Breaking The Taboo

Yes this is worth the time to Watch.

It's new and modern.

I agree drugs are a medical issue and jail is not the answer.
It's only an hour long, if you haven't seen it yet, you should. Obviously most of us would agree, but even to an outsider it's definitely an eye opener.

Cannabis should not be grouped with the rest of the drugs on the market IMHO. Poppy plants and coca plants are naturally occurring in the world as well, and from what I understand, are completely harmless on their own. The refinement into illicit drugs is what makes them harmful ... and it's also what makes any pill manufactured in a lab dangerous too. People don't need high concentrates of those substances, in fact it's harmful. Yet in a holistic way they can be used, like many other things that are naturally occurring in the world.

People don't want addictions, and adding legal ramifications doesn't quell usage. Deal with addiction as it is, don't add more problems.
IMHO, a good and important film. In fact, your post reminded me about this in general, so I just made a more generic thread listing the four films I'm aware of. If there are others, people can add them to the list. Thanks.
I remember watching a Youtube debate on the "War on Drugs" and it was very productive. It's a shame that nothing ever came of it though. I think it was a show called Intelligence squared.
Magneter, that's the Intelligence squared debate again. We're all getting the "Private video" error while trying to get to Breaking The Taboo. PRIVATE??? Did they all take time out of their busy schedules to make this production so they could all watch it by themselves while jerking off? YOUTUBE got paid to suppress it. Does anyone know of a way to watch the video another way?