Thanks you guys! All the help you've been giving me certainly hasn't gone to waste.

Still could take off some more foliage lol . . . but def gonna have a bigger harvest than last time with all the topping I've done, and they really like the Molasses, too, HC
I missed what happened to Hemlock, but for some reason it sounds vaguely familiar. Was there something on your thread about it, HC? I'm gonna go take a look. The seedlings... well, I think they'll pull through. There is one that's drooping a bit, tho, and showing some necrotic shyt on the lower leaves... just hope the added stress isn't turning her into a him (I'm trying to be positive w/ my male:female ratio lol)
Alright my friends, gonna make some coffee, then some cheese. . . hope you're all havin' a good one!
edit: Just figured out where I saw Hem's news-- on DGT's thread. That's just totally fookin' screwed. Who takes advantage of people like that? Pretty much a total bridge burner, of course, and the thieving lil bastard deserves a big slap across the face-- with a fist.
edit edit: About 2 more weeks, HC, until they're done. Last time I did 8.5 on the nose, and I feel like that was pretty darn good. Holy cowzers did they bulk up in the last few days, too!