Brobo's Thread for the Bro's (and Sisters, too)...


Well-Known Member
great stuff bobro, love seeing a screen that full. looks like a lot of hairs turned for 6 weeks. does deadhead finish in 8 or something?

either way looks like a hell of a harvest.
Thanks Don! Yeah, what you're seeing is the Green Cure, which is known for burning pistils. The only one that is close is the Deadhead, and even she is spitting out some freshies under there. A lot of people say 8 weeks for her. The rest in the tent will probably go 9 or 10.

And to think he was going to toss this whole thing :hump: gotta love it!
What kinda idiot throws out a perfectly good SCROG?!?! :lol: :lol: :shock:

i know lol i guess we all have our moments eh.
Everyday, Donnie, everyday. :)

Looking cherry Bobo, what size is your tent?
Thanks, Spliff. My tent is a Secret Jardin DR90, which is about 32"x32" give or take. I've also got a HydroHut that I use for veg, but I think I like the Secret Jardin a little better in terms of construction.

Nice to see your new CLW addition:)

Thanks Snafu! Yeah, the light has really helped my tent out aside from just being a light! Temps float right around 80 (up from low 70's), and rh has dropped a ton, ranging from 37%ish to 42%ish down from close to 50%. The plants that are getting both light sources seem to be extra stoked, too.

Looking dankity bobo-bro!
How does that deadhead smell? MMMM all those sound and look excellent!
I'd rep you again if I could! ;)
Thanks bruddah Colo! Deadhead smells insane... super fuely... reminding me of Sour D when I've brushed up against her legs. The only Deadhead I've ever smoked seemed to smell more OG to me than this one, but they're all cousins, right?

It's 9a and I haven't had coffee yet. I need to go fix this, stat!


Well-Known Member
It's nice to have friends to talk us off the ledge sometimes.

Good work brobo. Hey did you know there's a bird called a Bobolink? I saw a street called Bobolink Drive and thought, how the hell do they know bobotrank lol.


Well-Known Member
I have Bobo haunting me on a regular basis around here. We have a hiking trail called Bobolink. There's also an energy bar called Bobo's. Now I can just picture that screen full of flowers while eating my Bobo bar and hiking on Bobolink yrail... :-)


Well-Known Member
It's nice to have friends to talk us off the ledge sometimes.

Good work brobo. Hey did you know there's a bird called a Bobolink? I saw a street called Bobolink Drive and thought, how the hell do they know bobotrank lol.
Seriously! I was darn close.

I didn't know about that bird, but will find a picture. Maybe a new avatar?

I have Bobo haunting me on a regular basis around here. We have a hiking trail called Bobolink. There's also an energy bar called Bobo's. Now I can just picture that screen full of flowers while eating my Bobo bar and hiking on Bobolink yrail... :-)
Im everywhere! Lol there is a place here called Bobo's as well. I didn't know about the energy bar, though. That is epic. Btw, fairy took off two days ago. The PO was completely out of padded envelops (wtf?!?) so I had to improvise. Hopefully everything arrives ok.


Well-Known Member
Oh sweeeet! I don't know if they were around when I was... Maybe I should buy a box? :weed: Hmmmm booooboooobaaaaaaarrrrsssssssssss


Well-Known Member
My only question is Med, are they made with 100% USDA Bobo? :lol:
"That reminds me, I'm hungry. I'll have a Bobobar" kind of cannibalistic don't ya think?

Just kidding. Please, don't eat yourself! :-D
BTW, I ever tell you you have a catchy name?lol

Talk of those bars made me hungry, time to go get a pic-a-nic basket! Peace Bobo!


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure they are cruelty free, free range, organic Bobo bars. No actual Bobos were harmed during the making of those bars.


Well-Known Member
Jeezus, I hope you used garlic. Hm. And some bay leaves.

I'm brewing up some horsetail tea as we speak. 2 gallons of RO'd water and 100 grams dried horsetail. Soak for 24 hrs, then boil for 20 min, let cool, strain. Let this part sit for 2 days. Then it's ready. This concentrate will stay good for 30 days in the fridge. You can mix it at 25% strength and then foliar feed 3 days in a row.

Did you know that horsetail is the only plant that reproduces by spores? Fun fact.


Well-Known Member
Great info Brobo! Thanks :eyesmoke:

Did you know your old av is on hightimes website? :shock: cool beans!

Now I cant find it :-(

Dont worry your little heart bobo, I'll cook ya up proper ;-)



Well-Known Member
WOOT WOOT Hook me up on that smoker! If there was ever a way to be cooked, that would be it.

That's funny about the old shot. If you see it lemme know. I just sent it in last month or so.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man. If I could only get my hands on your buds... serious photos would go down.

I can't wait for next round... mainlined ladies should be nice. I've got to give some love to my veg girls tomorrow as a matter of fact. Flower girls are still fading. With two weeks to go on the Lambs and Agent O. It's going to be a race to the finish. :shock: