Bro or Bruh?

What about the people who call you chief, partner, buddy, bud, pal, boss and the host of other phrases?

Not sure why everyone does it, but they all have there own way of spinning how they refer to people.

It’s what you do when you forget people’s first names.

A friend of mine was a driver and did deliveries for 3 weeks with his new co-worker. He forgot the guys name and just called him Buddy the whole time (“Hey Buddy!” “How’s it goin Buddy?!”).

Finally he fesses up and tells the guy he forgot his name. The guy looks at him and says, Buddy… my name is Buddy.
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I still use Jive Turkey tho
Back when Myspace was king you could only choose a city from a drop down of that country. I discovered that if you picked Turkey, there was no drop down and you could write in your own name. It was the only country that allowed it for whatever reason. So I was from Jive, Turkey. I was the only person with a fake city name until people started jacking my idea. I used it on every site for years and it became my default Internet address. Now whenever something goes down in Turkey I feel an emotional connection as if I am actually from the country.