**BREEDERS BOUTIQUE -F.U.B.A.R.- 1000 Watt Soil GROW** Let the good times roll.

Hem, I just got a msg off Don about Raiderman. Really I have no clue what you or Raiderman are talking about. I would really like to know what is going on as if someone is using my name/avatar and trolling him then I would like RIU/Admin to look into this................and come on man, since when was I a troll? You should have more faith in a bru, Hem!...innocent until proven guilty and all that ffs.

Sorry mate he came to me. I asked was he sure it was you. before a approached Don.. Semper fi wouldn't let you down now.
I have no clue what he's going on about, Hem. As I said to Don, I remember him making a comment about a post on the 600 that I had seemingly made, but the post wasn't there. I asked him then what he was talking about, so it's obviously been going on for a while. I'll contact an Admin and ask them to look into it (is it on RIU that he is getting trolled?) Lets call Scooby Doo and Shaggy in, perhaps with them and Thelma and Daphne we can get to the bottom of it:)
I know we are all good, Hem, but I would like to know who is pretending to be me, (it's almost flattering, ahahaha). I am like Henry the mild mannered Janitor in real life, trolling is not what's I do:)
Hem, can you ask Raiderman exactly what account on riu is trolling him? cheers, D
Hi Hydra and all,

Just stopped in to see/say hi. Hope all is well. Looks to be some form of bs going for yas...sorry to hear
HI AZONEd! HI HYDRA! congratulations on your new baby!!!! U ready for a blunt off or what? I got fat my fat blunt all ready to fire up with yu homie! my Jack Herer really came around with the cure and ive been sooo zoned .lts really got my creative energy a flowing . been spending a lot of time in my studio painting Aliens.lol take care bud and hope school is going well for ya. hope to see you soon pal.
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A BABY!!!! well a big congrats.
..... when I catch up with yas. Both of my homebrews did really well.
Yes Amber !! Only have 4 more days of school left this semester then i will get in contact! You MUST try this FUBAR! Its pretty dame good for creativity thats for sure!!!

And thanks! Im looking forward to fatherhood very much:)
maybe I can get with y'all during your break. I will be in town toward the end of the mo. Doc has my # and name..
Hey H-

Dont suppose your still around? Still got that fubar? I grew it out as well, and its my white unicorn strain that haunts my dreams lol