Breeding for authentic sativa happiness. Mextiza, Thai, Angola, Senegal...

Subbing onto this one already from the first few posts. Lots of love for quest of "Happy weed", its always my favorite. The kind of weed that just feels like someone put the sun into your chest and expanded it until all you feel are smiles.

Tambien un gusto ver un hilo bilingue :)

Ill take my time and read thru this but id like to post a question hoping that maybe there someone Spanish out there (or from anywhere else) that could answer my question:

Its regarding some weed i bought once (never seen it again) in Barcelona from a strain called Katemate or maybe divided as Kate Mate. It was the smile-iest happy weed i ever tried and many times ive tried researching it or getting seeds with no joy. Seems like its Spain based and something very much off the Forums. Ive seen it mentioned like twice online but no real info, only people asking about it. Someone mentioned it in connection with Osuna somewhere but no more info. Is there anyone who knows something about this strain and how one would access it? It could be the last and only weed i ever smoke, i liked it that much.
@Ailalelo any idea? I know its a shot in the dark.
Muchos saludos y me pongo a leer el resto del hilo
I spared some males of the Thai Angola Mextiza to pollinate a couple of plants. For a productive weed with a nice effect, I'll pollinate a Jack Herer, but I'm curious also about the mix of aromas hybridating TAM with something as tasty as Black Domina.

These are the four males I chose. They are just 3 weeks into flower, but they have already produced a good amount of yellow powder.


I'll show the result of the pollination. Sweet smokes

These are the feminized Thai Angola x Jack Herer. They are at their 34th day since put in soil, and I can fell how much they grow every day. Well, that's about the 34 plants in the upper side. There are some foreign cuts in the left bottom corner of the picture.

They grow so much that, in the test grow, they were put to flower with just 5 weeks since planted, and they made big productive plants.

I want to flower them soon and make a great harvest before the heat starts. Last years, I had problems growing further than April, since in April we had a great heat wave already.


All of these plants, but one, come from the feminised Thai Angola x Jack Herer seeds I made. The test grow proved they are productive and the dried buds smell like citric and solvent. I've just put all them in the flowering tent, but I believe they'll grow too much this time, they are about 25 cm tall and show quite a good branching, they are around 7 knots tall.

I plan to harvest in 10 weeks. And I love the idea of starting the summer with a big bag of this shit.


Sweet smokes
This is the picture of the same tent, exactly one month later. The Thai Angola Jack Herer did't grow as much as expected, maybe because of the cold in the first days of flowering. But they nicely filled the space.

Also, the pollination I performed in several plants with the pollen of four different Thai Angola Mextiza males appears to be working. These plants are a Black Domina, a Jack Herer and the selected specimen of TAM for F2. I'll take some pictures.

Sweet smokes
Hi. This is the same tent filled with Thai Angola x Jack Herer, at 8 weeks. There is quite a lot of variation between the plants, but most of them look resinous and nice, and there are some plants that look really productive, shiny and full of compact hard buds. I'll keep a couple of them I like a lot.


I'll harvest at 10 weeks. Now I'm feeding some stronger PK supplement, but since some sativas are picky I hope they'll take it well.

These are some of the specimens I like


Last week I smoked some of this weed from the run test, cured for 4 and a half months, and I got unexpectedly high. You know, sativas usually need a long curing time. I always thought that a two months cure was the perfect point to enjoy the high and also the flavor and aromas, but now I believe some plants can need more.

I always felt that weed cured over 5 or 6 months would lose quite lot of aroma, and the high would be worse, sleepier every day after 6 months, but maybe I have to rethink that.

Sweet smokes
These are the first seeds from the Jack impregnated with Thai Angola Mextiza males. They are as big as indica seeds, and this is one of the clearest signals of the indica heritage in the Jack. The very big size of Jack's trichomes is other of these characteristics that are easy to spot.

The seeds made with the Black Domina are already in the fridge, and the TAM F2 is going to be harvested soon.

It is great that in the hybrid between the Jack and the Thai Angola you can find all these characteristics mixed, so to choose the preferred individuals. I really want to see how this Jack crosses with the TAM males, since the Mextiza gives nice strong flavors in the flowers of its offspring, and a lot of growing energy.

Sweet smokes
Harvest time is coming for these Jack Herer Thai Angola ladies, as they are now at 9 and 1/2 weeks. Most of the plants have hard shiny buds and I've chosen some of the more productive ones with the best bud shape. Some aren't that good, they have less bud or the flower looks fluffier, but in average this run from seed has been very successful in spite of spider mites. I made all of it in a 1,2 x 1,2 meters tent with 600W COBs.

About a couple of weeks ago the stems of the taller plants started collapsing, and it would take a lot of effort to tie and to fix every plant, so I didn't care much. You can see the mess in the pictures of the tent. That's some of the shit I hate sativas for. Taskenti or Black Domina would never do that.


This is a thin slender one, about 80 cm tall, not very productive, that would thank some weeks more.


These are the two plants I chose to keep for a while between the 22 females. They are productive and squat with hard shiny buds. I chose them because I want to pick one that looks similar in production and bud shape as the JH


I put the 2l bottle in the back to make a kind of scale. Sweet smokes
Less than two weeks after harvesting these two plants in the last pic (Thai Angola Jack Herer), one of them has started vegging again. I'm used to wait about a month for any plant to start vegging again. So that's a real new record for me, and maybe a measure of how energetic and adaptable these plants are.


Sweet smokes
This is my mother of Thai Angola, I'll take some cuts soon. It grows thin and slender like no other, and I find the polygon-like section of the stems very specific of this one.


Sweet smokes
This week I pollinated a couple of plants (a Jack Herer and a Thai Angola) with pollen from an STSed selected Thai Angola Mextiza, just to make some female seeds of these very promising crosses.

At the same time, I've started a test grow to see how these first regular seeds of Jack Herer x TAM and Black Domina x TAM behave. I used several TAM males. It will serve to have an approximation of the feminized cross, made with selected females.

I planted more from the BDxTAM, maybe too many, since I made this cross out of pure curiosity and it doesn't affect my breeding work with sativas.


Sweet smokes