Well, the girlies are on their way. Here's day 5 of 12/12. Nobody from the seed brigade is showing sexing yet, but looks like they're getting close. Gonna have to rearrange everyone pretty soon, and raise up some Cheeses on a box in the center to get them more under the light. Prolly gonna put some more stakes in and tie the branches out on all the Cheeses I topped, too... whaddya think?
Last round of Cheese, btw, came out to 6 oz. Pretty psyched about that... definitely more than my first round, so that's inspiring lol. More tops, and these buds were just all around denser... I think the high is better with this cut at 8 weeks, too. My first round was 8.5 weeks, and to be quite honest it's definitely a bit of a nighttime high (despite the fact I'd smoke it all day lol). My second batch is quite a bit more energetic, which I like. And by energetic I mean absolutelyfuckingnarcotic

High is better all around, and the smell is just as sweet as before. One of my friends likens it to blueberries... maybe it's the guano?
Oh, and don't mind Silly Little Cheese Below. It was my "just in case one didn't make it" cut from before that didn't make the transplant cut. I couldn't bear just throw her away, so as long as there's room, she can stay. She needs some nutes tho lol Silly Little Cheese
Sorry if any of this didn't make sense. I mighta just pulled a couple tubes before typing this and running out the door to get my lady. Hope everybody is dandee.