Brett Support Therad.

I heard you jerked off on a pic of a 13yo girl and posted it, pedo mfr
Public records show Erin Gallagher was 18 years old in 2013 so like usual you are wrong

Why do you support a guy who bragged about walking in on naked underage girls? Are you a pedophile?
Public records show Erin Gallagher was 18 years old in 2013 so like usual you are wrong

Why do you support a guy who bragged about walking in on naked underage girls? Are you a pedophile?
Yea ok that proves your able to find a person with the same name who wad 18 at the time....nice try pedo guy....
Wow @UncleBuck. I’ve been reading here for a month silently and it has become apparent that the accusations about you are all true and all you got is projection, misdirection and lies to cast back.

And you are still here night and day pretending you are right about everything with the same few people agreeing with you.

The opposite of what you say keeps happening every step politically. Does it hurt to lose so often? Does anyone in real life even listen to you anymore? Because no one new has listened to you here and agreed with you since I have been around. That’s a couple years now.

You have convinced me not to vote for either party of hysterical self promoting lying idiots. And I came here to talk and learn more about politics. You sure screwed that up.

Have a nice day. ;-). Your desperation has been entertaining to a point. But you are too angry and confused to be taken seriously.
Predictable and boring as usual. Have fun with the small group meltdown. Maybe if you hold hands and stretch out it will seem like there are more of you.
Then brags about it while telling us how his life of fucking up is never his fault.

Didn't they fire him from a used car sales job because he never managed to sell one car? He just showed up on Friday for the free coffee and doughnuts.

No. You were simply baited to see how slanderous you can get.