Bubblelicious, New York Power Diesel, and Super Skunk in DWC


Well-Known Member
Doesn't sound like you're cut out for Carpentry. LOL. Stick with "Bob the Grower."

Personally, I have a friend who's got WAY more energy (and every tool known to man) than he knows what to do with. And he smokes! bongsmilie I'm livin' the dream! :mrgreen: Nothing better than friends with tools!

I'd help you if I could, but keep the hammer away from your face and walk it off. Slap some duct tape on it and you'll be alright.

I'm die'in to see these pics.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
No duct tape, just threw some vaseline on it, boxer style.

Here, figure out how to crop pics, so this is a view of it.............


Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Actually I'm probably better off without them, in hindsight - figure the glasses would've shattered, and I'll take a gash over my eye as opposed to plastic shards in it every day of the week.


Well-Known Member
Saftey glasses don't shatter. If you would've hit yourself hard enough to break saftey glasses, you'd still have the hammer stuck in your forehead.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member

Good to know...............was literally laughing out loud at the thought of that sight................trying to get some veg tent work done but feeling really lazy..............


Well-Known Member
Saftey glasses don't shatter. If you would've hit yourself hard enough to break saftey glasses, you'd still have the hammer stuck in your forehead.
HAHA I second this :lol:

Last summer I saw a guy shoot him self in the eye with a 1 1/2" coil nail, from a coil nailer (duh).. Luckily the glasses didn't shatter, it absorbed the impact and spider webbed the lens. If it weren't for safety glasses he'd never see again with that eye.

Burn on!:peace:


Well-Known Member
Don't make me get the cartoon safety crew over here Bob. You know, Scruff Mcgruff the crime dog, Smokie the Bear, any other retarded cartoon created to stop us from doing fun things....


Well-Known Member
I could've done that, but I like to be discreet and not have my name attached to things - just gonna take the loss on the ballast and be thankful that (so it appears) is the only casualty.

Just got back from the hydro store, bought a cheapy magnetic ballast for $170, hooked it up and everything seems fine - didn't feel like paying $400+ for a quality digital ballast, and figure I'll just have that magnetic as a spare going forward (when I buy two new lights and ballasts for my 4x8 tent).

All in all, a good lesson to remind me to not leave water running unattended.
The real lesson should have been to keep anything with electricity going through it off of the floor. that way, accidental floods dot hurt anything if they happen. Lucky about the floor slope, or you might have been walking into a death trap.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Yeah, yeah, I know I'm a tard.............not too many people knock their own selves out with a hammer, but life goes on - still counting my stars that of all the several thousand dollars worth of stuff that could've broken, I "escaped" the flood only having to buy a new ballast.

Anyhow, still kinda undecided on what I should/will be doing for the rest of the day - on the one hand, I wanna get this veg tent into its "final" setup ASAP, but I lack the required extra tray and lights to do that, so I'm at a bit of a crossroads - I can setup the tray/stand./reservoir and all that inside of the tent now, or I can set it up like it's gonna be, with the tent on top of the "stand" and the tray on the floor of the tent, but that means changing up all the lighting and then changing it back again when I finalize it within the next week or two.

Just decided, I'm gonna do it the latter way, and switching up the lighting/ventilation in the veg tent is pretty easy, anyways. (changed my mind again and am just going to setup the one tray, as the stand is too tall to stand the tent on top of).

Will have it done by tomorrow, going to let some aquarium sealant dry today to ensure that the fittings are watertight.

Anyways, here's some pics.........


In the first pic, you can see from the cardboard that the water was no joke, but I escaped; second pic is the new ballast sitting on a wood step into the garage - that thing gets hot.


Pic of the tray - not my best work in terms of aesthetics, but it's gonna be pretty damned solid.


Random "big" tent trays - as you can see, they're all getting bigger.


Not sure if this is something to worry about or not, but I'm not too worried about it.


This is a little more troubling, but not "too" worried about it - either from heat (was in the 70s here for a couple of days last week) or from the pH issue I had - was lazy about calibrating my meter, and when I finally did the other day, realized I was off by almost a full point!!! So when I was seeing 6.0, was closer to 5.0..............oh well, live and learn - thankfully nothing disastrous happened, but not gonna slack on calibrating again anytime soon.


And here's the clone - doing well, as soon as I see some "official" new growth I'll say it's rooted, but I'm 99.9% sure it's rooted.


Veg tent pics - it's quite the jungle in there, trust me.

Well, that's about it for now, gonna see if I can procrastinate any longer and if not, I'll do some work.

EDIT: forgot to mention, seeds are still not here and the H2O2 that was supposed to be delivered today has not come either..............getting kinda nervous about the seeds, don't recall it ever taking this long...............oh, last thing is that I turned the CO2 down to 1000PPM a few days ago to try and conserve, and I figured that 1500 for such little plants was probably not necessary.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
So, topped off my reservoir with about 7 gallons today, went out there a minute ago to check on it, and there's a sizable leak...............gonna quickly light-proof and plumb this 35 gallon Sterilite as best I can, and then switch them out - tired of dealing with this bullshit Rubbermaid and it's problems.

Anything else wanna go wrong today?

Thank God I caught that when I did.................my my, what a day.


Well-Known Member
This ain't your day. You need a smokebongsmilie

Fix your leak and put off any further activities that don't involve feeding yourself or getting high. Everything else can wait until tomorrow. For God's sake, don't use any power tools!

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
This ain't your day. You need a smokebongsmilie

Fix your leak and put off any further activities that don't involve feeding yourself or getting high. Everything else can wait until tomorrow. For God's sake, don't use any power tools!
Lol..........yeah, not the best day ever, but I'm not easily deterred.

Gotta turn the negatives into positives, and I believe I've done that.

So here's what I did...............


First and foremost, put important electrical equipment on some cut up pieces of 2x4s to get them off the ground and outta harm's way - if it floods more then 2" high in there, I'm proper fucked anyways, so that's about as good as it's gonna get for the time being.


Now this might be kinda controversial, so lemme walk you through my thought process here before anyone jumps to any conclusions.

Even though I had light-proofed my previous rez as much as I thought humanly possible (see the "greatest tape job known to man"), there was still algae in and around it, which I found to be annoying and somewhat frustrating.

Then I started thinking of large grow ops, and how they don't light-proof or even cover up their reservoirs, and then I decided I was going to do the same - got rid of the cover, the air pump, stones, etc. - simply bare bones in there.

I think this works for a couple of reasons - I'm getting my H2O2 delivered tomorrow, which should help, and I have so much oxygen being delivered to the water (from flooding every two hours) that I don't need anymore.

Also like that there's a very slow leak around the fittings for the table, so instead of leaking onto the lid of my previous rez, it now goes right back into the rez.

Finally, checking water level and pH is now going to be much, much easier.

I'm very, very, very happy with this decision, and without that leak, I never would've done it - all about turning challenges into opportunities, gentlemen (sorry for laying it on so thick, just really pleased right now :mrgreen:).

So that's about it for tonight - that small victory has made me decide to do some hardcore work on my veg tent for tomorrow :blsmoke:

So, anyone want about 40 buckets and a 50 gallon Rubbermaid? Free to a good home...........you can have the air pumps and stones, too.

EDIT: Can one of you confirm for me that a ballast won't get hot enough to spontaneously combust on a wooden step? That magnetic ballast gets plenty hot, but I can't believe it could ignite would, right? And if it could, what would be a safe material to rest it on?


Well-Known Member
I've had my magnetic ballast on a wood shelf for a year now and it hasn't gone up yet. If you're worried, half a square of tile would work nicely.

I've also had my reservior uncovered for the last year. Never had a problem with algae growing in it. I change the water every two weeks like clockwork. I did it because I'm running three flood tables off one reservior. That means that I have to have 3 pumps and 3 drain lines. Since the whole tub is on wheels, I didn't want to risk missing a drain line. That, and it's all under the table anyway so it's not getting direct light.

Why did you remove the air stones? I am not running air stones at all on that setup, but I was going to add them. I've already purchased the air-stones for my new tent grow. I don't have access to H2O2, my hydro-dummy said it was illegal.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
I've had my magnetic ballast on a wood shelf for a year now and it hasn't gone up yet. If you're worried, half a square of tile would work nicely.

I've also had my reservior uncovered for the last year. Never had a problem with algae growing in it. I change the water every two weeks like clockwork. I did it because I'm running three flood tables off one reservior. That means that I have to have 3 pumps and 3 drain lines. Since the whole tub is on wheels, I didn't want to risk missing a drain line. That, and it's all under the table anyway so it's not getting direct light.

Why did you remove the air stones? I am not running air stones at all on that setup, but I was going to add them. I've already purchased the air-stones for my new tent grow. I don't have access to H2O2, my hydro-dummy said it was illegal.
Removed the air stones because:

1) They're not needed - there's more then enough dissolved oxygen from all the aeration taking place from the numerous floods
2) Seems to me like algae forms where there's just a "little bit" of water, which can happen from the splashing of air stones/bubbling action, so I just got rid of them to keep a nice, uniform water level throughout - also don't want any water splashing over the sides of the rez.
3) Makes checking pH and TDS much, much easier - with airstones, the TDS would change every second because the water was moving, but now stays nice and still for me when testing.

Also, decided I'm not gonna throw away that Rubbermaid and am going to use it as my reservoir for my veg tent - it's long and low, and I'll only need to fill it up to ~30 gallons for those two 2x4 trays, anyhow.

Plus I put a lot of work into that setup (taping and building the frame), so I'd like to get some use out of it.

And I think I'm gonna use that tile idea - seems like Murphy's Law is in full effect, but I can handle a little flooding - a fire is a different story.

EDIT: regarding the H2O2, can't you just order it online? That's what I did - was like $50 delivered for a gallon of 35% stuff.


Well-Known Member
I tried that last year and everyone said they wouldn't ship to Cali. I just did a search and found a good source though. SWEET! $86 for 2 gallons ;)

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Go for those! My t8s are doing a sick job. They are 6 bulb fixtures. I just added 2 of them into my flowering room for side lighting. there are pics of them in there.

In my veg I have 2 of the 6 bulb units as well with 6500k bulbs, as the ones in flower are 3000k. Flouros will keep the nodes tight, and the growth slower than MH. Perfect light for clones, and may help keep your moms manageable.

I would also like to thank you for your input in my light positioning........ I had the concept you were describing mixing around in my head, but YOU spelled it out, and it all made sense. Plus rep. Awesome looking grow.


Well-Known Member
T5s put out more intense light, than T8s, or T12s(old large diameter bulbs). On those commercial units like that make sure they have the bi pin connect otherwise you will have to special order bulbs. THe single pin connect is more common on 8 foot flourescents, but you never know.