Brown spots leaves, rust fungus? Urgent!


Yeah none of that seems to be helping ive researched for a long time before I posted on here, the closest thing I saw was boron deficiency. I upped the PPM up to 900 a few days ago and now its at 750, AND almost all the water is out of the reservoir! I stopped using the MagiCal too so I don't have the tons of Cal.
Im using Magpro instead, and I see improvement with the curling and spotting seems to have stopped, I do see slight yellowing / lighter green areas, could be its just trying to recover, I think I was severely underfeeding for a 3 month old plant, and I was probably causing some sort of lockout with the tons of Cal.. I read Cal is a Boron antagonist, saw it from looking at Mulder's Chart. and it was way out of the recommended proportions for Potassium Cal Mag..

It is NOT light burn, NOT heat, NOT bugs (I've checked many many times), unless anyone has any other ideas I'll keep you updated on my quest for a fix!
Also it is very doubtfully a Cal or MG deficiency, Ive fixed a MG def it had by using the MagiCal a long time ago, and Ive never seen it have further problems till after the MagiCal, although slowly, it was getting worse and worse and Ive thought it was nute burn, fungus, all sorts of things.. Im not trying to sound like a know it all or something but these are just simple observations and if im the wrong track let me know! (remember I said I made a new nute solution with a lot more nutes, no MagiCal, and its only a few days later and they drank almost all the water, in addition to the PPM down to 750 from 900! Also i havent seen new spots!)


close, but not exactly correct. It will manifest to Calcium, however the necrosis is between the veins and has a set pattern, a that would be Magnesium. Whereas Calcium will become necrotic anywhere upon the leaves in spots, copper colored usually and stems are hollow. Eventually either deficiency will take the whole leaf and spread to others.
Hmm, didnt fully read this one, I think it could be a combination of underfeeding and Cal locking out the MG, thats how I think it could have a def like you said, but Ive never seen MG do that!

sativa indica pits

Active Member
some of my plants have looked like that before and it turned out it was either a low or high ph...cant remember but it was causing lock out of only a certain few micro nutes. There are a bunch of minerals that inhibit the uptake of specific nutes if there is an abundance or lack of one micro nute. They all have to work together to insure even up take for a healthy plants. Ive never used a cal mag and never had a problem. I like to use a micro blend. wood ash is full of just about every heavy metal, as well as having a high ph which counteracts the low ph of liquid fert. Blackstrap molasses, b-1 and a few other things all encourage up-take of nutes for plants. In other words you need a perfect balance for lush green growth, thro that balance off and you end up with def. and surplus nutes.

just what i got out of the cannabis growers bible and that write up on icmag.


Active Member
Yeah none of that seems to be helping ive researched for a long time before I posted on here, the closest thing I saw was boron deficiency. I upped the PPM up to 900 a few days ago and now its at 750, AND almost all the water is out of the reservoir! I stopped using the MagiCal too so I don't have the tons of Cal.
Im using Magpro instead, and I see improvement with the curling and spotting seems to have stopped, I do see slight yellowing / lighter green areas, could be its just trying to recover, I think I was severely underfeeding for a 3 month old plant, and I was probably causing some sort of lockout with the tons of Cal.. I read Cal is a Boron antagonist, saw it from looking at Mulder's Chart. and it was way out of the recommended proportions for Potassium Cal Mag..

It is NOT light burn, NOT heat, NOT bugs (I've checked many many times), unless anyone has any other ideas I'll keep you updated on my quest for a fix!
Also it is very doubtfully a Cal or MG deficiency, Ive fixed a MG def it had by using the MagiCal a long time ago, and Ive never seen it have further problems till after the MagiCal, although slowly, it was getting worse and worse and Ive thought it was nute burn, fungus, all sorts of things.. Im not trying to sound like a know it all or something but these are just simple observations and if im the wrong track let me know! (remember I said I made a new nute solution with a lot more nutes, no MagiCal, and its only a few days later and they drank almost all the water, in addition to the PPM down to 750 from 900! Also i havent seen new spots!)

Good deal. As long as the ppms are droping then she is eating. nitrogen is mostly needed during veg. In the event that nutrient strength is inadequate there would be a shortage of nitrogen which would cause magnesium deficiency symptoms. Once nitrogen levels are brought to adequate, the magnesium deficiency symptoms will reside. So ultimately I think you're right in adding more nutrients .however I am along for the ride see how she turns out


Active Member
some of my plants have looked like that before and it turned out it was either a low or high ph...cant remember but it was causing lock out of only a certain few micro nutes. There are a bunch of minerals that inhibit the uptake of specific nutes if there is an abundance or lack of one micro nute. They all have to work together to insure even up take for a healthy plants. Ive never used a cal mag and never had a problem. I like to use a micro blend. wood ash is full of just about every heavy metal, as well as having a high ph which counteracts the low ph of liquid fert. Blackstrap molasses, b-1 and a few other things all encourage up-take of nutes for plants. In other words you need a perfect balance for lush green growth, thro that balance off and you end up with def. and surplus nutes.

just what i got out of the cannabis growers bible and that write up on icmag.[/QUOTE

a lot of people understand the benefits of humic and folic acids for the growth enhancing abilities and chelated abilities. Humic acid will bond with metallic ions such as calcium and magnesium in particular. In the event let's say there's too much potassium, this will compete with the uptake of calcium and magnesium ultimately whichever source: mineral is dominant is which one will be taking in. In the event now that you use humic acids, they bond with these metallic ions calcium and magnesium making them more readily available at a wider pH. and ultimately in the event that you have not enough or a surplus of one or more particular elements that throws off the pH creating more deficiencies. So along with regular applications of compost tea I would also suggest regular additions of humic and fulvic acid.

Also powdered gypsom as an additive to plain watering in the event of salt accumulation, commonly known as nutrient burn. Gypsum has the ability to neutralize salts. in the event that all nutrients are present and are in proper ratio to amounts, then a little bit of gypsum will help neutralize this salt and prevent the high strength nutrient from dehydrating the roots.


Well-Known Member
Lol you said they were 4 weeks and turns out they were 3 month wtf? With that shitty pic and miss info how is anyone suppose to help you? I smell trolls


Quick update, spotting has stopped, ladies looking better! They're still hungry at nearly 1000 ppm lol I need to flower asap.. but they overgrew the scrog because of so many problems that was easily solved taking MagiCal away, so the issue seems to be that the ratios were way out of proportion with the tons of extra Cal. It was locking out a ton of things since the ppms wouldn't budge and as soon as I took it out, they ate everything and drank it all up!
PH was always fine too.
So now Im running a Potassium:Calcium:Mag ratio of 4:2:1 instead of something like, 1:1 Potassium:Calcium and 4:1 Calcium:Mag lol Im actually at 3:1 Cal:Mag but the nute schedule which I will now follow hits 2:1 during flower