doing it in my room instead of my FULL closet I am going to build with 2x4's a "light fixture hanger" It is very simple and will post pics once I set up my rig. I have germed 4 bag seed for the first grow and I am going to transfer into soil when I get all the pots and the light fixture put together tomarrow (hopfully with 140 I can afford everything I need) because I have most of the stuff already such as timers, Veg day light lights, PH kit, Seed starter/clone dome, rockwool ect... But I do need to purchase the wood and sheet metal and light socket fixtures and extension cords for the light fixture itself. than I am going to get miricle grow (since its only bag seed), and then I am going to get perlite. I also need 2 more spliters for the sockets. Pots I am getting 3 5 gallon pots with drainage holes. Hmmm its late kind of buzzed and really forget the rest of my list. lol...
But I will post pics of my setup here when I am done. I am using the BUDS for less as a guide as far as growth.
thanks guys and I hope we ll stay in touch! this RUI.ORG forum simply rocks.
Wish me luck my friends. Hopfully for 140 bucks I can get everything I need.. The only thing I am waiting to buy is the 6 42 cfls soft white. I am not getting those ($60) until its flowering time.
This is my frist grow.
My second grow (when I already have almost everything I need) I am going to buy BETTER seeds and BETTER soil. But for now since its bagseed im sticking with MG.