Brett Support Therad.

No use arguing with a bunch of narrow minded Lefty's. Facts don't care about your feelings. It's been the democrats narrative to stall and try to stop Kavenough any way they can. They didn't care about Ford at all and used her for political gains...which didn't work. If they really cared they would of kept it private and started an investigation in July. When Feinstein knew about it. Yet they went through the initial hearing and then pulled "the story leaked"... We all know it was crooked Fienstien who took the story to the press. So sad.
How do you feel about Obama's experience with his last Supreme court pick?
No use arguing with a bunch of narrow minded Lefty's. Facts don't care about your feelings. It's been the democrats narrative to stall and try to stop Kavenough any way they can. They didn't care about Ford at all and used her for political gains...which didn't work. If they really cared they would of kept it private and started an investigation in July. When Feinstein knew about it. Yet they went through the initial hearing and then pulled "the story leaked"... We all know it was crooked Fienstien who took the story to the press. So sad.
Yeah, it’s the democrats who victimized dr ford

Certainly not Brett kavanaugh when he raped her and not trump when he publicly mocked her
No use arguing with a bunch of narrow minded Lefty's. Facts don't care about your feelings. It's been the democrats narrative to stall and try to stop Kavenough any way they can. They didn't care about Ford at all and used her for political gains...which didn't work. If they really cared they would of kept it private and started an investigation in July. When Feinstein knew about it. Yet they went through the initial hearing and then pulled "the story leaked"... We all know it was crooked Fienstien who took the story to the press. So sad.
here's what it's come down to. i'm willing to lie to get rid of trump. i'm willing to do quite a few unethical things to get rid of trump. i'm willing to do quite a few slightly less unethical things to get rid of his allies.
you have to use an enemies tactics against him. if it's ok for trump and all his allies to tell outrageous lies at will, then it's ok for his opponents, as well....the only thing is, the truth is as bad or worse than any lies i can think of...trump is a traitor...truth, trump is a racist....truth, trump is a misogynist.....truth, trump has had an extra marital affair with a porn star and paid her to cover it up....truth,
trump doesn't listen to briefings or read reports...truth, trump kisses vladimir putin ass in front of the whole world...truth.
here's what it's come down to. i'm willing to lie to get rid of trump. i'm willing to do quite a few unethical things to get rid of trump. i'm willing to do quite a few slightly less unethical things to get rid of his allies.
you have to use an enemies tactics against him. if it's ok for trump and all his allies to tell outrageous lies at will, then it's ok for his opponents, as well....the only thing is, the truth is as bad or worse than any lies i can think of...trump is a traitor...truth, trump is a racist....truth, trump is a misogynist.....truth, trump has had an extra marital affair with a porn star and paid her to cover it up....truth,
trump doesn't listen to briefings or read reports...truth, trump kisses vladimir putin ass in front of the whole world...truth.

That's where I disagree. You can be nasty and not take it, but the moment you do immoral things just to get what you want, then you get used to that behavior and will keep it up for something petty, like you want back Pepsi Clear, and are willing to throw Molotov cocktails to git r dun!
That's where I disagree. You can be nasty and not take it, but the moment you do immoral things just to get what you want, then you get used to that behavior and will keep it up for something petty, like you want back Pepsi Clear, and are willing to throw Molotov cocktails to git r dun!
in daily life, you are correct, allowing someone else's choices to dictate your behavior is wrong. but this is quickly developing into a war, and in war, you do what you have to to win, and deal with the nightmares later....
here's what it's come down to. i'm willing to lie to get rid of trump. i'm willing to do quite a few unethical things to get rid of trump. i'm willing to do quite a few slightly less unethical things to get rid of his allies.
you have to use an enemies tactics against him. if it's ok for trump and all his allies to tell outrageous lies at will, then it's ok for his opponents, as well....the only thing is, the truth is as bad or worse than any lies i can think of...trump is a traitor...truth, trump is a racist....truth, trump is a misogynist.....truth, trump has had an extra marital affair with a porn star and paid her to cover it up....truth,
trump doesn't listen to briefings or read reports...truth, trump kisses vladimir putin ass in front of the whole world...truth.
Well at least your somewhat truthful. In the lying aspect. Trump is NOT a racists. What has he ever done to be a racist? Russia... God the media has brain washed you. In a simple recap, Trump has been objectively harder on Russia than Obama was in terms of sanctions and economic policy. There is no debate here.

If Tump were a "traitor" he would be tried for treason like all traitors. We are not at war also...

Back to the main subject. I support Kavenough. Innocent until proven guilty. If he was ever to be proven guilty. I say throw the book at him.
in daily life, you are correct, allowing someone else's choices to dictate your behavior is wrong. but this is quickly developing into a war, and in war, you do what you have to to win, and deal with the nightmares later....

If you can't deal with someone through legal channels, you lose.

Now if someone rapes, molests, or muders your kid, wife, or immediate family, all bets are off, because my way of dealing with them would be to lube up a metal rod, stick it up their ass and heat it up with a torch. My thoughts would be that'd be a very painful death. If not good for me, I get to be more creative.
Trump is NOT a racists. What has he ever done to be a racist?

Here's a PARTIAL list:

  • Trump’s real-estate company tried to avoid renting apartments to African-Americans in the 1970s and gave preferential treatment to whites, according to the federal government.
  • Trump treated black employees at his casinos differently from whites, according to multiple sources. A former hotel executive said Trump criticized a black accountant: “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. … I think that the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault, because laziness is a trait in blacks.”
  • In 1989, Trump took out ads in New York newspapers urging the death penalty for five black and Latino teenagers accused of raping a white woman in Central Park; he argued they were guilty as late as October 2016, more than 10 years after DNA evidence had exonerated them.
  • He began his 2016 presidential campaign with a speech disparaging Mexican immigrants as criminals and “rapists.”
  • He uses the gang MS-13 to disparage all immigrants. Among many other statements, he has suggested that Obama’s protection of the Dreamers — otherwise law-abiding immigrants who were brought to the United States illegally as children — contributed to the spread of MS-13.
  • In December 2015, Trump called for a “a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States,” including refusing to readmit Muslim-American citizens who were outside of the country at the time.
  • Trump said a federal judge hearing a case about Trump University was biased because of the judge’s Mexican heritage.
  • In June 2017, Trump said 15,000 recent immigrants from Haiti “all have AIDS” and that 40,000 Nigerians, once seeing the United States, would never “go back to their huts” in Africa.
  • At the White House on Jan. 11, Trump vulgarly called for less immigration from Haiti and Africa and more from Norway.
  • He spent years suggesting that the nation’s first black president was born not in the United States but in Kenya, a lie that Trump still has not acknowledged as such.
  • Trump called Obama (who was editor in chief of the Harvard Law Review) “a terrible student, terrible.” (Obama held a 3.4 gpa or B+ Average.)
  • Trump falsely claimed that President Obama “issued a statement for Kwanzaa but failed to issue one for Christmas.”
  • He often casts heavily black American cities as dystopian war zones. In a 2016 debate with Hillary Clinton, Trump said, “Our inner cities, African Americans, Hispanics are living in hell because it’s so dangerous. You walk down the street, you get shot.” Trump also said to black voters: “You’re living in poverty; your schools are no good; you have no jobs.”
I can go on for days.
Well at least your somewhat truthful. In the lying aspect. Trump is NOT a racists. What has he ever done to be a racist? Russia... God the media has brain washed you. In a simple recap, Trump has been objectively harder on Russia than Obama was in terms of sanctions and economic policy. There is no debate here.

If Tump were a "traitor" he would be tried for treason like all traitors. We are not at war also...

Back to the main subject. I support Kavenough. Innocent until proven guilty. If he was ever to be proven guilty. I say throw the book at him.
Really? Trump isn't a racist? Are you just uninformed or do you ignore common knowledge to suit your views?

Are you aware of the fact that Trump was investigated and forced to settle when his rental offices used the practice of marking rental applications with a "C" for colored?

And you have no problem with his full page ad calling for the execution of five black kids despite them being exonerated of a vicious rape?

Just because he found ways to be racist without wearing a hood and burning crosses doesn't mean he's not a racist - he is.
If you can't deal with someone through legal channels, you lose.

Now if someone rapes, molests, or muders your kid, wife, or immediate family, all bets are off, because my way of dealing with them would be to lube up a metal rod, stick it up their ass and heat it up with a torch. My thoughts would be that'd be a very painful death. If not good for me, I get to be more creative.
Self immolation is a Buddhist practice, have you considered that it would make a more powerful statement than all your shitty aggressive deluded posts?
How is stuffing a red hot poker in someone’s ass going to help you attain “enlightenment”, or are you there already?
Here's a PARTIAL list:

  • Trump’s real-estate company tried to avoid renting apartments to African-Americans in the 1970s and gave preferential treatment to whites, according to the federal government.
  • Trump treated black employees at his casinos differently from whites, according to multiple sources. A former hotel executive said Trump criticized a black accountant: “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. … I think that the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault, because laziness is a trait in blacks.”
  • In 1989, Trump took out ads in New York newspapers urging the death penalty for five black and Latino teenagers accused of raping a white woman in Central Park; he argued they were guilty as late as October 2016, more than 10 years after DNA evidence had exonerated them.
  • He began his 2016 presidential campaign with a speech disparaging Mexican immigrants as criminals and “rapists.”
  • He uses the gang MS-13 to disparage all immigrants. Among many other statements, he has suggested that Obama’s protection of the Dreamers — otherwise law-abiding immigrants who were brought to the United States illegally as children — contributed to the spread of MS-13.
  • In December 2015, Trump called for a “a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States,” including refusing to readmit Muslim-American citizens who were outside of the country at the time.
  • Trump said a federal judge hearing a case about Trump University was biased because of the judge’s Mexican heritage.
  • In June 2017, Trump said 15,000 recent immigrants from Haiti “all have AIDS” and that 40,000 Nigerians, once seeing the United States, would never “go back to their huts” in Africa.
  • At the White House on Jan. 11, Trump vulgarly called for less immigration from Haiti and Africa and more from Norway.
  • He spent years suggesting that the nation’s first black president was born not in the United States but in Kenya, a lie that Trump still has not acknowledged as such.
  • Trump called Obama (who was editor in chief of the Harvard Law Review) “a terrible student, terrible.” (Obama held a 3.4 gpa or B+ Average.)
  • Trump falsely claimed that President Obama “issued a statement for Kwanzaa but failed to issue one for Christmas.”
  • He often casts heavily black American cities as dystopian war zones. In a 2016 debate with Hillary Clinton, Trump said, “Our inner cities, African Americans, Hispanics are living in hell because it’s so dangerous. You walk down the street, you get shot.” Trump also said to black voters: “You’re living in poverty; your schools are no good; you have no jobs.”
I can go on for days.
Thank you. I didn't have the time.

It won't matter.
Well at least your somewhat truthful. In the lying aspect. Trump is NOT a racists. What has he ever done to be a racist? Russia... God the media has brain washed you. In a simple recap, Trump has been objectively harder on Russia than Obama was in terms of sanctions and economic policy. There is no debate here.

If Tump were a "traitor" he would be tried for treason like all traitors. We are not at war also...

Back to the main subject. I support Kavenough. Innocent until proven guilty. If he was ever to be proven guilty. I say throw the book at him.
why do you assume that everyone who doesn't like what you like has been brainwashed? are you the only person watching the news and thinking "what a load of horseshit" ? how about saying "there are good people on both sides." ...when referring to hate groups marching in cities that quite obviously don't want them there, but are required by the constitution to allow it? there are no good people in hate groups, and saying there are is validating racism and hate. that's our trump.

Trump’s real-estate company tried to avoid renting apartments to African-Americans in the 1970s and gave preferential treatment to whites, according to the federal government.

Trump treated black employees at his casinos differently from whites, according to multiple sources. A former hotel executive said Trump criticized a black accountant: “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. … I think that the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault, because laziness is a trait in blacks.”

In 1989, Trump took out ads in New York newspapers urging the death penalty for five black and Latino teenagers accused of raping a white woman in Central Park; he argued they were guilty as late as October 2016, more than 10 years after DNA evidence had exonerated them.

In 1989, on NBC, Trump said: “I think sometimes a black may think they don’t have an advantage or this and that. I’ve said on one occasion, even about myself, if I were starting off today, I would love to be a well-educated black, because I really believe they do have an actual advantage.”

He uses the gang MS-13 to disparage all immigrants. Among many other statements, he has suggested that Obama’s protection of the Dreamers — otherwise law-abiding immigrants who were brought to the United States illegally as children — contributed to the spread of MS-13.

Trump said a federal judge hearing a case about Trump University was biased because of the judge’s Mexican heritage.

He spent years suggesting that the nation’s first black president was born not in the United States but in Kenya, a lie that Trump still has not acknowledged as such.

Trump called Obama (who was editor in chief of the Harvard Law Review) “a terrible student, terrible.

Trump falsely claimed that President Obama “issued a statement for Kwanzaa but failed to issue one for Christmas.”

He often casts heavily black American cities as dystopian war zones. In a 2016 debate with Hillary Clinton, Trump said, “Our inner cities, African Americans, Hispanics are living in hell because it’s so dangerous. You walk down the street, you get shot.” Trump also said to black voters: “You’re living in poverty; your schools are no good; you have no jobs.”

He is quick to highlight crimes committed by dark-skinned people, sometimes exaggerating or lying about them (such as a claim about growing crime from “radical Islamic terror” in Britain). He is very slow to decry hate crimes committed by whites against dark-skinned people (such as the killing of an Indian man in Kansas last year).

He called Puerto Ricans who criticized his administration’s response to Hurricane Maria “politically motivated ingrates.”

After David Duke, the former leader of the Ku Klux Klan, endorsed him, Trump was reluctant to disavow Duke even when asked directly on television.

Trump hired Steve Bannon as his campaign head and later White House chief strategist. Under Bannon’s leadership, the website Breitbart made white nationalism a central theme. It featured a section, for example, on “black crime.”

Trump hired Steve Bannon as his campaign head and later White House chief strategist. Under Bannon’s leadership, the website Breitbart made white nationalism a central theme. It featured a section, for example, on “black crime.”

Trump pardoned – and fulsomely praises – Joe Arpaio, the Arizona sheriff sanctioned for racially profiling Latinos and for keeping immigrants in brutal prison conditions.

In a 1993 radio interview, he suggested that Native Americans in Connecticut were faking their ancestry. “I think I might have more Indian blood than a lot of the so-called Indians that are trying to open up the reservations.”

In a November 2017 meeting with Navajo veterans of World War II, Trump mocked Senator Elizabeth Warren as “Pocahontas.”

Trump has trafficked in anti-Semitic caricatures, including the tweeting of a six-pointed star alongside a pile of cash. He has also been reluctant to condemn anti-Semitic attacks on journalists from his supporters, and he echoed neo-Nazi conspiracy theories by saying that Hillary Clinton “meets in secret with international banks to plot the destruction of U.S. sovereignty in order to enrich these global financial powers, her special interest friends and her donors.”

In a White House meeting with a Korean-American intelligence analyst briefing him on Pakistan, Trump wondered aloud why she was not working on North Korea policy.

Trump once referred to a Hispanic Miss Universe as “Miss Housekeeping.”

took me 5 minutes to find this...makes me think that you're purposely not looking .....he's a fucking racist....tomorrow, examples of how trump hates women
Self immolation is a Buddhist practice, have you considered that it would make a more powerful statement than all your shitty aggressive deluded posts?
How is stuffing a red hot poker in someone’s ass going to help you attain “enlightenment”, or are you there already?

So I'm supposed to say, "that was so awesome, how about we make an appointment for you next time so as not to inconvenience you?"