Bubblicious,Papya,Shortrider cfl Grow


good shit man. how did ur scrog tur n out? im gonna start a grow of some "girl scout cookie" in rubbermaids soon, urs looks NICE! Props! can u take pictures from the top directly down on the plants? and did u ever mover ur bottom lights at any time? im sub'd man!


Well-Known Member
my bubba scrog i just harvested last week actually good yeild zip n a half , and i also havested my short ryder i pulled about a zip off her now i have my papaya and diesel plant left ill actually update soon with thos


what is the net for?
and i have a question about fimng and toping. what is used for what? like is one used to keep the plant from growing up and the other is for keeping it from growing bushyer??

also awesome looking plants man!!


Well-Known Member
fimming is a type of topping promotes multiple tops instead of just 2. it stands for fuc* i missed as it was discovered by mistake. the net is called scroging screen of green and it makes the plant have one even canopy with = light amongst all the colas


can i use the scroging screen with any strain?
it seems like a good thing to do especially when using cfls...


it is great for cfls its just autos you want to leave alone it works great for photo strains
Ok cool, i just need a way to keep my plants short. my grow space is small, very small...i know ill get less yeild but its what i got.
so topping and fming, im not sure will help, as that seems to promote growth....


Well-Known Member
Ok cool, i just need a way to keep my plants short. my grow space is small, very small...i know ill get less yeild but its what i got.
so topping and fming, im not sure will help, as that seems to promote growth....
DO NOT TOP OR FIM AUTOS it will destroy end result. autos have to short of a life cycle to be topped or fimed they will start to flower to soon n never fully recover from the topping. you can lst (low stress train your plants for grow space issues but nothing more with autos scrog is even better then topping for autos