BUBBLEPONICS!!! Nutes and Lighting with CFL'S..


Active Member
I have 2 6 Quart tubs thats going to have two CLONES each. Using hydroton rocks and rockwool cubes in netcups. I am 4 26 watt CFL and 1 T8 15 watt 18" tube. Is this enough light or do i need more?

And i need help on Nutes..? My uncle told me to start 1/3 at two weeks? And increse as plant size increases. Is that correct?

And What would be good nutes to use for bubbleponics.


Well-Known Member
Probably enough light for the first two weeks, but you'll need to do better than that once the clones are rooted. I would wait until week 3 for feeding, and at 1/4 strength. Nothing special about bubbleponics, so use any nutes that are in your budget. Also, decide whether you want to go organic or not.


Well-Known Member
Fogoponics and aero as well are supposedly more erficient at feeding roots and/or foliage, which will lead to faster growth. You really need to be on top of your shit with those systems and some people would argue that the benefits over hydro are not substantial enough to warrant the extra work. All conditions have to be perfect or all benefits are lost, maybe even your plants as well if you screw up. My advice is to stick with hydro until you feel you've outgrown your setup, or when you want to try a more advanced system. If you're growing strictly for personal use, a fogger might be going a little overboard anyway.