Bud washing

Jorge Cervantes got a video on YouTube were he wash a plant that had mold on it ,I had mold on an outdoor plant use his advice and it came out ok.
fuck washing moldy bud, toss it.
its not the mold you are washing off you throw out moldy bud its the spores that that mold has spread onto the rest of your crop. You cant see it or smell it but it is there. Basically if I find any mold the mold bud goes in the worm bin and the crop gets reappraised for molds and washed
its not the mold you are washing off you throw out moldy bud its the spores that that mold has spread onto the rest of your crop. You cant see it or smell it but it is there. Basically if I find any mold the mold bud goes in the worm bin and the crop gets reappraised for molds and washed
I wouldn't be putting mold into a worm bin!
Thanks for everyone's feed back. I'm not doing it because of mold I'm doing it to see if its a more clean smooth smoke like people say. People wash their vegetables why not wash the weed you smoke? If I remember right you do it with lemon juice with is a antiseptic then you use something else then you use plain water. I have only known it as bud washing. RegRdless im gonna do it with half of the first plant I harvest dry it then let my buddies smoke it and compare it with the non washed.
I wouldn't be putting mold into a worm bin!
Worm bin is the best possible place you could put your moldy crop.
Worms love mold, it is like a fine cheese to them. I find the worms don't seem to touch fresh stuff , they leave it tilll it gets some funk to it then it is gonezo

YOU DON'T WASH MOLD OFF. You put the moldy cola in the bin. Then because there was some mold in the room you EXAMINE the rest of your crop and you rinse it in H2o2.
Jorge Cervantes got a video on YouTube were he wash a plant that had mold on it ,I had mold on an outdoor plant use his advice and it came out ok.
Toss it and start over. You're going to be putting that inside of your body, why put mold in your lungs ? Fuck that.
Worms love mold, it is like a fine cheese to them. I find the worms don't seem to touch fresh stuff , they leave it tilll it gets some funk to it then it is gonezo
It is a common misconception that worms physically eat the "food" we feed them. They eat the bacteria and slime produced once the plant/food matter is broken down:
Ok...hold on... Don't throw your fucking weed away dude. I had some bud mold this spring, here's what I did....

You set up a couple pitches of water, first pitcher gets a h202 and water second pitcher straight water. Leave buds attached to main stems, cut at base of stem, trim leaves. ( If you have mold or think you might, do this where you won't contaminate anything that you don't want to have mold) Now take one branch and dip it in the h202 shake it around a bit. You want to agitate it a little too make sure the h202 penetrates. Next dip it in the pitcher of water, same way shake it. Hang to dry with a blowing fan on them. Once excess water has dripped and evaporated continue dry/cure as normal.

If there's was mold you will still see it but it will be dead. Put it in a cure jar and watch the mold, spots they won't grow or spread, that's all the proof you need to know the mold is dead. Once your convinced the mold is dead and not coming back, cut the dead moldy spots off.

I did this and my washed buds tasted better than non washed buds off of the same plant. And looked way better. Huge difference on bag appeal. I didn't use the lemon juice because I was weary about this process like most are when they hear it. I'm sure it works fine though after what I've seen. And the Cervates bud washing video is a legit way to do it. Give it a try, you won't be disappointed.
Jorge Cervantes got a video on YouTube were he wash a plant that had mold on it ,I had mold on an outdoor plant use his advice and it came out ok.
He isn't washing with water only, he is using peroxide. I know the video you speak of.
So I use to watch these videos on YouTube and I always wanted to know other peoples opinions... Have any of y'all actually washed your buds after harvest?? have you had washed bud vs non washed in the same harvest? I mean. People say they don't hurt trichromes. So why not do it? I'm just skeptical about trying it. Wanted to know other peoples input before i go ahead and do it.
Yes I have.

I did it the first time 2 harvests ago. I will continue to do it. It has made drying less of a worry and doesn't take long at all.

Its amazing whats left in the tubs when your done.
Nearly 0% chance of any mold or pm being developed whilst drying and curing. Peroxide sterilizers and kills mold and spores.
It does remove some dirt and dead bugs.

My method is simple.

Wet trim buds, throw in room temp H202 wash. leave for a few minutes and gently agitate a couple of times, remove and dunk in a room temp rinse. Hang.
if your weed tastes better after soaking in water and then speed drying it than it would if you allowed it to dry in a proper
environment .....the weed was always poor.

its always shitty weed, moldy weeders that practice this shit.
if your weed tastes better after soaking in water and then speed drying it than it would if you allowed it to dry in a proper
environment .....the weed was always poor.

its always shitty weed, moldy weeders that practice this shit.
I dont speed dry.

Some of us live in climates that are wet come harvest time (especially if they are growing Sativa s). We may not have mold but its nice to kill the spores if they are there. I dont want to come back after a weeks holiday to find the season has turned to mush. Last harvest I was on a cruise for the dry so had no chance of "checking in".

Its a useful tool for some. By far the majority of those who insult people who use it are people who haven't used it. I didn't wash a bud in 20 odd years. I do now.
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