Buds for Less - CFL BOOK


Well-Known Member
Garden Knowm!!!I have your book and all 3 videos and have learned a lot a long the way but I wanted to ask you if you've seen this in any garden before??? I found a fan leaf on a Querkle I had the pleasure of trimming last night and in the middle of the leaf a bud had started to grow and it was the only one in the whole garden out of 32 plants! check it out...

I know it doesn't have anything to do with your book but I still think everyone should see this and you have been in many gardens so I'm dying to know if you've seen this before???



Well-Known Member
That will teach us to trim our fan leaves lol

Garden Knowm!!!I have your book and all 3 videos and have learned a lot a long the way but I wanted to ask you if you've seen this in any garden before??? I found a fan leaf on a Querkle I had the pleasure of trimming last night and in the middle of the leaf a bud had started to grow and it was the only one in the whole garden out of 32 plants! check it out...

I know it doesn't have anything to do with your book but I still think everyone should see this and you have been in many gardens so I'm dying to know if you've seen this before???


Well-Known Member
it is a good book for the begginer for sure. i use CFL's and T5 flouro's in a small closet set up i can fit about eight SOG plants or four-five plants flowered around 18 inches. The CFL's are great for keeping the electric bill down and in small places the heat. oh quick ques. how do i change the size of a picture from like 2 MB down to K's to post them


Well-Known Member
I love the book Garden Knowm.

Helped me tons starting with cfls plus all of the quotes and facts are a fun read.

I recently moved and have a much smaller space and am using cfls until i can work on the venting to bring down the heat caused by hids in the smaller space i have now.

But those cfls can work wonders when done correctly.



Active Member
I second jorjes grow book. I am on my first grow now. I thought i knew enough, and without that book id
be lost right now. The cannabibles are also good books, just to look at.


Active Member
haha interesting, I have had this book for a while, i just joined the forum today and saw this thread. A lot of my inspiration came from this book and a lot of my non-google knowledge. It has helped me a lot and is definitely a good book. props!


Well-Known Member
i am currently using the book and I can tell you that it seems easy enough. You dont water all too much, there are not nutes (since it is Miracle Grow Potting soil with nutes) and he uses CFL's. I have six plants (4 AK48 and 2 Power Skunk) that I am growing. I am about Day 18 when I just watered them again. Does not seem too bad so far. You can see my grow on my sig. Note, I actually stopped my hempy grow aand now have all of them growing in MG.


Active Member
Why are my lights not turning on? I have this setup hooked to an ordinary extension cord as mentioned in the book. Someone please help!


Active Member
I really do want to order it but im not sure how to say i want it shipped to the UK as it only offers United States as an option!


Active Member
Just bought the book today at Borders (paid cash), it was the last one in stock. I plan to read this week, i'm still reading threads on here.


Well-Known Member
WOW guys i took ur advice and read the book today......AMAZING!!!! i saw a whole new prespective to CFLS!! i used to hate the idea of CFLs thinkin they couldnt do shit but after reading the book and actually takin time to understand the idea and the concept to growing with cfls, im quite impressed! You may not grow a big plant, but you certianly grow bigger and fatter buds since u dont have to worry about hitting only the top of the plant! and since they barely get hot you can place them much closer to plants without worrieng too much bout burning them.sorry i sound like a total noob!!just amazed at how well these things can work!definitly worth reading!!!

Cheers :)


Active Member
I LOVE IT! I am a California Medical Marijuana patient on my first grow. Right now I am growing 4 Hindu Kush Clones and 4 MK-Ultra clones under 2 105watt monster cfls that are puttin out a combined 13,800 lumens. I am using soil (Fox Farm Ocean Forrest), and I will be putting up pics so you guys can view my progress day by day.