Bubblicious,Papya,Shortrider cfl Grow


Well-Known Member
i am starting this journal for these 3 strains that i have just started i also have 3 bag seeds in 12/12 thats in a diff thread tho....they are being grown in a 35 gal rubbermaid with 10 23=100 watt cfls and i have the short rider in a fish tank with 2 100 watt 1600 lumen bulbs once these bag seeds are done im going to use that 35 gal for clones ... heres some pics i will keep this journal updated weekly , please feedback/ advise is more then welcome
nutes n misc.jpgshortrider outside.jpgbubbelicouse seedling.jpgpapya seedling.jpgshort rider seedling.jpggrow box inside bottom.jpgphoto-13.jpgclone box inside bottom.jpgclone box out side.jpgclone box inside top.jpg


Well-Known Member
Bump .... Any info /advise , better ways to do anything please leave comments and advise


Well-Known Member
just noticed all my 2700k and 1600k where in there so i just popped in 2 of my 5000k and 3500 k bulbs in


Well-Known Member
day 6 from plants breaking soil bubbas on the righ n papaya on left. papya smaller one
bubpapya .jpg


Well-Known Member
It's been a few days from last update fim worked great I'm going to veg 24/0 for 5 more days then flower time I made a screen for bubba and it already has many tops will update pics web I get home from work


Well-Known Member
Wow Miko - looking good man! Thats a well cool little CFL box for a start, and the plants themselves look amazing too! I love how firm, fat, healthy & bushy they look already - they're clearly loving that CFL light! Will be interesting to follow.

Also, can u please tell me, when u fim, do u allow any extra veg time for recovery, or do u just do 3 weeks veg as standard?? I'm small-height closet grower too & like how urs look like they'll bush so much, rather than christmas treeing.


Well-Known Member
All my plants are indica for starts and I fimed and after all the tops came out from the fim I toped all the tops . I do it young as possible for the most recovery time I can get


Well-Known Member
update day 17 , the bubba and papya are getting to bushy and big im cutting them to 12/12 now ina scrog i also started dinafem diesel and my short rider is still in 24/0 sog.jpgdiesel.jpg


Well-Known Member
well all py pics are gone but heres a pic of day 21 flower for all my plants
bubba bubba day 21 flower.jpgbuba day 21 flower bud.jpg

papya papya day 21 flower.jpgpapya bud day 21 flower.jpg

short ryder and diesel sr n d day 21 flower.jpg


Well-Known Member
plants are doing great ill update with pics 2morrow i estimate that bub and short ryder should be done by april 30th - may 7th , but papaya and diesel look like they wont be finishing up till some time mid to late may


Well-Known Member
heres some better pics of my dinafem diesel and short ryder i never get really good ones but the buds are really starting to look nice on them short rider and diesel flower april 1s.jpgsr bud porn.jpgdinafem d april 1sr.jpgdinafem d bud porn.jpg