Bro or Bruh?

I don't like anyone calling me Bro, Bruh, Brother, etc... Except my real brother and I only have one. Even then we refer to each other by our first names.

What about the people who call you chief, partner, buddy, bud, pal, boss and the host of other phrases?

Not sure why everyone does it, but they all have there own way of spinning how they refer to people.
Bro - used by two types of people. Stoners and frat boys. Can be a term of endearment or meant to irriate.

Bruh - semi derrogatory. Used as a mild insult. Example: Whatever you say, bruh. Cash me outside, bruh!

Brah - used by some smoked out Cali bros and by many Hawaiians

Bruv - used in England and India

It's best not to use any of the B words because it will irritate someone and they will think you are a douche bag for simply using a word they don't to hear.

Can’t argue with that! Ha!
Broham. Broseph. Outlaw Brosey Wales.

Bromosapien. These are all variations I call people. Mostly my nieces because it irks them :lol: :lol: :lol:
What about the people who call you chief, partner, buddy, bud, pal, boss and the host of other phrases?

Not sure why everyone does it, but they all have there own way of spinning how they refer to people.

I hate it. I prefer first names. I can't stand and won't use silly nicknames either.
Over here in the states it sounds like you're talking about your life partner.

In India men hold hands in public. They're just good friends though. It doesn't mean the same thing as it would here in the States.

Having said that I would never hold a man's hand in public. In fact I hate it when my lady makes me hold hers. I think she does it because she knows I don't like it. She's probably much smarter than I think she is.