(broadcasting from ground zero)

we get bomb shit from cali, new mexico, and mexico. the good stuff is pretty pricey here. ANY amount of marijuana can be prosecuted as a felony. we're not gettin that much of a good deal.
Yeah I feel that

300 an o aint that bad for some bomb shit

it aint bad, but it aint enough to live on anymore. you have to push big weight to get anywhere and now i have to worry about cartel funded gangs trying to kill me, neighbors getting wise, and cops kicking down everyones doors without legit warrants... it ait worth it for weed, thats why a lot go to the hard shit.
havent read the whole thread, but most illegal mexicans don't want to live here. I know this subject well because I worked on a tobacco farm and a pavement company where illegal mexicans were mainly my co workers. all the ones I worked with hated it here. too many people, horrible food(mcdonalds) etc etc. It's the money their after. All they want to do is make enough money and then go back home to mexico for good. They're willing to sacrifice their lives to make their families lives that little bit better. Putting food on the table. Put yourself in that situation. All of you are talking out of your perspective. Well quite being so ignorant and look at it from a broader point of view.

Laws are set when the people don't know how to fix a problem. When the problem itself is the country. Tell me this. Why the fuck are we even over there in the Middle East? We should be in Mexico helping that god damn country. Getting rid of that corruption. But our 'leaders' are too interested in the money over there. Our 'leaders' are and have been 'leading' us down this wrong path for too long. Why the hell arent we helping the country that directly influences us the most? Because the oils in the Mid. East, I know, I know. Doesn't this make you people sick? The whole god damn mid. east situation? Their freedom fighters or the 'taliban' are portrayed as terrorists. We're the fucking oppressors, they're the revolutionaries. While Mexico can't even call itself a god damn country anymore. This countrys leaders are fucked up and they will be the cause of this country going to hell. Oh wait...we're well on our way...
havent read the whole thread, but most illegal mexicans don't want to live here. I know this subject well because I worked on a tobacco farm and a pavement company where illegal mexicans were mainly my co workers. all the ones I worked with hated it here. too many people, horrible food(mcdonalds) etc etc. It's the money their after. All they want to do is make enough money and then go back home to mexico for good. They're willing to sacrifice their lives to make their families lives that little bit better. Putting food on the table. Put yourself in that situation. All of you are talking out of your perspective. Well quite being so ignorant and look at it from a broader point of view.

I ask you one thing, why can they not immigrate here LEGALLY? As in, get a work visa and a green card? But yet, they'll spend 1-12,000 USD to pay someone to bring them across the border. It's because they don't want to pay taxes or help out, and exactly like you say... they don't like it here, they don't want to contribute, they just want our money.


Laws are set when the people don't know how to fix a problem. When the problem itself is the country. Tell me this. Why the fuck are we even over there in the Middle East? We should be in Mexico helping that god damn country. Getting rid of that corruption. But our 'leaders' are too interested in the money over there. Our 'leaders' are and have been 'leading' us down this wrong path for too long. Why the hell arent we helping the country that directly influences us the most? Because the oils in the Mid. East, I know, I know. Doesn't this make you people sick? The whole god damn mid. east situation? Their freedom fighters or the 'taliban' are portrayed as terrorists. We're the fucking oppressors, they're the revolutionaries. While Mexico can't even call itself a god damn country anymore. This countrys leaders are fucked up and they will be the cause of this country going to hell. Oh wait...we're well on our way...

Is that the only reason laws are set? I mean... I guess you COULD insist on installing a computer chip in cars to not allow the car to go past a certain speed, I guess that's the solution to the law against exceeding the speed limit, eh?

We're in the Middle East, along with many other countries, because we realize the Middle East is a hot spot for very violent, world wide groups that have huge amounts of pull within not only the legal markets (Oil) but also the Illegal markets. As for oppressors, that is bullshit. We were taken to war by the actions against our country on our soil... once you link ties to Al-Qaeda to every country in the middle east, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Sudan... the list goes on, you realize there's a problem in that region and you ally with other nations to combat that problem.

It is the nature of man to doom himself to hell, it's been happening way before we were in nutsacks my friend.
Im not sure why everyone is making a big deal about this law. The cops are not going to go out of there way to harass every mexican they see. If they question someone all they have to prove is they are legal. Do you have ID or green card...Yes...have a nice day. I am behind this new law 100% because I detest people who come across our borders, don't pay taxes and take jobs away no matter how low paying they are from legal Americans. Nothing pisses me off more than going to a place of buisness and not understanding a word they say because they are to fucking lazy to learn the language of the country they have choosen to illegally occupy. I hope every state eventually adopts this law so that all the illegals will be sent packing.
wow, well i know guys here illegaly and they make good money, more than me. they do shit you couldn't pay me enough to do. they pay tax on everything they buy, they pay rent that pays the owner who payes taxes, alot of their money ends up taxed. and there are some things lazy white people just won't do, like being bent over 16 hours a day to pick low fruit. some things would not be grown without mexicans not just cost more, but not be grown.
as for the law i'm not illegal so i care much less than others, but i'm with you, if you come here learn fucking English. that goes for americans too if you go to other countries learn the language
it aint bad, but it aint enough to live on anymore. you have to push big weight to get anywhere and now i have to worry about cartel funded gangs trying to kill me, neighbors getting wise, and cops kicking down everyones doors without legit warrants... it ait worth it for weed, thats why a lot go to the hard shit.

Little drama queen.......oh poor me......do your fuckin job and stop crying pussy
I ask you one thing, why can they not immigrate here )LEGALLY? As in, get a work visa and a green card? But yet, they'll spend 1-12,000 USD to pay someone to bring them across the border. It's because they don't want to pay taxes or help out, and exactly like you say... they don't like it here, they don't want to contribute, they just want our money.


That's the problem. So few work visas and greed cards are being given out, while so many are suffering from poverty. The average waiting for a greencard THROUGH marriage is between 5 and 10 years. Now the average Mexican immigrant won't see one for 20+ years. The waiting list is incredibly backlogged. So yes, they take it into their own hands as would I. There's absolutely no future for the average citizen of Mexico. Unless your family is rich. And yet look at us right above, overrflowing with abundance, and yet we say "No." I mean I understand I'm not giving any possible solutions to the problem, but what I do know is you've gotta fix the problem at the source: Mexico. And simply passing laws against illegal aliens will only lead to worse troubles. Seriously does any law that we make actually STOP the problem it was meant to fight? It will only force them to adapt.

We're in the Middle East, along with many other countries, because we realize the Middle East is a hot spot for very violent, world wide groups that have huge amounts of pull within not only the legal markets (Oil) but also the Illegal markets. As for oppressors, that is bullshit. We were taken to war by the actions against our country on our soil... once you link ties to Al-Qaeda to every country in the middle east, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Sudan... the list goes on, you realize there's a problem in that region and you ally with other nations to combat that problem.

It is the nature of man to doom himself to hell, it's been happening way before we were in nutsacks my friend.

You do understand that we will never fully leave the countries once we invade? We still have troops in Germany and Japan. We're occupiers. And the so called actions against our country (911) was not made by any country. Yet why are we occupying them as so? Do you realise we're on the border of invading Pakistan and Iran? Do you understand what happened to Rome when they streched their armies too thin all across the world? It's only bad news from here. The whole portrayal of terrorists is blown up by media. We have no right to be the World Police. If they clearly do not want help, then why fight them? Well my theory is that we are not there to help. We are not there to combat 'terrorism'. Because the more we fight the harder they fight back. The more we invade Muslim countries, the more it looks like America is leading a war on Islam. We're there to occupy and control. That's why we're over there.
I ask you one thing, why can they not immigrate here LEGALLY? As in, get a work visa and a green card? But yet, they'll spend 1-12,000 USD to pay someone to bring them across the border. It's because they don't want to pay taxes or help out, and exactly like you say... they don't like it here, they don't want to contribute, they just want our money.


i say the reason they pay that kind of money to get brought over, rather than do it the "legal" way, is because our legal immigration is like a lottery.... you can be on the list for years and never make it.
Okay, maybe a green card could take years... but I know that the H-1B work visa for the USA does not take long to get at all. As I stated previously I know Mexican's that are here legally, and they are young, so I know it didn't take them years to get here.

And instead of hopping the border, and letting the issue come to what it has come to now, why didn't they try to work with our government to make the process more efficient, I reckon' hindsight is a bitch.

But more important is the fact that if they want to be accepted in our country, they shouldn't be threatening our local/state/federal agencies, burning and stomping on our flag in OUR country (I'd vote for shoot on site for this crime, utter disrespect) and claiming California as a Mexico territory that has been invaded by the United States.
your flag means nothing, your on a piece of land on a big rock and the rock is dying due to ur lands people raping and pillaging earth, people like you are the reason america is hated so much, as the old saying goes, cant we all just get along?
your flag means nothing, your on a piece of land on a big rock and the rock is dying due to ur lands people raping and pillaging earth, people like you are the reason america is hated so much, as the old saying goes, cant we all just get along?

Typical limey mentality. Your EU sure has treated ya well, eh?

Also, Britannia might I remind you?
your flag means nothing, your on a piece of land on a big rock and the rock is dying due to ur lands people raping and pillaging earth, people like you are the reason america is hated so much, as the old saying goes, cant we all just get along?

our fathers died for that flag. yeah its a piece of cloth but in a sense it did and still does mean something. and thats freedom which so few can say they trully have. its not our fault that the goverment is out of control. it is separate than the people. and im proud as hell of my country. but as of recently it is falling and it will meet it's end soon. as all great civiizations, they rot from the inside out. and that is what is happening. its really sad...to live in this time...

edit...might i add its not just america thats falling, but it is ur EU as well. just look up about the financial crisis. austerity measures, etc. the uk is americas little poodle, BTW.