Bubblicious Feminized Auto Flower Closet grow!


Well-Known Member
Great pictures! What are you using for nutrients? and how often?

I've also read about clipping off some of the main leaves, did you do this? if so, when? :leaf:

OH, and thanks for the info on how to put profile pic; my ladies seem to be getting bigger! almost to tall for my lights, and a slight hint of stankyness. LOL

Thanks! :lol:
Right now I am using fox farm nutrients, three different ones actually. Grow Big Hydro, Tiger Bloom, and Big Bloom. Fox farm has a rough feeding schedule on their website and I have been using that as a rough guideline on the nutrients. I try and do a water change (on my hydro) and I all the nutes into that water. For my soil plants I mix it a gallon at a time and basically water the plants when they get dry. After 1 gallon the next watering is bigger and with clear water.
From what I have read this helps prevents over feeding the plants and buildup of gunk in the soil.

As far as trimming the leaves I have done a lot of reading on this and its a very divided thing... Personally I am on the side of "you need the leaves because they are like solar panels to create the energy that is used to create bud" However I do trim some of the very bottom leaves that dont get light anyways... and then just a FEW within the plant to allow a little more light in.... but I do leave most of them... (I guess you should probably trim them in the vegetative to reduce shock but im not sure)

And yes! The first couple weeks of flowering for me there wan an EXPLOSION of growth!

:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf: I LOVE THE STANK! HAHA :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:


Right now I am using fox farm nutrients, three different ones actually. Grow Big Hydro, Tiger Bloom, and Big Bloom. Fox farm has a rough feeding schedule on their website and I have been using that as a rough guideline on the nutrients. I try and do a water change (on my hydro) and I all the nutes into that water. For my soil plants I mix it a gallon at a time and basically water the plants when they get dry. After 1 gallon the next watering is bigger and with clear water.
From what I have read this helps prevents over feeding the plants and buildup of gunk in the soil.

As far as trimming the leaves I have done a lot of reading on this and its a very divided thing... Personally I am on the side of "you need the leaves because they are like solar panels to create the energy that is used to create bud" However I do trim some of the very bottom leaves that dont get light anyways... and then just a FEW within the plant to allow a little more light in.... but I do leave most of them... (I guess you should probably trim them in the vegetative to reduce shock but im not sure)

And yes! The first couple weeks of flowering for me there wan an EXPLOSION of growth!

:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf: I LOVE THE STANK! HAHA :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:
I would think that my plants would be root bound, seeing is I used a small one gallon pot, but keep getting taller! LOL What are your measurements of nuts? Ive been using 1-2 teaspoon per gallon, Tiger Bloom and Big Grow, and I alternated water, then nutes.

They have now been on 12/12 for one week, I saw a comment earlier in your journal about having trees in the closet, well, I think that is what I gonna have. I didn't really want to have this much, but hey, what can you do now!

I bought 10 of those supposed "autoflower" bubbilious, (what i am growing). 3 are those trees in my hutch, and i started 2 more on Dec.3rd. One of those is now truly AUTOFLOWERING, the other, same, gonna be a tree. Glad i payed attention when I learned about genetics, otherwise I would be pretty pissed off about the seeds.:wall:

Well, keep up the pics, I will post more when i see really goodness :leaf:

Thanks for letting me pick your brain about your info, very helpful!:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
AN UNRELATED UPDATE::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:

- So it has nothing to do with my bubblicious plants, but the POP plant that I said i got from my friend a while back have officially been harvested! Total wet weight was 103 grams. If you typically lose about 75% of the weight were looking at almost an ounce. Not bad at all for just some bag weed seeds. Here are some pics for your enjoyment. Its about to be the longest 2 weeks ever.



Officially today I started the germination of the following seeds

(1) Lemon Skunk Feminized - Hydro
(1) Sour cream Feminized - Soil
(1) Auto Ak-47 Lowryder #2
- Soil

I will be starting up a brand new grow journal for these plants. I will post links for anyone that wants to watch em. I expect great things now that I have even more experience under my belt.



Well-Known Member
Greenhouse Seeds Lemon Skunk? Looking forward to that. esp let me know. Looks like a nice harvest you got going on :)


I see that you are germination new seeds! awesome, i really enjoy your journals. Just a tip i have learned over the past few years about soil. I have tried many types of soil, from organics to Miracle Grow!
The best, i have found, is the African Violet Soil. The soil is specially made for acidic plants. I also found that using lots of Perilight mixed with the soil will keep away the gnats and allow for better drainage. Hope I don't sound like a 'know-it-all!'

happy growing! :clap:


Well-Known Member
1/16/11 - Just another quick update on the plants. So far so good! The buds are becoming even more coated and "fluffy" looking... the buds are getting heavy enough to knock the plant over! Time to get some string to tie it up. Enjoy the pics.


ALSO - I have officially started the grow of LEMON SKUNK, SOUR CREAM, AND AK-47. I plant to start another grow journal sometime next week. But for giggles heres a couple pics of the setup.




Well-Known Member
My wife didnt enjoy that part at all.. Her friend came over & as soon as she walked in she noted that our house smells like pot. Laugh..
Dank.. Very dank.


Well-Known Member
Stinky Stinky yet??


the stank is truly ridiculous! I am growing the plants in the closet of a small bedroom and everytime I go into that bedroom it smells like straigt DANK! haha I love it so much! to bad they don't make glade plug ins with that smell.


Well-Known Member
So the new grow journal will be delayed as for some reason 2 of the 3 seeds I planted have NOT sprouted. This really bummed me out. Luckily I have more seeds of the same plants. More bubblicious updates coming tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::l eaf:leaf:::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::joint::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf: :leaf::leaf::leaf:

2/1/2011 - Sorry it's been so long since my last update, but I have some really good pics of the plants in their current state. Pretty much all that has happened is the bubblicious has started to kill off some of its bigger fan leaves (I'm assuming this is the natural way the plants devotes its resources to the bud) and has really thinned out a lot. The bud is getting more dense everyday and it's pretty frosty!

As far as the blue mystic go the gnats have been 100% taken care of! The blue mystic is doing really great! Looks nice and healthy! I have noticed that the bud is getting SUPER frosty! The buds are starting to take on a slightly whiter color because of all the resin. The buds are also getting denser and DANK smelling.

The smell is getting more intense everyday! My grow closet in inside of a small 10 X 12 room with a small window so the smell stays pretty contained at all times! I have grown to like it more and more... haha

Anyways... I have pics of both as well as a new youtube video of the plants! (I know the closeups of the bud is kinda bad quality... oh well you get the idea.)

So the new grow journal is definetly still on the way... i just pushed it back because 2 seeds never sprouted. today I germinated 2 more and will start the journal once they sprout!










:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::l eaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::lea f::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf: :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
I was thinking probably end of january or early feb I plan to just keep checking the trichomes until they are where I want em to be.

Do you have the ability to take pictures of the trichomes? your camera seems to be really awesome.. :bigjoint:

by the way i tried to take pics of the trichomes with a very poor result.... the pics that are in my last update is the closest I could get.... oh well....