(broadcasting from ground zero)

Disco Pwnstar

New Member
im pretty ashamed of arizona. everyone knows how police work and how they will pervert immigration policy. they use the end, to justify the means and that is why NO ONE trusts them.

the cartels are already here. the new immigration law has nothing to do with stopping people from crossing the border. as long as the average american income is 3 times higher than the average mexican, people will ALWAYS come across the border. the situation arizona just created is this, in those communities where illegals live they will be less likely to report crimes and begin to rely on self policing. since the cartels are the most powerful groups in self policing you are going to see the cartels descend on phoenix. mexicans will be afraid to report crimes, they wont talk to the police because they will deport them to their poor country that has had 23,000 murders in the last four years.

i know some people involved with the cartels and "the word is" there is a big push to get hitmen across the border before it tightens up in phoenix, and wait until until the new immigration laws take effect. once the inevitable abuses of the mexican people are reported in arizona they will take aim at the public officials who pushed this policy. the cartels hope that by holding off the violence in arizona and waiting for provocation, they will have the support of the mexican people. mexicans in arizona are either not going to report crimes, or they will directly help the cartels who are the only ones with the power to fight for them. either way, it doesnt look too good for arizonans. if cartels could sneak military-grade weapons into mexico, what do you think they will have here? arizona has some of the most relaxed gun laws so we already know they'll have plenty of bullets. cartels are already training RIGHT NOW on how to conduct narco-warfare in an american venue. since there is such a heavy (law enforcement) helicopter presence in arizona they've already begun to organize twitter networks for people to report up-to-the-minute updates on the presence of police search helicopters. and the people with guns, you guessed it, its their jobs to shoot at the helicopter if they can do so without drawing attention to their location. vigilante's effected by the immigration law will align themselves with the cartels for protection from Joe Arpio and his racist cowboys. thus, fueling the cartels and all their enterprises.

just food for thought. its not that "obama's fuckin us" or that "the policy is racist". the problem is that law enforcement in arizona (which has a history of corruption and racism) will use this tool to sweep out mexicans on the mass level they've always dreamed of. you see how cops carry out this tactic on us with their "i smell blood in the water" predatory bullshit. and with sheriff joe arpio at the reins pledging to "enforce 100%" there seems little room for this immigration law to be used in a positive way.

fun fact, up until 1992 arizona state government refused to recognize martin luther king day as a national holiday. only after a tourist boycott, arizona changed their minds.

im absolutely ashamed of the people of arizona and the elected officials they support. i would like apologize on behalf of my bigot neighbors.

Us yanks are afraid or anything or anyone that is different then us in anyway thats way all of the world hates us cause we hate them all.
the law also makes it so anybody can sue public officials if they believe they arent enforcing the law. there is another house bill in the works making it illegal to talk about controversial events in history or overthrowing the goverment at a public school. it also makes it illegal for a public school to require classes oriented on foreign studies.

other racist states will follow arizona on their witch hunt. this is a very scary thing if we let it happen. this will also open the door to other intrusions.
What a bunch of American haters you are...Hell I fought for this country so your sorry little asses can run your cockholisters like that. You should be ashamed of yourselves.
Tell ya what assbag why don't you leave the USA...You know try it out somewhere else, you'll see why they all wanna come live here...You know 73 Percent of the people in AZ are in FAVOR of that law So I have no idea who you think your apologising for,,,, dimwit..

And the comment were scum...really?? go fuck yourself, be a man stand by your words and move to Mexico.
I am! im moving to Australia asap the US is done for. sorry you fought for a country that does and will never give a shit about you unless you pay taxes. peace
I am! im moving to Australia asap the US is done for. sorry you fought for a country that does and will never give a shit about you unless you pay taxes. peace

Good Riddens,,,,,,,,go be an expat in Australia, with your attitude they throw you out in no time
hemlock my father was bounty hunter in the southwest for 10 years, served in the army and marines and is currently in iraq with 4 bodyguards keeping him alive in a country that hates him. his armored rav4 was hit with an rpg 4 days ago killing a bodyguard. all because of the elections going on over there. go fuck yourself, dont fucking tell me about sacrifice. there is a reason you are dubbed "jarhead" and its because you are empty.

Then I'm sure your father is ashamed of you and what you have written, why don't you join him,,,oh I know,,,,, your a pussy...LOL
What a bunch of American haters you are...Hell I fought for this country so your sorry little asses can run your cockholisters like that. You should be ashamed of yourselves.
Tell ya what assbag why don't you leave the USA...You know try it out somewhere else, you'll see why they all wanna come live here...You know 73 Percent of the people in AZ are in FAVOR of that law So I have no idea who you think your apologising for,,,, dimwit..

And the comment were scum...really?? go fuck yourself, be a man stand by your words and move to Mexico.

duh you fuckhead its because the state is racist i already said that you fuckin dumbshit.
man, Mexicans get about 6 dollars a day working hard labor, no wonder that want to jump the border. I have no problem with anyone coming to the USA, just as long as they do it legally.
i second that xrtnfx. and its because of that poverty that they turn to the cartels to either make money as narcos, or to get across the border.

all of the destruction in mexico that americans are so scared of is so americans can get high and say its wrong. the majority of their revenue comes from marijuana.

mexico used to be america's cheap manufacturing country, but after we outsourced to asia we left them with no means to earn. corn farmers cant even compete with american subsidized corn flooding their country, while GMO crops from america are contaminating their native stains of corn. they dont really have a lot of options...
i second that xrtnfx. and its because of that poverty that they turn to the cartels to either make money as narcos, or to get across the border.

all of the destruction in mexico that americans are so scared of is so americans can get high and say its wrong. the majority of their revenue comes from marijuana.

mexico used to be america's cheap manufacturing county, but after we outsourced to asia we left them with no means to earn. corn farmers cant even compete with american subsidized corn flooding their country, while GMO crops from america are contaminating their native stains of corn. they dont really have a lot of options...

Interesting location ('seattle-phoenix'), how are you going to handle the whole AZ immigration law fiasco? McGinn is thinking about signing off the proposition of banning anything AZ related from Seattle as a boycott.. Should be an adventure for you since you live in the major metros of each state. :P