Breeding strains


Well-Known Member
yea , I'm planing on buying all the 26 strains from a company and start doing some exparaments , 1 is to try to get a pure ferm seeds and hermi it and try to get it to produce male seeds


Well-Known Member
What company are you gonna use? Also curious as to how many of each 26 you are you gonna grow? I can give you a little info on the correct way to make feminized seeds that will be relatively hermie free. It's actually pretty difficult to do, I will explain later.

Also, if your intention is to get Male seeds from a plant that was sprouted from a feminized seed, I'm sorry to inform you that is not genetically possible. I'm also curious, why do you want to do this? I'm just wondering what you think you will achieve by doing this, so don't take it as criticism. I'm just curious. I'm sure you already know how feminized seeds are created. The pollen from a small hermaphrodite branch on a female plant is used to pollinate either itself, or another female plant. This is why the seeds are feminized. Because no males are used, instead of having a set of male chromosomes and a set of female chromosomes, you have two sets of female chromisomes. All offspring can only be female or hermaphrodite. it is actually very difficult to make hermaphrodite free feminized seeds, and even then they are not 100% but just 99% sure to be hermaphrodite free. Even if it is done correctly, you still get hermies. If done incorrectly you could easily end up half or more full-on hermaphrodite in your F1 generation.