Breeding for authentic sativa happiness. Mextiza, Thai, Angola, Senegal...

The plants I made using the Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze and the great Mextiza male have spent one month curing, so now it is the moment to test them.


The buds are rounded, resinous and not very compact, but the smell is more intense than Super Silver's. Nice lemon with a bitter point.

Sweet smokes
Nice thread! Lovely looking strains. Going to have to find a nice sativa to grow next cycle now. How tall do they get usually? You get good size colas for just 3L pots!

I've had plants taller than 170 cm with HPS lamps, but most of stretch is spectrum-dependant. Now with LEDs I can manage quite well even with landrace sativas. I rarely go over 150 cm now even with the most extreme ones. I also trim some tops.
They are now at 7 and a half weeks, and they are getting closer to the finish line. I've set 9 weeks but they are different and they need different times, some will need more for sure.
The buds start maturing but at the same time the tips keep growing and growing flowers, so they can get quite productive.
There are some that are very similar in bud formation to the Thai Angola. The flowers are specially tiny and delicate, and the resin forms a white coating of very very little trichomes.
Others are more similar to Mextiza. I'll be watching the effect and taste of all of them.
These are three of the bunch. Most of them are that tall, but there are a couple of specimens that remained under control.


This one is one of the short ones, but the buds and the resin are very promising. It is the same doubled tipped plant of the last post.


All the plants are resinous, but some of them are a pleasure to the sight, and these two also show different structures. .

I believe the structure of the bud can condition the production and also the potency, so the selection has to be done carefully and thoroughly.


I'm already eager to smoke them. Right now, I prefer them to both the Thai Angola and the Mextiza, that are two incredible sativas.

Sweet smokes
Just a couple of pics of a cola I liked. I've started harvesting them at 8 and a half weeks. They need more time but I've found a couple of bananas in two plants and besides, they are that many and they are that tall that it is the hell to water them and keep them standing straight up.


Sweet smokes
The last of the Mextizas I chose are already revegging. That's nice, I'll have a couple of extra specimens to keep working. I'll try to select the best in a common run soon.


Also I have a good amount of Thai Angola Mextiza females to work with. I've found one of the females to be extremely similar to the original Thai Angola in bud structure and smell, that kind of proves that this cross could produce anything in between the two strains. I'll start smoking them in a couple of weeks.

It would be nice to select the most similar to the Mextiza to make a backcross to Mextiza with the frozen pollen I keep, and the most similar to the Thai Angola to make a backcross to the Thai Angola.

Sweet smokes
I've got the plants (Thai Angola Mextiza) curing. I'm working now with just 10 females, and I've started to make annotations on flavor and smell before smoking. Some bitter lemon, and some different mixtures of perfumes. Some even have a complex bitter, acid smell that makes it attractive and repulsive at the same time, like if it was a chemical poison smell.

Average weight was 24g dry bud per plant, not much if compared with a commercial strain. But this was a seed run, so I guess under better conditions better harvests can be easily reached.

In a couple of weeks I'll meet some friends and I'll give a bunch of buds to them to get some help getting the best descriptions of each of these mother plants and keep narrowing the selection.

Sweet smokes
I've selected some males from a bunch of Thai Angola Mextiza to backcross. But this time I'm backcrossing to the Thai Angola, so I have some of this to work in the future from seed and find some variation.

I've got four flowering under a window, and this is just one of them, but all of them are very similar and their timid, sative flowering contrasts with the explosive flowering of the females. They've been flowering for just two weeks, so they are quick.


Between yesterday and today I pollinated the four Thai Angola Mextiza plants I selected several months ago. Two of them are very similar to the Mextiza, so they are the way to keep the interesting qualities of this fine herb: a strong effect and aroma and a quick maturation.

The other two are more in the middle of these two strains, with a more stimulating effect, a bigger production and maybe a little more maturation time.

I selected the 4 Thai Angola Mextiza between around 20 females and the main criteria was the effect of the weed. I had to seek for help because most of the plants were quite similar.

I'll upload some pictures soon.

Sweet smokes
These are Thai Angola Mextiza number #3 and #27. They produced the weed that matched the Mextiza the best. Both of the plants made strong and aromatic weed, and I couldn't say which one was better.

Their stems have a very distinct structure that comes straight from the Thai Angola. They are very thin and straight and they show strong angles while branching. They also have an uncommon polygonal section, very distinct from the Mextiza's smooth and round surface.

I pollinated them two days ago but I can already see that many pistils have changed color. That's a good omen and it usually means that the pollination has worked.


I'm very happy with these plants. I'll have to check the seeds, but I foresee a very good quality on these, after all the work of selection I performed on the previous generations.

Sweet smokes
These are a couple of cuts of the Thai Angola Mextiza #27 that I had in excess. I'm going to put them into flower.

The stem structure and color is basically the same of Thai Angola's. These are extremely slender plants with geometric red patterns in their stems. These stems are very straight between branches but change their angle in every branch. For some strange reason this sativa has darker leaves than its parents.

I include a closer view. I like these stems, but they might have problems holding the weight of the buds. That's not a standard hybrid, and Indicas always have a much stronger structure.


The pollination seemed to work well in the specimens I've already put into flowering, I can see calyxes already swelling.

Sweet smokes
This is just one Thai Angola Mextiza I grow out of a seed, I mean, it is not a selected specimen. I put this plant outdoors just not to interfere with my indoor growing, and it would be nice if I had a couple more of weeks of sun, but I'm happy that it isn't rotten even after several weeks of rain we've had, other than some scarce powdery mould I found in a few leaves.

I'm at near 43ºN latitude in a rainy coastal zone, so middle October is the best we can do without a greenhouse. I'm not putting her indoors because I don't want to bring bugs inside.

The SSSDH I had outdoors was rotting and full of mildew and didn't produce shit, so I cut it some days ago. I know it is not a strain intended for outdoors, but it is nice to compare. Jack Herer would do better outdoors for sure than SSSDH, but not as much as TAM.

Anyway, I bet this TAM is going to rock. There is always something special with outdoor plants.

Some pictures of the TAM (Thai Angola x Mextiza) #27 after 5 weeks 12/12. These are terrible pictures, but I couldn't do better and lights just turned off.

I've made some digital zoom on them to get a closer view of all this resin they are growing over and under the leaves.

IMGP5706 - Copy.JPGIMGP5707 - Copy.JPGIMGP5707.JPGIMGP5708.JPG

I've also cut the four selected plants pollinated with the last Mextiza male I had, 6 weeks after pollination. There will be nice seeds out of there.

Sweet smokes
There are some new pictures from my lovely ladies TAM #25 and #27 at 9 weeks, these are the only ones I grew this cycle. Very resinous. The #25's stem broke when I was handling her. The stems are really slender, but still stronger than Mextiza's.


There were some little differences between these plants, so I don't know yet which one of the four I selected I'll keep at the end. I'll need plenty of smoking experiences to make such an important decision.

Enjoy life
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The pollination I made some time ago using the last Mextiza males I had has been a success. It means that there will be many seeds from the backcross Mextiza x (Thai Angola x Mextiza).

These are just the seeds I had to go through just to make a couple of joints out of the TAM #27 I harvested 6 weeks ago. These plants are heavily seeded, so there will be plenty more seeds from the four different plants I selected.



TAM #3 and #27 were the most mextiza-like of the bunch. I guess this cross will get nice and strong plants, very similar to the Mextiza, with a better genetic pool.

TAM #15 and #25 were somewhere in the middle between Mextiza and Thai Angola.

Let's see what we get from them.

Sweet smokes