Buds bone dry on outside.. stems still damp!!

If you think your buds are too dry on outside and some bits of bud crumble off..you can get something like a plastic tupperware container that holds around 4 odd ounces..we all know that bigger buds take longer to dry than the smaller ones ,so if you want to put moisture back into your buds grab a few ounces and put into container and put on windowvsill or somewhere where sunlight will warm the container.you leave it there till the buds will feel soft to touchand feel warm..what has happened is the buds that have more moisture have sweated and made all the weed even ..take away from window sill .leave lid off till it cools then feel it..you might want to do it again .i roughly leave it there 10 mins or so checking it often .i do this after the drying stage which takes around 2 and a bit weeks from a wet trim then hanging it.once i have made it all sweat and is all even it goes into jars and checked daily then once twice weeklyleaving it open for a few minutes pulling a bud out and checking it etc...
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You need to keep checking the buds you hung on the first day. As soon as they feel dry cut them from the stems and put them into an airtight storage container of choice (even if you are still harvesting other buds). Leave them in storage over night and then check them the next day while you continue to harvest. If they sweat up a little, mix up, air out an hour or so while you harvest on then close the lid. If they feel damp or squishy dump them out over night before putting back into storage. Also check on the buds that were harvested the second day, they may also be ready to join the ''mixing'' container.

The purpose of this is to keep adding the consecutive days bud into the container/s so that the moisture will wick around and stop any of your bud over drying.

If you have a lot of bud and need multiple containers then fill one tub first, once full mix up and put half into another container. Any additional days bud, split it into the two containers, and so on. You want to ensure you evenly distribute so that by the time the last days bud feels dry, it gets shared out into every tub, be that 2 tubs or 6.

A big moderately air tight propagator makes this process much easier, since you can fit up to 50oz in those (not that I'd know :roll:). But, you should use multiple containers for now until you get more experienced.
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It is very hard to overdry bud, this is not a concern of new growers really and will just have you jarring wet weed.

I don't do the snap thing

Here's how I dry mine

1. First I cut off any big fan leaves that has stalk. Fan leaves that the stalk are buried in the buds I leave that alone, same with big/long sugar leaves.
2. I don't do wet trim and I hang them upside down
3. Next 3-4 days I take picture of the drying buds. I closely inspect the smallest sugar leaf. If it looks fresh, I let it dry some more
4. At this point, fan leaves would have rolled long ways and sugar leaves would be hugging the buds
5. Take picture everyday to monitor the state of sugar leaves
6. If all sugar leaves have turned pale green or yellowish (chlorophyll breakdown) then its done otherwise repeat step 5

Notice I didn't mention temperature or humidity. Granted some of us have control of the temp and humidity of their drying space, I'm sure there's a lot of us who have no control of the drying environment. There are lots of factors than can create fluctuation in both temp and humidity, so to set a drying time frame in uncontrolled environment is at best guesstimate.

Here's I cure mine

1. After I'm satisfied with step 6 of the above drying procedure. I do my dry trim. Technically there's still a lot of moisture in the stem and calyx itself. But I'm not worried about the moisture in the stem itself. See step 2.
2. I cut my buds into nug size and fill my jar half way. Getting rid of stems and crap.
3. I lay my jar sideway. My reason for doing this, is to expose more buds to release their moisture/gas in the empty space of the jar as oppose to the jar standing up (drier buds on top and wet buds at the bottom).
4. First day, I'll open the jar several times in the day. Also checking for the hay smell if there's any (If none then I dried it right, if there's a hint of it then I fucked up too early)
5. Everyday of the week, I would roll the jar (like tossing a salad bowl, gently of course). Wet nugs tend to stick together. If the whole collection of nugs cling to each other and roll as one, it's wet.
6. Take them out of the jar and separate the nugs and just let it sit in the open for a bit.
7. Repeat step 5 until to the point when I roll my jar I would see individual nugs moving separately.
8. Nugs are ready for consumption and/or long storage. In which, I would stand the jars at this point and throw in a boveda pack. Once in a while, I would open them up just to check and enjoy the aroma.

This is my way of sloooow cure
It is very hard to overdry bud, this is not a concern of new growers really and will just have you jarring wet weed.


People do things different for reasons. If you like to leave yours hanging for 2 weeks so it's bone dry and it suites your needs then have at it. Learning when bud is getting too dry (for preference) and is time to put into a container doesn't take long to get to grips with. If it feels crispy yet sticky >> get it in. Yes it may require a sweat/dump cycle but it will then maintain that sticky quality, or more chance of. Adding subsequent bud from later days harvest will start the cycle again, keeping the first added bud at that level. And so on.

As I've read, when bud dries completely the curing stops and cannot restart (apparently). Not everybody has the perfect set up or time (use of the space) to take two weeks to dry, the set up may dry the bud too quick for various reasons. The container/s free up the space, while maintaining bud moisture due to a easier maintained environment. The majority of people who are always happy with completely dry bud are noob dealers, that way they won't lose any weight with their crappy storage/distribution methods. A lot of smokers don't like it that dry, maybe it makes no diff, maybe the taste/harshness is subjective.. doesn't change the trend. Ofc many people also like completely dried bud, it can be pref. I personally never have liked it, would rather lose .2g on a 20bit so long as it's sticky when I get it.
People do things different for reasons. If you like to leave yours hanging for 2 weeks so it's bone dry and it suites your needs then have at it. Learning when bud is getting too dry (for preference) and is time to put into a container doesn't take long to get to grips with. If it feels crispy yet sticky >> get it in. Yes it may require a sweat/dump cycle but it will then maintain that sticky quality, or more chance of. Adding subsequent bud from later days harvest will start the cycle again, keeping the first added bud at that level. And so on.

As I've read, when bud dries completely the curing stops and cannot restart (apparently). Not everybody has the perfect set up or time (use of the space) to take two weeks to dry, the set up may dry the bud too quick for various reasons. The container/s free up the space, while maintaining bud moisture due to a easier maintained environment. The majority of people who are always happy with completely dry bud are noob dealers, that way they won't lose any weight with their crappy storage/distribution methods. A lot of smokers don't like it that dry, maybe it makes no diff, maybe the taste/harshness is subjective.. doesn't change the trend. Ofc many people also like completely dried bud, it can be pref. I personally never have liked it, would rather lose .2g on a 20bit so long as it's sticky when I get it.

Yer people do things different but i teach new growers how to dry better than what seems 99% of peeps here.

I teach principle not method, how to know whqt proper dried bud is and most important ' How to dry ' as most methods written here just have you jarring moist bud.

Now what most fail to explain is the jar or cure is totally un needed and the reasons why.

What you heard about over dry bud was wrong, bud can be quite dry and it still holds moisture plus degrades past as with all organic things. You heard hype that led to bad technique.

Its about helping my fellow noobs to dry not who does what and i cut throught the shite way quicker than reading other posts on this one :-)
I only jar when bud is over 95 % done....i dont hang for 2 weeks .ill leave it hangin till you feel outside is drying but inside is still a little damp..ill place on paper in draw in dark and turn it when buds flatten.when its close ill pile it up and checking the stem for bendiness...and what i said earlier buds are different sizes so i put in container let it sweat so all even and once i do that shes just about done..theres a few ways to skin a cat .everyone has there own ways.ive done it like this for decades and works fine..sometimes ill use the screen method .i wet trim and cut buds off stem straight away and put onto screen with an oil heater in room.only takes around 4 days this way .buds are firmer ..i like this way more than the other.one is time to dry and buds are firmer and i little less airy than hanging it..
I think you just got to do it your way and find out what way suits you..
Yer people do things different but i teach new growers how to dry better than what seems 99% of peeps here.

I teach principle not method, how to know whqt proper dried bud is and most important ' How to dry ' as most methods written here just have you jarring moist bud.

Now what most fail to explain is the jar or cure is totally un needed and the reasons why.

What you heard about over dry bud was wrong, bud can be quite dry and it still holds moisture plus degrades past as with all organic things. You heard hype that led to bad technique.

Its about helping my fellow noobs to dry not who does what and i cut throught the shite way quicker than reading other posts on this one :-)

The info I got on that I am fairly certain came from @Dr. Who and although nobody is always right he might well chime in here now.

Regardless of that is subjective taste, I don't like smoking it dry or crispy. Completely dry bud also weighs less, lets leave that there. Point is, valid reasons exist not to subjectively or perhaps objectively over dry bud. With large containers as a means to slow the earlier harvested from losing too much moisture.. it takes very little time to air out large amounts, not even minutes. You say it's difficult to over dry but that isn't true, in your set-up perhaps.. but as said people are working with different environments. It doesn't make you right or your way better. If said environment is running too warm then moisture is going to be lost a lot faster. Most people won't be checking the room 5 times a day so the risk of crispy over dried bud becomes high if sealed storage isn't used.

I have not suggested putting wet bud into storage, if somebody takes it that way then they lack reading comprehension and sorry to say it.. what will be will be. You ethos of telling people to hang bud for 2 weeks and completely dry it because they will fail otherwise is wrong. If they have reading comprehension, they will be fine, It isn't your place to hold peoples hand and say what they can or can not achieve.

However I do understand what you are saying, theirs plenty of miss information around.. not just about mj. But once again, if somebody is willing to log into a site like this and believe the first post they read with no further investigation, what will be will be ^^. Hard lessons are the best lessons.

You're more than welcome to an opinion but you do need to stop pushing this mentality that everything you do is the right and only way.
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Drying by time is fine. IF you have a constantly held RH value!
Season's in much of the country change many growers environs. Be it growing or drying environs.

The old simple way of checking for it being ready to go into your curing container....
Dry until the stems "crack" and not bend. Works very well. If your stems break in half.....It's too dry!
You should get it back to around 60% RH content and then go on to the curing stage..

The use of Bovida packs has really simplified curing and quality results for those not well experienced...

I use them, I cure in 5 gallon pails, with Gamma seals as lids......These take longer to cure in, over any qrt jar!
Drying by time is fine. IF you have a constantly held RH value!
Season's in much of the country change many growers environs. Be it growing or drying environs.

The old simple way of checking for it being ready to go into your curing container....
Dry until the stems "crack" and not bend. Works very well. If your stems break in half.....It's too dry!
You should get it back to around 60% RH content and then go on to the curing stage..

The use of Bovida packs has really simplified curing and quality results for those not well experienced...

I use them, I cure in 5 gallon pails, with Gamma seals as lids......These take longer to cure in, over any qrt jar!

Just to clarify, if bud is over dried, it can be re-hydrated and the cure process will continue?. It won't change methods for others reasons as mentioned above but it does take away some of the panic, you could say.
Just to clarify, if bud is over dried, it can be re-hydrated and the cure process will continue?. It won't change methods for others reasons as mentioned above but it does take away some of the panic, you could say.

Yes, I've had success with rehydration.....Patience is key.
Sorry your weak then, i have explained but the rest of ya seem to be confusing the issue, i suggest you revert to the litreature on drying organic matter on google and stop brosciencing me.

I explain you lot confuse, simples, dont like it then grow a set of balls and use that block button so we can all get on with what were doing here :-)

Na, you just hate it when people don't listen to you and you alone -.^. Serious ego complex.