Brown spots leaves, rust fungus? Urgent!


image.jpgHey guys I posted a different thread and it seems like I fixed some curling with a fan in there but it's still cool temps, and one of the strains still curls but not as bad..

i had had this all over my leaves, I cut off the ones with spots, sprayed with sulfur spray, and they started appearing slowly again, I sprayed with a harsher fungicide, daconil but they still are slowly coming back.. I'm not sure it it's rust fungus at this point lol
im using dyna gro for nutes, it's running at 650 ppm with RO and ph 5.7-6.0
ive added magical and the low recommended dose, but I notice the cal mag ratio, it has more cal than mag like dyna gro so maybe it's not helping?

im rambling now.. Any experts know what's going on? The plant is like a month old almost so maybe 650 is too low ppm?

24/7 light cycle, water 6 times in 24 hours.
i don't think it's heat stress at all w


New Member
What medium are you growing in? Soil/Hydroponic etc..?

If it's soil and you're watering 6 times in 24 hours, you're overwatering the plants.


Could it be a boron deficiency? I had a grow with the same nutes before but didn't have issues.. I started seeing this after I fixed a mag deficiency by adding the cal mag, could the extra high cal be causing boron lockout? I could get dyna gro mag pro which doesn't have as much cal and use that instead and see how that goes tomorrow if you guys think it could be that.. As I really doubt rust fungus lol


I thought they were about 3 weeks old.. they are actually 3 months old! I can't believe how long ive been having them lol.. so Im flowering soon as soon as this problem resolves. I have been feeding the ebb flow at around 650 ppm and I raised it up to 900 48 hours ago and its 800 now. So i think theyre eating a bit more, I also cut out Technaflora's MagiCal because I ran a nutrient calculator, and using that brought my Cal ppm to nearly the ppm of the Potassium, I read it is supposed to be a 4:2:1 ratio of potassium, calcium, and magnesium.
I added MagiCal because of a MG def early veg and it fixed it, but they started having this problem slowly, the brown patches on the leaves, it doesnt matter how close or far they are from the light. The white stuff on the leaves is from spraying sulfur fungicides and another one, after I thought it was rust fungus since I havent been getting right guesses on here..
I switched to DynaGro Magpro and now the ratio seems to be normal, I have the MG without the tons of cal from MagiCal.. do I seem to be on the right track? It looks a lot like the Boron deficiency pictures Ive seen researching for the past couple weeks.. would bringing the ppm up like I did and getting rid of the tons of Cal help? or do I have to flush the system if its a nutrient lockout from cal.. idk! Please help me and throw around some insight, I need to learn whats going on!
The cupping/tacoing leaves seem to only happen on the GSC (far left) and the Liberty Haze (Far Right) it is NOT heat.. and def not light burn as has been suggested.. they are not directly under the light and are far enough from it.. and I have a pic of it happening under the screen as well.

Just realized plants are 3 months old. So far, steps ive tried, is lowering ppm to 650, didnt work, seems to gotten worse and they started losing the dark green color to a lighter green, kept it at 650.. sprayed with sulfur fungicide, didnt work, so I tried a harsher one, daconil, didnt work.. and now Ive done a rez change, upped ppm to 900 (down to 800 now though, they ate) and switched MagiCal to Magpro without extra Cal. Waiting to see if it works but can you help diagnose?



I know it looks like it but it's not heat stress! I added a pic of thermometer and my room ranged 68-78 usually a stable 74. theyre also not close to the light, the white stuff isn't webs or anything, its the fungicides I've been trying but I stopped as Im sure its not fungus.. I havent done a good job of washing it all off yet, its tough! lol


Active Member
then that necrosis is from PH fluctuations and the canoeing/necrosis is from magnesium. check your PH


Well-Known Member
It looks like something is chewing them up IMO. I would get in there with a with a loupe or a pocket microscope and look at the leaves that are messed up and see if you can find anything.


Active Member
Could the MagiCal problem I explained have been locking it out? It gave me just enough mg but way too much cal
Plant use more Calcium than Magnesium. A lack in Nitrogen can also cause a lack of Magnesium, even tho MG is plentiful.


Active Member
Looks like calcium def!
close, but not exactly correct. It will manifest to Calcium, however the necrosis is between the veins and has a set pattern, a that would be Magnesium. Whereas Calcium will become necrotic anywhere upon the leaves in spots, copper colored usually and stems are hollow. Eventually either deficiency will take the whole leaf and spread to others.