Good to be along for the ride then. You know if you need anything you can always drop me a line. I'm just lil ol me, but I'll do what I can if ya need. And something tells me you're gonna be a great dad, Jig. You always cut the bullshit, and have a big heart. Those are two important traits in my book. I wish there were more people out there like you brosef!
I've gotta go work on the room right now. I found a gap at the bottom of of some drywall, leaving me susceptible to an invasion from god knows what. This week is transplant and veg a little. I can't wait to post some friggin' pics already. I've got this great lab I've concocted for myself, and no one to share it with. Soon enough.
Keep me up to date on how things progress. We're looking at September-ish then, right?