Firstly, good luck on your meeting

- lotsa people hate public speaking/presentations, but I'm pretty outgoing so I never had much of an issue with it - just walk in there dick swinging like you own the place and you'll be fine
Secondly, the 8x8 flower room wouldn't be totally filled to the walls - it'd be 4 3x3 trays in there (so a 6x6 plant footprint) that the 2 1Ks would be covering, and that's only a couple square feet more then a 4x8 (32 vs. 36). I want the room to be a little oversized so I have room to the side for a dehumidifier, CO2 tanks (although would probably go generator in that size), and whatever else, instead of having to cram them underneath a tray, which has led to the height issues I'm currently having.
The size of the box is going to be right around 12 feet long by 8 feet wide and 7 or 8 feet high - need to do some more measuring, but that's 95% accurate to what it's gonna be.
Heading to Home Depot now to get some ideas - BTW, anyone know how to cut perfect 6" holes (for the ducting)? I know there's a way to do it, maybe I'll ask my Home Depot guy........some drill attachment or something.
EDIT: 4K's not an option because I'm not wired for that much juice in there; that being said, was thinking of having an electrician come out and turn one of my new 120V 20 amp circuits into a 240V circuit - anyone know how difficult that would be for him? Figure as long as I'm totally going to be cleaning out the garage that this is my last chance to get anything done that I need to, because this is gonna be the final project - anyone have any specific requests or suggestions of what I could get done while my garage is empty? FYI, will take place after my next harvest, so sometime in mid to late April, hopefully beating the hot summer weather.
Will move a small tent inside for the week or two it takes to get rocking and rolling so that my clones will be ready to roll whenever.