Bud washing

if your weed tastes better after soaking in water and then speed drying it than it would if you allowed it to dry in a proper
environment .....the weed was always poor.

its always shitty weed, moldy weeders that practice this shit.[/QUOTE
Give it a try sometime, it's not a bad thing.
I wash my buds because it makes them better in every way. I didn't have mold issues before or after this process.
Dries more evenly, cures better and definitely smokes better. 3 bucket wash/rinse, I use bubbled off tap water.
No lemon juice, baking soda just water. Dip, swirl, agitate in each bucket. Second rinse bucket is water heated and tempered to about 115 to 120 degrees, this is the real cleaner bucket here. I sling the excess water off and hang in front of a fan for a bit then off to the drying box. Never had a problem other than lack of sleep cause of all the extra fucking work...and it is extra work. But very will worth it for me and those that smoke my weed._DSC0016.JPG Hsarvest (43).JPG
just like the thread sec
if your weed tastes better after soaking in water and then speed drying it than it would if you allowed it to dry in a proper
environment .....the weed was always poor.

its always shitty weed, moldy weeders that practice this shit.
You must never be outside. It rains outdoors sometimes even pours rain down for hours multiple days in a row. A quick dip when plants are first harvested is nothing. The science behind it is easy to grasp. Kill the mold spores to ensure good curing. You have so much knowledge but seem to be set in your ways. You certainly have the means to do a small test for yourself and see the results first hand. Then you will know and won't have to guess if it will work or not. There is no quick dry, just a fan to dry off the extra moisture. Takes an hour or so depending on rH and then take the fan off of them and continue your drying as normal 4-7 days or so.
Last year my Peach and Rotten Stinking Bastard were PM, worm and rot whores. I used neem well past the third week of flower, so you could taste it in the buds. I was cutting buds twice a week, above and below the rot, so it was individual buds. I put them in a head bug net and washed them around in warm water with a shot of H2O2, then rinsed in straight water. I would sling out as much water as possible, then spread on newspaper to dry. I couldn't hang since it was single buds, and I don't have electricity where I was drying so I couldn't use a fan. But they were smokeable after. Some of my Shit/Skunk crosses have a spot or two of rot already, so I guess I'll be doing the same this year.
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if your weed tastes better after soaking in water and then speed drying it than it would if you allowed it to dry in a proper
environment .....the weed was always poor.

its always shitty weed, moldy weeders that practice this shit.
I feel like that is a naive way to think buddy. Why not make something better if you can. If you never done it personaly and compared the two then how would you know.
Last year my Peach and Rotten Stinking Bastard were PM, worm and rot whores. I used neem well past the third week of flower, so you could taste it in the buds. I was cutting buds twice a week, above and below the rot, so it was individual buds. I put them in a head bug net and washed them around in warm water with a shot of H2O2, then rinsed in straight water. I would sling out as much water as possible, then spread on newspaper to dry. I couldn't hang since it was single buds, and I don't have electricity where I was drying so I couldn't use a fan. But they were smokeable after. Some of my Shit/Skunk crosses have a spot or two of rot already, so I guess I'll be doing the same this year.
Where do you live could it be anything that your doing or just the environment or strain
You must never be outside. It rains outdoors sometimes even pours rain down for hours multiple days in a row. A quick dip when plants are first harvested is nothing. The science behind it is easy to grasp. Kill the mold spores to ensure good curing. You have so much knowledge but seem to be set in your ways. You certainly have the means to do a small test for yourself and see the results first hand. Then you will know and won't have to guess if it will work or not. There is no quick dry, just a fan to dry off the extra moisture. Takes an hour or so depending on rH and then take the fan off of them and continue your drying as normal 4-7 days or so.
Well said.
Yes I have.

I did it the first time 2 harvests ago. I will continue to do it. It has made drying less of a worry and doesn't take long at all.

Its amazing whats left in the tubs when your done.
Nearly 0% chance of any mold or pm being developed whilst drying and curing. Peroxide sterilizers and kills mold and spores.
It does remove some dirt and dead bugs.

My method is simple.

Wet trim buds, throw in room temp H202 wash. leave for a few minutes and gently agitate a couple of times, remove and dunk in a room temp rinse. Hang.
Will definetly be doing thank you for your feedback
Where do you live could it be anything that your doing or just the environment or strain
NW Florida. Strain is a biggie. The Peach and Rotten Stinking Bastard were BST2 {bag seed tester #2}. My Hurricane Head FP {BST1} in the same patch didn't have problems, nor did any of the plants from my Jack Carlos Cross strain. I have found the sticky, heavy and thick buds are more prone to problems.

I have some Shit/Skunk crosses going this year. The Triangle Kush Cookies X Nightcap X Sinmint X Shit/Skunk is stacking like a mofo. But she also has a few spots of rot. My IPM got thrown off by current events, so not sure if she would have had the problem had I been able to spray every week like I had started the season doing.
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NW Florida. Strain is a biggie. The Peach and Rotten Stinking Bastard were BST2 {bag seed tester #2}. My Hurricane Head FP {BST1} in the same patch didn't have problems, nor did any of the plants from my Jack Carlos Cross strain. I have found the sticky, heavy and thick buds are more prone to problems.

I have some Shit/Skunk crosses going this year. The Triangle Kush Cookies X Nightcap X Sinmint X Shit/Skunk is stacking like a mofo. But she also has a few spots of rot. My IPM got thrown off by current events, so not sure if she would have had the problem had I been able to spray every week like I had started the season doing.
Ohh I gotcha well I wish you luck man let everyone know how it goes!!!
NW Florida. Strain is a biggie. The Peach and Rotten Stinking Bastard were BST2 {bag seed tester #2}. My Hurricane Head FP {BST1} in the same patch didn't have problems, nor did any of the plants from my Jack Carlos Cross strain. I have found the sticky, heavy and thick buds are more prone to problems.

I have some Shit/Skunk crosses going this year. The Triangle Kush Cookies X Nightcap X Sinmint X Shit/Skunk is stacking like a mofo. But she also has a few spots of rot. My IPM got thrown off by current events, so not sure if she would have had the problem had I been able to spray every week like I had started the season doing.
Larry have you got a few pics of the Easty's strains somewere? Ive got a few to and may pop a couple in a month or so.
I dont speed dry.

Some of us live in climates that are wet come harvest time (especially if they are growing Sativa s). We may not have mold but its nice to kill the spores if they are there. I dont want to come back after a weeks holiday to find the season has turned to mush. Last harvest I was on a cruise for the dry so had no chance of "checking in".

Its a useful tool for some. By far the majority of those who insult people who use it are people who haven't used it. I didn't wash a bud in 20 odd years. I do now.

ok, but really, look at what I said. is it true?
1)if your weed tastes better after soaking in water and then speed drying it than it would if you allowed it to dry in a proper
environment .....the weed was always poor.
the majority of growers do not wet their weed before they dry it and super quality comes forth without the practice. I know the practice, sampled and studied it too. I get it. moldy weed, over fed weed, buggy weed...it benefits from a wash of course, but that just makes 1 a true statement, as weed that isnt buggy moldy or over fed is indeed better to begin with.

2)its always shitty weed, moldy weeders that practice this shit.
for sure, when you have moldy wee as 2 says, what can you do, I get it. still, 2 is most often true here in this forum. see # 1 for why:P
no insult was ever intended.
ok, but really, look at what I said. is it true?
1)if your weed tastes better after soaking in water and then speed drying it than it would if you allowed it to dry in a proper
environment .....the weed was always poor.
the majority of growers do not wet their weed before they dry it and super quality comes forth without the practice. I know the practice, sampled and studied it too. I get it. moldy weed, over fed weed, buggy weed...it benefits from a wash of course, but that just makes 1 a true statement, as weed that isnt buggy moldy or over fed is indeed better to begin with.

2)its always shitty weed, moldy weeders that practice this shit.
for sure, when you have moldy wee as 2 says, what can you do, I get it. still, 2 is most often true here in this forum. see # 1 for why:P
no insult was ever intended.
1. i didnt say it tasted better. I dont speed dry. Have no idea why your quoting me on that.

2. The harvest mentioned in my statement was not shitty or moldy. But i have certainly grown that before and not washed and also washed. Sub tropical rain forest environments tend to do that.

Yes id love a dedicated drying room, or a dedicated grow room for that matter but wont be happening until we move to downsize. I must say when you have a cocktail in hand sitting in the spa on the rear deck of a cruise ship over looking the south pacific, not worrying about mold taking hold whilst she is drying is worth the wash and your snide remarks.
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1. i didnt say it tasted better. I dont speed dry. Have no idea why your quoting me on that.

2. The harvest mentioned in my statement was not shitty or moldy. But i have certainly grown that before and not washed and also washed. Sub tropical rain forest environments tend to do that.

sry for the confusion, I am responding specifically to this part of your post "By far the majority of those who insult people who use it are people who haven't used it."

I dont mean to insult, an dI believe my statements wee true , its all good, carry on
I dont speed dry.
. By far the majority of those who insult people who use it are people who haven't used it. .

let me try this again?

those shunning the idea of wshign buds generally dont grow moldy weed aye?
so in fact the majority of bud washers do.

I only meant to quote you on that bolded statement you made

. I know you dont speed dry. but you thought I might be insulting to op.
I dont think I made an insulting remark towards anyone, only a truth I see on riu often.

good day though, no matter.