Yeah, yeah, I know I'm a tard.............not too many people knock their own selves out with a hammer, but life goes on - still counting my stars that of all the several thousand dollars worth of stuff that could've broken, I "escaped" the flood only having to buy a new ballast.
Anyhow, still kinda undecided on what I should/will be doing for the rest of the day - on the one hand, I wanna get this veg tent into its "final" setup ASAP, but I lack the required extra tray and lights to do that, so I'm at a bit of a crossroads - I can setup the tray/stand./reservoir and all that inside of the tent now, or I can set it up like it's gonna be, with the tent on top of the "stand" and the tray on the floor of the tent, but that means changing up all the lighting and then changing it back again when I finalize it within the next week or two.
Just decided, I'm gonna do it the latter way, and switching up the lighting/ventilation in the veg tent is pretty easy, anyways. (changed my mind again and am just going to setup the one tray, as the stand is too tall to stand the tent on top of).
Will have it done by tomorrow, going to let some aquarium sealant dry today to ensure that the fittings are watertight.
Anyways, here's some pics.........

In the first pic, you can see from the cardboard that the water was no joke, but I escaped; second pic is the new ballast sitting on a wood step into the garage - that thing gets hot.
Pic of the tray - not my best work in terms of aesthetics, but it's gonna be pretty damned solid.

Random "big" tent trays - as you can see, they're all getting bigger.

Not sure if this is something to worry about or not, but I'm not too worried about it.
This is a little more troubling, but not "too" worried about it - either from heat (was in the 70s here for a couple of days last week) or from the pH issue I had - was lazy about calibrating my meter, and when I finally did the other day, realized I was off by almost a full point!!! So when I was seeing 6.0, was closer to 5.0..............oh well, live and learn - thankfully nothing disastrous happened, but not gonna slack on calibrating again anytime soon.
And here's the clone - doing well, as soon as I see some "official" new growth I'll say it's rooted, but I'm 99.9% sure it's rooted.

Veg tent pics - it's quite the jungle in there, trust me.
Well, that's about it for now, gonna see if I can procrastinate any longer and if not, I'll do some work.
EDIT: forgot to mention, seeds are still not here and the H2O2 that was supposed to be delivered today has not come either..............getting kinda nervous about the seeds, don't recall it ever taking this long...............oh, last thing is that I turned the CO2 down to 1000PPM a few days ago to try and conserve, and I figured that 1500 for such little plants was probably not necessary.