Bubblicious Feminized Auto Flower Closet grow!


Those leaflets are getting iced out quick. I saw a herm male or male going for half a month and then grew female flowers out the rest 50-60 days so you never know. I would roll a blunt of some hermie budz if that's all you get out of it.


Well-Known Member

:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::l eaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::lea f::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf: :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:

12/18/10 - so as an experiment I made a small video of my most current plants and the setup. I plan to update with better quality pics but I have been getting home when the lights are off lately...

let me know what you think!

:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::l eaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::lea f::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf: :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
12/23/10 - So the plants are still moving along... The buds are starting to become even more frosted and I'm excited! haha... I went out of town for a few days and I came back to find the tips of every leaf are brownish and almost crispy looking and on one plant some leaves have brown spots on them... I checked the ph and it was fine. Any ideas? I'm thinking I may have overdone the nutrients a little bit last time because I was leaving... let me know what you think!

As for the blue mystic... the budding has officially begun! Little white hairs are poking out of tons of places! And the pop... Going to flush this week.... and then we harvest!

by the way... the 4th pic is the blue mystic




Active Member
Wow nice plants. I can't wait to see what you harvest. I just purchased some Blue Himalaya Diesel Feminized and was thinkin of the Blue Mystic but decided next grow I will try it. Keep up the good work and happy growing :)


Well-Known Member
12/29/2010 - Just a quick update. The plants are are doing fine! Well I have to say I have started to forget about the other bubblicious... since the beginning it has been a runt no matter what I try. So far it as produced barely any bud. It will be my canna oil plant.

Anyways the plants continue to get more frosty and thicker. I cant seem to solve the problem of every tip of every leaf turning brown. The ph is fine and its not nutrient burn... Idk as long as it doesn't get worse.

GNATS! I have been infested quite badly in my 2 soil blue mystic. Was thinking of doing the sand on top method.... Any other better ideas I dont know of?



A small, thin layer of Perlite over soil will do the trick too! I just saw your grow, awesome! I actually started my first grow of Bubblicious Autoflower myself on the same day you did! LOL mine don't look as big as yours cuz of soil and under CFL lighting only, but my ladies are doing well for me! keep up the posts, nice to have someone to follow on the same dates!


Well-Known Member
A small, thin layer of Perlite over soil will do the trick too! I just saw your grow, awesome! I actually started my first grow of Bubblicious Autoflower myself on the same day you did! LOL mine don't look as big as yours cuz of soil and under CFL lighting only, but my ladies are doing well for me! keep up the posts, nice to have someone to follow on the same dates!
Yea I went and got some sand and the Gnats have been taken care of! You should definetly post some pics of your plants. Not quite sure what you ment by CFL only... I have only had my lights under CFLs since the begginning. Some people talk crap about them, but they are cool, efficient, and small! Plus I am more than happy with my yeilds (so far)

hit me up if you get some pics posted of yours


Yea I went and got some sand and the Gnats have been taken care of! You should definetly post some pics of your plants. Not quite sure what you ment by CFL only... I have only had my lights under CFLs since the begginning. Some people talk crap about them, but they are cool, efficient, and small! Plus I am more than happy with my yeilds (so far)

hit me up if you get some pics posted of yours
I guess I was a bit silly when I typed it! Here are photos of my ladies, this is at their 2 mth bday, yesterday.
They have been under 4 18inch homedepot lights, 3100 k. for a month and started Tiger Bloom a month ago as well. I realized that they were forming hairs with no smell! They were not 'truly' blooming! oh well, just means more for me in the end! :-)
They were originally under 16/8 lights, but I switched to 12/12 on the 3rd.
The ladies are now aprox 18-24 inches tall, so i believe the crop should be awesome!


I hope we can keep comparing our wonderful ladies! I really liked the video! Happy Growing!



Well-Known Member
I guess I was a bit silly when I typed it! Here are photos of my ladies, this is at their 2 mth bday, yesterday.
They have been under 4 18inch homedepot lights, 3100 k. for a month and started Tiger Bloom a month ago as well. I realized that they were forming hairs with no smell! They were not 'truly' blooming! oh well, just means more for me in the end! :-)
They were originally under 16/8 lights, but I switched to 12/12 on the 3rd.
The ladies are now aprox 18-24 inches tall, so i believe the crop should be awesome!

I hope we can keep comparing our wonderful ladies! I really liked the video! Happy Growing!
Those plants are looking good. Hopefully you get the nice sticky buds that mine are starting to do. Can't wait to harvest! What kind of chamber do you have those in?

Yea man. Feel free to post updates in my grow journal. Would love to see the progress and compare.


Those plants are looking good. Hopefully you get the nice sticky buds that mine are starting to do. Can't wait to harvest! What kind of chamber do you have those in?

Yea man. Feel free to post updates in my grow journal. Would love to see the progress and compare.
Awesome! They are in an old TV cabinet/wardrobe i had from college; lets just say, it wasn't assemble under the best condition! Funny thing is, I have tried to give it away so many times, who knew it would finally come in handy!

Its pretty big, the back is open, and the shoddy assembly has left room for good airflow. I have a separate small closet for my 'grow' area.

How long under 12/12 do you think I will see a difference? I'm so surprised that there is no smell by now.....


Well-Known Member
Before the smell became noticeable for me it was like 1.5 - 2 weeks... It starts a few days after the white hairs form.... it did for me anyways. How long have you been growing?


Before the smell became noticeable for me it was like 1.5 - 2 weeks... It starts a few days after the white hairs form.... it did for me anyways. How long have you been growing?
I've been trying to grow for almost 3 years now, but it was more of an experiment at first.

I had tons of seeds laying around, so i had lots of practice before I bought my seeds. I experimented with so much (indoors, outdoors, fertilizers, ph, organic, soil type, lights) and with help from my Dad, i think I finally got it right this time!

How about you, what's your story?:blsmoke:

oh, and you please tell me how to post a profile pic! Thanks :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I've been trying to grow for almost 3 years now, but it was more of an experiment at first.

I had tons of seeds laying around, so i had lots of practice before I bought my seeds. I experimented with so much (indoors, outdoors, fertilizers, ph, organic, soil type, lights) and with help from my Dad, i think I finally got it right this time!

How about you, what's your story?:blsmoke:

oh, and you please tell me how to post a profile pic! Thanks :mrgreen:

Well... for now I am just going to school and working. Started growing as a hobby(a hobby with an oh-so beautiful reward for your work!) and have really enjoyed it so far.

Everything grow related I learned on this very website. haha

for the profile pic click My Rollitup at the top right of your screen then click on the left where it says edit profile pic. From there if you know a link to it you can put that in option 1 but if its a pic from ur computer then option 2 lets you upload.


Well-Known Member
1/6/11 - So I hate to inform that I have pretty much lost one of my bubblicious. Thank God it wasn't the big one. I came in to check on the plants one morning and my runt bubblicious has tons of crispy dark green leaves and was limp. I since then did a complete flush hoping for it to come back but it hasn't. I will probably let it go a little longer and make it my hash plant or something. SAD DAY.

On the other hand the main bubblicious has stopped with the tips turning brown and the buds have picked back up in growth! Touched on the other day they smell sweet and they are so sticky! Lightened up the nutes this week. Only gave it a 1/2 dose just to make sure everything goes smooth

my blue mystic soil are thriving! They are getting frosted with resin and growth is amazing. Today I also might be germinating a couple seeds of sour cream and lemon skunk.




Great pictures! What are you using for nutrients? and how often?

I've also read about clipping off some of the main leaves, did you do this? if so, when? :leaf:

OH, and thanks for the info on how to put profile pic; my ladies seem to be getting bigger! almost to tall for my lights, and a slight hint of stankyness. LOL

Thanks! :lol: