Well-Known Member
I'm 3 months into a grow and everything's going good except the past few days my two 600 watt lights have been tripping and shutting off. I have them plugged into one timer (good for 1800 watts) and the timers plugged into a 25 foot extension cord that runs to a different part of the building. I pictured the cord. And I examined it very closely for damage it seems fine. The part that plugs into the wall is starting to yellow tho from heating up I presume? Can anyone give me insight as to why this might be happening. Is the cord just starting to fail from having 1200 watts run through it 12 hours a day? Should I replace the cord? Or maybe try to split the 600 watts up and power the other 600 off a different socket. I'm in Canada so the walls sockets are 120v pretty sure.