**BREEDERS BOUTIQUE -F.U.B.A.R.- 1000 Watt Soil GROW** Let the good times roll.

Sinbad the comedian. SUPER corny jokes!

Sinbad!!! Makes me feel lucky that my kid didn't come out that way! Redhead x Angryblackman could produce a Sinbad pheno! LOL

My sweet, sweet babies look so sad after their topping:( Got some yellow on the bottom set of leaves so i gave them some more nutes today, plus some Vitamno from Botanicare and a pinch of Rysophere ZHO. I hope they perk back up soon:) As soon as they recover sufficiently they will be put into the larger pots for the long march to Cuttsville.

In other news i went to the Hospital today to get an eye exam, and the Optometrist was horribly attractive. She was maybe 25 and looked like Frida Pinto in Slumdog Millionaire:
Best eye exam ever!!!
My optition is a hot little indian chick with mahoosive tits lmao, thanks for reminding me i have to make an appointment for next week.
LOL~ u guys are hysterical.".horribly attractive" ..seems like those 2 words just don't belong together. And mahoosive ..that is a very funny expressive word.good luck with the transplant Hydra, im sure the babys will bounce bounce bounce back in No time at all. yeah I been thinkin im just better off moving back to Washington next year. I still have my house there and might try to get a job in the new cannabis industry up there. After what happened down here with my skin cancer its best I stay under the clouds and rain as much as I can.
LOL~ u guys are hysterical.".horribly attractive" ..seems like those 2 words just don't belong together. And mahoosive ..that is a very funny expressive word.good luck with the transplant Hydra, im sure the babys will bounce bounce bounce back in No time at all. yeah I been thinkin im just better off moving back to Washington next year. I still have my house there and might try to get a job in the new cannabis industry up there. After what happened down here with my skin cancer its best I stay under the clouds and rain as much as I can.

Ya i feel ya! DO it, then we can trade Colorado and Washington Genetics!!! Time to get the hell out of the desert!

HEre are my babies! They are all better from the topping. Hem has done a GREAT job on this one, so far she is vigorous and healthy!

Foliar feeding with Liquid karma, GH floralicious super concentrate , and some Pure blend grow

Mixing the soil today, back is sore as hell but it must be done!

FINALLY DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Transplanted and fed Mycrosphere to the root ball. Next few day will be fun!
Lol, we are use to being murdered by the English......been happening for centuries, haha.
man your set for lift off! girls look fine in their new homes. and sinbad i get now, i watched an american dad with him in just the other day, was like who the fuck is sinbad?! the pirate dude from centuries ago lmao.